Let me know if you are interested in taking it over. I developed the code but never actually used it in production. Use with caution.
This ruby gem is provides a ruby interface to the Rustici Scorm Cloud.
$ gem install scorm_cloud
$ scorm_cloud rustici.course.getCourseList -—appid myappid -—secret mysecret
$ scorm_cloud rustici.course.getMetadata --courseid a-valid-course-id-12345
require 'scorm_cloud'
sc = ScormCloud::ScormCloud.new("my_app_id", "my_secret_key")
# sc = ScormCloud::ScormCloud.new("my_app_id", "my_secret_key", "http://custom/api/url")
# sc = ScormCloud::ScormCloud.new("my_app_id", "my_secret_key", "http://custom/api/url", custom_logger)
sc.course.get_course_list.each { |c| puts "#{c.id} #{c.title}"}
Place the following in: Gemfile
require 'scorm_cloud', :git => '[email protected]:aeseducation/scorm-cloud.git'
Place the following in: config/initializers/scorm_cloud.rb
MyApplication::Application.configure do |config|
config.scorm_cloud.appid = "my_app_id"
config.scorm_cloud.secretkey = "my_secret_key"
# config.scorm_cloud.api_url = "http://custom/api/url"
Place the following in: app/controllers.course_controller.rb
class CourseController < ApplicationController
def index
@courses = scorm_cloud.course.get_course_list
def launch
return_url = course_index_url
reg = scorm_cloud.registrations.create_registration(...)
redirect_to scorm_cloud.registrations.launch(...)
Place the following in: app/views/course/index.html.erb
<%= @courses.each |course| %>
<%= link_to course_launch_path(course.title, course.id) %>
<% end %>