DO NOT USE IT UNTIL IT IS FIXED (this message will be removed)
An installation module for the PHosPhore PHP framework
This installation module allow to automatically set framework's option
- PHosPhore framework
Drag and drop the files into the src folder into your PHosPhore root directory (which contains index.php
This module is needed before the first loading of PHosPhore. After its installation, load the page like any hosted website. Then, if all works, you can delete it.
This module add a single hook named phosphore_installation.php
after the logger initialisation (at core/index/start_after_logger).
- The hook load the config, lang and locale file of the module, and checks if the installed_file exists, which mean the mod is already installed.
- If the installed_file does not exist, the script start the installation, if it does, the framework load directly.
- It checks if the secret_file exists, and if not, generates it.
- It checks if secret was given before, and store it in session if it is.
- It checks if the secret stored in session exist and is valid, if it's invalid, the hook generate a new secret, if it does not exist, the script generate a form to enter it.
- It checks in which stage the script is, using the stage_file or trying the database connection if it does not exist.
The hook generate a form to enter the parameter to generate a configuration file and a database
The hook:
- generate a config file with the given parameter
- generate the database with the given parameter
- delete the stage_file, the secret_file and create the installed_file
- continue the loading of the framework
- gugus2000 - intial work
We use SemVer for versioning.
This project is licensied under the Chocolate-Ware License - see the LICENSE file for more information