Modify is a timetable builder for Singapore Universities.
- Responsive: works on all devices
- Colour palette: pick your favourites!
- At a glance information
Modify uses the following to work:
- Vue.js - javascript framework
- Localforage - client side storage
- Webpack - build system and module bundler
- See Modify-api
Download and install Node.js v4+ to run, then run the following in the terminal:
git clone
cd modify
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
Most of the stuff is written in Vue. It's super simple and easy to learn. So learn some Vue.js to get started.
For production environments...
npm run build
Want to contribute? Great!
Modify uses Webpack for fast developing thanks to Vue-template
Make a change in your file and instantanously see your updates!
Run the following commands to run tests:
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
- Write Tests
- Sticky headers and fab
- Clearer styling for lessons with only one choice
- User onboarding
- Home page
- Accounts
Copyright (c) 2016- Li Kai