This repository contains code implementations of qudit circuit constructions.
It is authored by Lia Yeh, Alex Christopher Lim, and Anikait Mundhra.
This code is publicly available and open source under the Apache 2.0 License.
Descriptions of constructions in the following folders and how to cite them are given with their accompanying papers:
"Qutrit metaplectic gates are a subset of Clifford+T"
Andrew Glaudell, Neil J. Ross, John van de Wetering, and Lia Yeh
"Constructing all qutrit controlled Clifford+T in Clifford+T"
Lia Yeh and John van de Wetering
We welcome additions and improvements to the codebase by submitting a pull request.
For any questions, comments, and suggestions, please contact the maintainer Lia Yeh at [email protected].