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Merge pull request #23 from SebastianHavens/master
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Adding the fortran implementation of the WRDF potential (originally published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22,10624)
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liviabp authored Jun 20, 2024
2 parents a4e97d0 + 251b20e commit 99f9c90
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Showing 3 changed files with 400 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
include Makefile.arch

F90_MODEL_UTILS = example_mat_mod.F90 example_LJ_params_mod.F90 example_bead_spring_polymer_params_mod.F90 example_Jagla_params_mod.F90 example_CollapsingSpheres_params_mod.F90
F90_MODEL_UTILS = example_mat_mod.F90 example_LJ_params_mod.F90 example_bead_spring_polymer_params_mod.F90 example_Jagla_params_mod.F90 example_CollapsingSpheres_params_mod.F90 Wang_LJ_params_mod.F90

F90_MODELS = $(wildcard *_model.F90)

Expand Down
390 changes: 390 additions & 0 deletions Wang_LJ_model.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
! publically accessible things required for interface to pymatnest
! subroutine ll_init_model(N_params, params)
! integer :: N_params ! number of parameters
! double precision :: params(N_params) ! list of parameters
! initializes potential
! subroutine ll_init_config(N, Z, pos, cell, Emax)
! integer :: N ! number of atoms
! integer :: Z(N) ! atomic numbers of atoms
! double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3) ! positions, cell vectors
! double precision :: Emax ! maximum energy for config acceptance
! initializes a configuration with energy < Emax
! config will be tested for failure after return
! double precision function ll_eval_energy(N, Z, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell)
! integer :: N ! number of atoms
! double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3) ! positions, cell vectors
! integer :: n_extra_data ! width of extra data array
! double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N) ! extra data on output
! evaluates energy of a config, sets extra_data, returns energy
! integer function ll_move_atom_1(N, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell, d_i, d_pos, dEmax, dE)
! integer :: N ! number of atoms
! double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3) ! positions, cell vectors, on output updated (pos only) to be consistent with acceptance/rejection
! integer :: n_extra_data ! width of extra data array
! double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N) ! extra data on input, on output updated to be consistent with acceptance/rejection
! integer :: d_i ! index of atom to be perturbed, 1-based (called from fortran_MC())
! double precision :: d_pos(3) ! displacement of perturbed atom
! double precision :: dEmax ! maximum change in energy for move acceptance
! double precision :: dE ! on output actual change in energy, 0.0 if move is rejected
! moves an atom if dE < dEmax
! if move is accepted, updates pos, extra_data, sets dE
! if move is rejected, nothing is updated, dE set to 0.0
! returns 1 for accept, 0 for reject
! double precision function ll_eval_forces(N, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell, forces)
! integer :: N ! number of atoms
! double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3), forces(3,N) ! positions, cell vectors, forces
! integer :: n_extra_data ! width of extra data array
! double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N) ! extra data on output
! evaluates forces, sets extra_data
! returns energy


subroutine ll_init_model(N_params, params)
use Wang_LJ_params_mod
implicit none
integer :: N_params
double precision :: params(N_params)

epsilon(1,1) = 1.0
epsilon(2,2) = 1.0
epsilon(1,2) = 1.0
epsilon(2,1) = epsilon(1,2)

sigma(1,1) = 1.0
sigma(2,2) = 1.0
sigma(1,2) = (sigma(1,1)+sigma(2,2))/2.0
sigma(2,1) = sigma(1,2)

if (N_params==1) then

mu = 1
nu = 1

cutoff = 2.0
cutoff_sq = cutoff*cutoff

alpha = 1.0


mu = int(params(1))
nu = int(params(2))

cutoff = params(3)*sigma
cutoff_sq = cutoff*cutoff

write(*,*) "User defined parameters:"
write(*,*) "(1)-(1) epsilon = ", epsilon(1,1)," (2)-(2) epsilon = ", epsilon(2,2)
write(*,*) "(1)-(1) sigma = ", sigma(1,1)," (2)-(2) sigma = ", sigma(2,2)
write(*,*) "Mixed term LJ parameters are calculated using the", &
&" Lorenz-Berthelot rule."
write(*,*) "mu = ", mu, " nu = ", nu
write(*,*) "cutoff (1) = ", cutoff(1,1), " cutoff (2) = ", cutoff(2,2)
end if

alpha = 2.0*(cutoff_sq/(sigma**2))*((3/(2*(((cutoff_sq/(sigma**2)))-1)))**3)

end subroutine ll_init_model

subroutine ll_init_config(N, Z, pos, cell, Emax)
implicit none
integer :: N
integer :: Z(N)
double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3)
double precision :: Emax
end subroutine ll_init_config

double precision function ll_eval_energy(N, Z, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell)
use example_mat_mod
use Wang_LJ_params_mod
implicit none
integer :: N
integer :: Z(N)
double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3)
integer :: n_extra_data
double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N)

integer :: i, j, Z_i, Z_j
double precision :: dr(3), dr_mag, dr_mag_sq, dr_l(3), dr_l0(3), pos_l(3,N)

