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Edk2 buildtools

Jordan Justen edited this page Jan 20, 2015 · 15 revisions

EDK II Build Tools sub project

This sub project is for development of the EDK II Build Tools. This is the primary set of tools for processing EDK II content. It contains configuration templates and source files. The tools support a Makefile based EDK II build with no additional packages required--the compiler tool chain, an assembler and optional ACPI assembler are the only additional tools need to build the EDK II project.

Source code in this project is divided into two types:

  • Tools written in C (ANSI C) are primarily for tools that modify binary data structures
  • Tools based on Python (Python) are primarily for tools that parse or process text files
Tools must adhere to the following requirements:
  • Tools must be able to execute on a wide variety of operating systems.
  • Tools written in Python use Python Tools and get converted to Win32 executable binary files before they are added to the BaseTools directory in the EDK II project.
To assist developers working with the Python tools, Python has been provided, along with the Python tools for creating graphical user interfaces (wxPython) and tools for creating native executable files (cxFreeze and py2app) for Microsoft*, Linux*, and Mac OS/X*. Python and the supporting Python package are available via SVN (See Resources below).

Tested and Released binaries for Microsoft Windows* 32-bit operating system are checked into the EDK II project along with the configuration files. The BaseTools use an INI format for build Meta Data files. You do not need to down load this project to build EDK II with the BaseTools. Refer to the BuildNotes2.txt file for details on using the BaseTools for the build.

Download and setup guide: BuildTool Setup Guide

Svn Binaries repository: (note recent change)

Svn Source repository: (note recent change)

Git source mirrors: github,

sourceforge, more EDK II git info

Developers: Project Info

View the EDK II Tools List for a description of each tool.


BuildTools Releases
Release Description Tools included in the release Documents
BaseTools(Unix)_UDK2010.SR1.UP1.tar BaseTools(Windows) June 26, 2012 Primary set of tools for processing EDK II content.
  • BootSectImage
  • Build Utility
  • EfiLdrImage
  • EfiRom
  • Fpd2Dsc
  • GenBootSector
  • GenCrc32
  • GenDepex
  • GenFds
  • GenFfs
  • GenFv
  • GenFw
  • GenPage
  • GenPatchPcdTable
  • GenSec
  • GenVtf
  • UEFI Packaging Tool
  • LzmaCompress
  • Msa2Inf
  • PatchPcdValue
  • Spd2Dec
  • SplitFile
  • TargetTool
  • TianoCompress
  • Trim
  • VfrCompiler
  • VolInfo
Readme ReadMe.txt (baseTools) ReadMe.txt (Base Tools –gcc) ReadMe.txt (Base-Tools-config)
General documentation UDK2010.SR1.UP1 User Manuals Zip
Technical information
Previous BuildTools Releases
BaseTools(Unix)_UDK2010.SR1.tar BaseTools(Windows) Jan 2, 2012 Primary set of tools for processing EDK II content. Readme ReadMe.txt (baseTools) ReadMe.txt (Base Tools –gcc) ReadMe.txt (Base-Tools-config)
General documentation User Manuals Zip
Technical information


These tools are under constant development to ensure UEFI/PI specification conformance and to reduce build times.

Your Feedback is critical to making EDK II a success. Please submit any enhancements, defects, or requests through the Project Tracker Tool at Reporting Issues.

License information: BSD

Project owner(s): ,

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