Module for handling datetime in JSON messages in RFC3339 format
go get
Inside the module there is a new type UTCTime
UTCTime must be used in place of datetime fields as they support direct JSON conversion
type Request struct {
EndTime utctime.UTCTime `json:"end_time"`
StartTime utctime.UTCTime `json:"start_time"`
EndDate utctime.UTCDate `json:"end_date"`
StartDate utctime.UTCDate `json:"start_date"`
utclocalized = utctime.ToSPTimeZone()
// utctime to string formated yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ssZ
formatedstr := utctime.String()
// utctime to string formated yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ss.000Z
formatedstr := utctime.StringMiliseconds()
// string to utctime
utctime = utctime.ParseToUTCTime(datetimeString)
// time.Time to UTCTime
utctime = UTCTime(time)
// UTCTime to time.Time
timet = time.Time(utctime)
// **** DATE ****
date = UTCDate(time.Now())
// utctime to string formated yyyy-mm-dd
formatedstr := date.String()
// string to UTCDate
utcdate = utctime.ParseToUTCDate(time.Now().String())
// time.Time to UTCDate
utcdate = UTCDate(time)
// UTCDate to time.Time
timet = time.Time(utcdate)
👤 Eduardo Mello
- Gitlab: @[email protected]
👤 Vinícius Deuner
- Gitlab: @[email protected]
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