double precision :: cell_inv(3,3), E_term
integer :: dj1, dj2, dj3

integer :: n_images
double precision cell_height(3), v_norm_hat(3)

call matrix3x3_inverse(cell, cell_inv)
! into lattice coodinates
pos_l = matmul(cell_inv, pos)

if (n_extra_data == 1) extra_data = 0.0

do i=1, 3
v_norm_hat = cell(:,mod(i,3)+1) .cross. cell(:,mod(i+1,3)+1)
v_norm_hat = v_norm_hat / sqrt(sum(v_norm_hat**2))
cell_height(i) = abs(sum(v_norm_hat*cell(:,i)))
end do
n_images = ceiling(maxval(cutoff)/minval(cell_height))

ll_eval_energy = 0.0
do i=1, N
Z_i = Z(i)
do j=i, N
Z_j = Z(j)
dr_l0 = pos_l(:,i)-pos_l(:,j)
dr_l0 = dr_l0 - floor(dr_l0+0.5)
do dj1=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(1) = dr_l0(1) + real(dj1, 8)
do dj2=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(2) = dr_l0(2) + real(dj2, 8)
do dj3=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(3) = dr_l0(3) + real(dj3, 8)
if (i == j .and. dj1 == 0 .and. dj2 == 0 .and. dj3 == 0) cycle

dr(1) = sum(cell(1,:)*dr_l)
dr(2) = sum(cell(2,:)*dr_l)
dr(3) = sum(cell(3,:)*dr_l)
dr_mag_sq = sum(dr*dr)
if (dr_mag_sq < cutoff_sq(Z_i,Z_j)) then
dr_mag = sqrt(dr_mag_sq)
E_term = epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) * &
if (i == j) E_term = E_term * 0.5
ll_eval_energy = ll_eval_energy + E_term

if (n_extra_data == 1) then
extra_data(1,i) = extra_data(1,i) + 0.5*E_term
extra_data(1,j) = extra_data(1,j) + 0.5*E_term

end do
end do
end do
end do
end do

end function ll_eval_energy

integer function ll_move_atom_1(N, Z, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell, d_i, d_pos, dEmax, dE)
use example_mat_mod
use Wang_LJ_params_mod
implicit none
integer :: N
integer :: Z(N)
double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3)
integer :: n_extra_data
double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N)
integer :: d_i
double precision :: d_pos(3)
double precision :: dEmax, dE

integer :: i, j, Z_i, Z_j
double precision :: dr(3), drp(3), dr_l(3), drp_l(3), dr_l0(3), drp_l0(3), dr_mag, drp_mag, &
dr_mag_sq, drp_mag_sq, pos_l(3,N), d_pos_l(3)

double precision :: cell_inv(3,3)
integer :: dj1, dj2, dj3

double precision, allocatable, save :: new_extra_data(:,:)

integer n_images
double precision cell_height(3), v_norm_hat(3)

do i=1, 3
v_norm_hat = cell(:,mod(i,3)+1) .cross. cell(:,mod(i+1,3)+1)
v_norm_hat = v_norm_hat / sqrt(sum(v_norm_hat**2))
cell_height(i) = abs(sum(v_norm_hat*cell(:,i)))
end do
n_images = ceiling(maxval(cutoff)/minval(cell_height))

call matrix3x3_inverse(cell, cell_inv)
! into lattice coodinates
do i=1, N
pos_l(1,i) = sum(cell_inv(1,:)*pos(:,i))
pos_l(2,i) = sum(cell_inv(2,:)*pos(:,i))
pos_l(3,i) = sum(cell_inv(3,:)*pos(:,i))
end do
d_pos_l(1) = sum(cell_inv(1,:)*d_pos(:))
d_pos_l(2) = sum(cell_inv(2,:)*d_pos(:))
d_pos_l(3) = sum(cell_inv(3,:)*d_pos(:))

if (n_extra_data == 1 .and. allocated(new_extra_data)) then
if (any(shape(new_extra_data) /= shape(extra_data))) then
if (n_extra_data == 1 .and. .not. allocated(new_extra_data)) then
allocate(new_extra_data(n_extra_data, N))

if (n_extra_data == 1) new_extra_data = extra_data

dE = 0.0
Z_i = Z(i)
do j=1,N
if (j == i) cycle
Z_j = Z(j)

dr_l0 = pos_l(:,i) - pos_l(:,j)
dr_l0 = dr_l0 - floor(dr_l0+0.5)

drp_l0 = pos_l(:,i)+d_pos_l(:) - pos_l(:,j)
drp_l0 = drp_l0 - floor(drp_l0+0.5)

do dj1=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(1) = dr_l0(1) + real(dj1, 8)
drp_l(1) = drp_l0(1) + real(dj1, 8)
do dj2=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(2) = dr_l0(2) + real(dj2, 8)
drp_l(2) = drp_l0(2) + real(dj2, 8)
do dj3=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(3) = dr_l0(3) + real(dj3, 8)
drp_l(3) = drp_l0(3) + real(dj3, 8)

