Find potential reviewer for Merge Reqeust.
Install buildout:
pip install zc.buildout
buildout bootstrap
Set your gitlab environment variables
export GITLAB_URL=<gitlab_addr>
export GITLAB_USER=<gitlab_username>
export GITLAB_PASSWORD=<gitlab_password>
export GITLAB_TOKEN=<gitlab_token>
Run Server:
# debug mode
# with gunicorn
bin/gunicorn -w 1 -b :8080 --log-file -
The bot can be configured by adding a .mention-bot file to the base directory of the repo. Here's a list of the possible options:
"findPotentialReviewers": true,
"fileBlacklist": [],
"actions": [
"open" // open, close, update
"createComment": true,
"numFilesToCheck": 5,
"skipAlreadyAssignedMR": false,
"skipWIP": true,
"maxReviewers": 3,
"userBlacklist": []
Note: The .mention-bot file must be valid JSON.
Every time there's a new Merge Request, Gitlab wakes up the mention bot using Webhooks.
Once awakened, the bot will download the diff of the merge request and figure out which files and lines have been touched.
For these, it will download the associated blame to figure out who last touched that line, as they may be a good reviewer.
After running the algorithm described in the next section, it will comment on the pull request notifying those people and go back to sleep.