Teng Li*, Liwen Zhang*, Youcheng Zhang, et al., AdaPKC: PeakConv with Adaptive Peak Receptive Field for Radar Semantic Segmentation, accepted by NeurIPS 2024 (* Equal Contributions).
We illustrate the observed variations in target signatures and interfering signals in the radar frequency map as follows.
To achieve consistent interference (noise/clutter) suppression under the dynamic and time-varying nature of radar signals, we first propose an updated version of PKC, named
$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ . -
We also propose another updated version of PKC, named
$\text{AdaPKC}^{\theta}$ . -
To better release the learning ability of AdaPKC, we propose a fine-tuning technology, termed as FiTOS.
This repository contains the implementation of AdaPKC including
- The model definition files are located in
, whereadapkc_xi.py
defines$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ and$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ w/ FiTOS,adapkc_xi_faster.py
defines accelerated$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ andadapkc_theta.py
defines$\text{AdaPKC}^{\theta}$ ; - The detailed test results of AdaPKC-Net in submitted paper are provided at
:- Results for
$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ w/ FiTOS: seeAdaPKC/test_results/metrics_adapkc_xi_fitos.json
; - Results for
$\text{AdaPKC}^{\theta}$ : seeAdaPKC/test_results/metrics_adapkc_theta.json
- Results for
The models are trained and tested on the CARRADA dataset, its calibrated version CARRADA-RAC dataset, and the KuRALS dataset (released soon).
The CARRADA dataset is available on Arthur Ouaknine's personal web page at this link: https://arthurouaknine.github.io/codeanddata/carrada.
The CARRADA-RAC code can be found at CARRADA-RAC.
Our KuRALS dataset will be released for research purposes soon.
We provide instructions on how to install dependencies via conda and pip:
- Create and activate a new conda environment:
$ conda create -n adapkc python=3.7
$ conda activate adapkc
- Git clone this repository and install it using pip:
$ git clone https://github.com/lihua199710/AdaPKC
$ cd AdaPKC/
$ pip install -e .
With this, you can edit the AdaPKC code on the fly and import function and classes of AdaPKC in other projects as well.
- Install pytorch using conda:
$ conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
- (Optional) Install correlation package for the usage of accelerated
$\text{AdaPKC}^{\xi}$ : First assign the python path of theadapkc
conda environment, such ashome/miniconda/envs/adapkc/include/python3.7m
, toinclude_dirs
in adapkc/correlation/setup.py. Then run the following command lines:
$ pip install ninja
$ cd adapkc/correlation
$ python setup.py install
- Install other dependencies using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Optional) To uninstall this package, run:
$ pip uninstall AdaPKC
In any case, it is mandatory to specify beforehand both the path where the CARRADA or CARRADA-RAC dataset is located and the path to store the logs and models. For example: I put the Carrada folder in /home/datasets_local, the path I should specify is /home/datasets_local. The same way if I store my logs in /home/logs. Please run the following command lines while adapting the paths to your settings:
$ cd adapkc/utils/
$ python set_paths.py --carrada /home/datasets_local --logs /home/logs
In order to train a model, a JSON configuration file should be set. The configuration file corresponding to the selected parameters to train AdaPKC/adapkc/config_files/adapkc_xi.json
, AdaPKC/adapkc/config_files/adapkc_xi_faster.json
, AdaPKC/adapkc/config_files/adapkc_theta.json
and AdaPKC/adapkc/config_files/adapkc_finetune.json
, respectively. For example, to train the AdaPKC-Theta architecture, please run the following command lines:
$ cd AdaPKC/adapkc/
$ bash train.sh
To test a recorded model, you should specify the configuration file and the path of model weights. For example, if you want to test the /home/logs/carrada/adapkc_theta/name_of_the_model/results/model.pt
, you should assign this path to model-path
in test.sh. This way, you should execute the following command lines:
$ cd AdaPKC/adapkc/
$ bash test.sh
Note: the current implementation of this script will not generate qualitative results in your log folder. You can enable this behavior by setting get_quali=True
in the parameters of the predict()
method of the Tester()
- Thank CARRADA dataset for providing the CARRADA dataset.
- Thank PKC for providing the CARRADA-RAC code.
- Thank MVRSS and PKC for providing the basic model framework of multi-view RSS network.
- The paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2024. The camera-ready paper for AdaPKC is coming soon, and we will provide the long extension version on arxiv.
The AdaPKC repo is released under the Apache 2.0 license.