To install and run microsnp:
$ git clone
$ cd microsnp
$ pip install .
To view all program options:
$ microsnp -h
To view prompts for an individual function:
$ microsnp mpileup_multi -h
MicroSNP aims to automate the finding of SNPs and other variants for every species present in a metagenomic data set.
The objective of this program is to find SNPs present for all species in a .bam file where a .bam file represents a subject’s metagenomic snapshot at a specific time point. It is a python wrapper around the command-line bcftools functions. Bcftools 1.7+ is required.
When doing SNP calling or even working with .bam (samtools alignment files) there is a different file extension that is added/appended after every step in the pipeline. The core of the program is to find files with a specified file_extension and then perform a function on them.
- Bcftools 1.7+
- reference.fasta - file containing reference genomes of all the known species you wish to find SNPs for.
The first step is to run a mpileup of all the samples for a particular subject to create a read coverage summary vcf.
microsnp mpileup_multi <path_to_files> <file_extension> <path_to_reference> --<path_to_output>
microsnp mpileup_multi /path/to/snp_project/ .bam /path/to/reference.fasta /path/to/snp_project/mpileups
For the mpileup_multi function to work the files need to be in the following directory structure:
|------- subject1_T1.sorted.bam
If you don’t have multiple samples for the same subject you can use:
microsnp mpileup_single <path_to_file> <file_extension> <path_to_reference> --<path_to_output>
Specifying an output path --path_to_output is optional.
bcftools mpileup parameters are hard-coded and optimized for microbial data. If you have a memory limitation change --max-depth paramater.
Filter sequences that passed filter defined in mpileup
microsnp filter_qual <path_to_files> <file_extension>
microsnp filter_qual /path/to/snp_project/mpileups .flt.vcf
Filter by DP (FORMAT field)
microsnp filter_dp -h
microsnp filter_dp <path_to_files> <file_extension> <DP> <expr>
microsnp filter_dp /path/to/snp_project/mpileups/ .fltq.vcf 10 MIN
Filter by DP & GQ (FORMAT field)
microsnp filter_dp_gq <path_to_files> <file_extension> <DP> <expr> <GQ>
microsnp filter_dp_gq /path/to/snp_project/mpileups/ .fltq.vcf 10 AVG 50
Check to make sure each file is properly compressed e.g. is a bg-zipped file
microsnp htsfile /path/to/snp_project/mpileups .vcf.gz
microsnp index_vcf /path/to/snp_project/mpileups .vcf.gz
microsnp filter_species /path/to/snp_project/mpileups .vcf.gz
Will create a new vcf file for each species found in individual subject vcfs e.g.
- allobacillus_halotolerans_subject1.fltqs.vcf.gz
- escherichia_coli_subject1.fltqs.vcf.gz
microsnp index_vcf /path/to/snp_project/mpileups/ fltqs.vcf.qz
microsnp bcftools_norm /path/to/snp_project/mpileups/ fltqs.vcf.qz path/to/reference.fasta
microsnp bcftools_merge_norms /path/to/snp_project/mpileups/ .norm.fltqs.vcf.qz
This generates a vcf file which contains all the SNPs or variants for a given species across all your samples. This can be imported into VcfR for further analysis.
pip install .
error: error in 'egg_base' option: 'src' does not exist or is not a directory
pip version needs to be pip3. Check if pip3 is installed:
which pip3
If pip3 is installed edit your ~/.bashrc file with the following:
nano ~/.bashrc
alias pip=pip3