I use my Node in ETH Goerli to extract informations
node Geth.js
Q1 : Get the Eth balance of an account (1 pts) aller sur l'IPC pour avoir tous les module ou sinon ajouter les modules à Geth dans le fichier service qui lance Geth
Q2 : Get a list of the IPs of all the nodes your node is connected to (2 pts) admin.peers admin.peers.forEach(function(value){console.log(value.network.remoteAddress+"\t"+value.name)})
Q3 : Add another node of the class as a peer (2pts)
Q4 : Get a list of all the transactions in block 8017276 (2 pts)
Q5 : Get a list of all the transactions in your mempool (2 pts)
Q6 : Get a list of all the events in transaction 0x78482d3e5b5c3f4fd73df433343ab83160a90af8a0aaa25259c3117965af5d3d (2 pts)
Q7 : Get a list of all transactions sent to aave faucet minter (Find its address) (3 pts)
Q8 : Get a list of all addresses that claimed USDC directly on the aave minter (Find its address) (3 pts)
Q9 : Get a list of all users that deposited money,directly and indirectly (through a smart contract) in AAVE USDT market (3 pts)