dr(1) = sum(cell(1,:)*dr_l)
dr(2) = sum(cell(2,:)*dr_l)
dr(3) = sum(cell(3,:)*dr_l)
drp(1) = sum(cell(1,:)*drp_l)
drp(2) = sum(cell(2,:)*drp_l)
drp(3) = sum(cell(3,:)*drp_l)
dr_mag_sq = sum(dr*dr)
drp_mag_sq = sum(drp*drp)

if (dr_mag_sq < cutoff_sq(Z_i,Z_j)) then
dr_mag = sqrt(dr_mag_sq)
dE = dE - epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) &
* ((cutoff(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu)-1.0)**(2*nu))
if (n_extra_data == 1) then
new_extra_data(1,i) = new_extra_data(1,i) - 0.5*epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)* &
(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) * ((cutoff(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu)-1.0)**(2*nu))
new_extra_data(1,j) = new_extra_data(1,j) - 0.5*epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)* &
(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) * ((cutoff(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu)-1.0)**(2*nu))
if (drp_mag_sq < cutoff_sq(Z_i,Z_j)) then
drp_mag = sqrt(drp_mag_sq)
dE = dE + epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/drp_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) * &
if (n_extra_data == 1) then
new_extra_data(1,i) = new_extra_data(1,i) + 0.5*epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) &
* ((cutoff(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu)-1.0)**(2*nu))
new_extra_data(1,j) = new_extra_data(1,j) + 0.5*epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) &
* ((cutoff(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu)-1.0)**(2*nu))

end do
end do
end do
end do

if (dE < dEmax) then ! accept
pos(:,i) = pos(:,i) + d_pos(:)
if (n_extra_data == 1) extra_data = new_extra_data
ll_move_atom_1 = 1
else ! reject
dE = 0.0
ll_move_atom_1 = 0

end function ll_move_atom_1

function ll_eval_forces(N, Z, pos, n_extra_data, extra_data, cell, forces) result(energy)
use example_mat_mod
use Wang_LJ_params_mod
implicit none
integer :: N
integer :: Z(N)
double precision :: pos(3,N), cell(3,3), forces(3,N)
integer :: n_extra_data
double precision :: extra_data(n_extra_data, N)
double precision :: energy ! result

integer :: i, j, Z_i, Z_j
double precision :: dr(3), dr_mag, dr_mag_sq, dr_l(3), dr_l0(3), pos_l(3,N)
double precision :: cell_inv(3,3), E_term
integer :: dj1, dj2, dj3

integer n_images
double precision cell_height(3), v_norm_hat(3)

do i=1, 3
v_norm_hat = cell(:,mod(i,3)+1) .cross. cell(:,mod(i+1,3)+1)
v_norm_hat = v_norm_hat / sqrt(sum(v_norm_hat**2))
cell_height(i) = abs(sum(v_norm_hat*cell(:,i)))
end do
n_images = ceiling(maxval(cutoff)/minval(cell_height))

call matrix3x3_inverse(cell, cell_inv)
do i=1, N
pos_l(1,i) = sum(cell_inv(1,:)*pos(:,i))
pos_l(2,i) = sum(cell_inv(2,:)*pos(:,i))
pos_l(3,i) = sum(cell_inv(3,:)*pos(:,i))
end do

if (n_extra_data == 1) extra_data = 0.0

energy = 0.0
forces = 0.0
do i=1, N
Z_i = Z(i)
do j=i, N
Z_j = Z(j)

dr_l0 = pos_l(:,i) - pos_l(:,j)
dr_l0 = dr_l0 - floor(dr_l0+0.5)
do dj1=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(1) = dr_l0(1) + real(dj1, 8)
do dj2=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(2) = dr_l0(2) + real(dj2, 8)
do dj3=-n_images,n_images
dr_l(3) = dr_l0(3) + real(dj3, 8)
if (i == j .and. dj1 == 0 .and. dj2 == 0 .and. dj3 == 0) cycle

dr(1) = sum(cell(1,:)*dr_l)
dr(2) = sum(cell(2,:)*dr_l)
dr(3) = sum(cell(3,:)*dr_l)
dr_mag_sq = sum(dr*dr)
if (dr_mag_sq < cutoff_sq(Z_i,Z_j)) then
dr_mag = sqrt(dr_mag_sq)
E_term = epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*alpha(Z_i,Z_j)*(((sigma(Z_i,Z_j)/dr_mag)**(2*mu) - 1.0) * &
if (i == j) E_term = E_term * 0.5
energy = energy + E_term
if (n_extra_data == 1) then
extra_data(1,i) = extra_data(1,i) + 0.5*E_term
extra_data(1,j) = extra_data(1,j) + 0.5*E_term
if (i /= j) then
forces(:,i) = forces(:,i) - epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*(-12.0*sigma(Z_i,Z_j)**12/dr_mag**13 + &
forces(:,j) = forces(:,j) + epsilon(Z_i,Z_j)*(-12.0*sigma(Z_i,Z_j)**12/dr_mag**13 + &
6.0*sigma(Z_i,Z_j)**6/dr_mag**7)*(dr/dr_mag) !!!!! needs to be fixed

end do
end do
end do
end do
end do

end function ll_eval_forces

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