BISMO ( BIg Screen MOderator ) is intended to run on Android Devices with big screens ( Tablet / GoogleTV ) where the watching crowd can vote for the content displayed
TV's are corrupting the brains of humans - it is hard to get rid of those, but we can change the content displayed
- the App running on the Big Screen Device ( from now on called BSD :-)
- Installed Apps on the BSD that obey the NOIF ( NO Interaction and Finite ) Specification
- client app(s) for voting
- Backend ( AppEngine )
- video player
- gobandroid ( replaying go games ) - easy task to implement that as it is already NOI in TV mode - just need to add the F part ;-)
- picture dia show ( doing something like this in my 20% project at the company I am working at the moment )
- Twiter Wall
- website display
ideas for other NOI apps:
- YouTube / vimeo player
- G+ wall
- hdmi playout
- ...
- if there are no votes => all registered NOIF's get time equally
- there can be auto-votes configured ( e.g. Thursdays at +c-base spacestation a vote for +gobandroid in TV mode as there is go lounge )
- in a later phase ( will not fit in the 48h implementation frame ) add algorithms to detect voting patterns and replay them