I wrote this code a few years ago as a concept, and since then streaming music web/mobile/native clients have really exploded onto the scene. Despite this, I decided to rewrite the application for a bit of fun anyway, it sure has been! Although I think there is not much reason to keep going with it given the alternatives out there, archiving this project.
- PHP >= 7.4, 8.1 recommended
- PHP SQlite3 extension
- Composer (getcomposer.org)
- NodeJS v10.x
- Node Package Manager (npm)
- Bash shell for installer script
- HTML5 compliant browser (everybody has one these days)
- In the project root directory run:
composer install
npm install
npm run build
- To setup the directories & permissions the project needs, and setup the all important database:
npm run setup
- Once the installer has run you'd need to run this on a web server that uses PHP such as Nginx with php-fpm.
You would expose the
folder on the webserver to the network with the anything outside of that not exposed.
Or you can use simply use PHP's built-in server. I have included a shell script which can be run by running:
npm run serve
In the project root. This will spin up a local web server running on port 8000.
- Enjoy