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Software for inferring coalescence rates for unphased, low-coverage genomes


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Software for inferring coalescence rates for unphased, low-coverage genomes.

  • Required input: Two samples specified in bcf/bam format
  • Requires mutation ages obtained from a genealogy (e.g., using Relate). Precomputed mutation ages available below.
  • That's it!

Please send any comments, questions and bug reports to [email protected].
Paper describing the method:

alt text

Example scripts and data

A working example using chromosome 1 of two ancient human genomes (LBK and Loschbour; Lazaridis et al., Nature 2014) can be downloaded from here (512Mb).
The same example for all chromosomes is available here (7Gb).


Precompiled binaries for several platforms can be found under ./binaries.


  • C++11
  • cmake
  • ZLIB
  • OpenSSL
  • lzma

*On my cluster, I have to load modules CMake, GCC, and BCFtools to compile.
*On a Mac, I installed CMake and [email protected] using homebrew and updated paths in lines 24-29 of CMakeLists.txt.

To compile from source use

cd build
cmake ..

Colate uses a modifed version of htslib, which has been copied to ./include/vcf/.


Files required:

  • Two sequences, in bcf or bam format, for which coalescence rates will be calculated
  • A reference genome in fasta format (see below)
  • Genome mask file (optional), to filter out unreliable regions.
  • Mutation ages obtained from a genealogy (see below for precomputed mutation ages)

We provide a preprocessed file for the SGDP data (aligned to GRCh37) here: SGDP_mutages.tar (654Mb).
A human reference genome (GRCh37) in the required format (i.e., separated by chromosome): GRCh37.tgz (512Mb)

Step 1

(not needed if using SGDP genealogy from above, you can simply download these files above)

Get mutations ages from a genealogy; this step will add fixed mutations to a *.mut file (see Relate documentation for file format), which is needed for Colate.

  • ancestral genome in fasta format
  • reference genome in fasta format
  • anc/mut files of a Relate genealogy
  • bcf of samples used to build Relate genealogy Link to human ancestral genomes can be found here.
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate --mode preprocess_mut \
	--anc example_chr${chr}.anc.gz \
	--mut example_chr${chr}.mut.gz \
	--reference_bcf example_chr${chr}.bcf \
	--ref_genome GRCh37_chr${chr}.fa.gz \
	--anc_genome human_ancestor_${chr}.fa.gz \
	--mask example_mask_chr${chr}.fa \
	-o example_fixed_chr${chr}
#output is example_fixed_chr${chr}.mut

Step 2: Run Colate

You can either directly run Colate on bcfs or bams, or precompute an input file, which is beneficial when running Colate repeatedly on the same samples.

Precompute Colate input files and then run Colate

1. Precompute Colate input files for target and reference:


  • bcfs contain samples of interest (Please use e.g., bcftools view -S or -s to subset bcf files).
  • chr.txt: Chromosome names, one per line (can be any strings)
  • If chromosome names are "1", "2", etc, then input files are *_chr1.bcf, *_chr2.bcf etc.
  • target_masks and ref_genome should be separated by chromosome, i.e. GRCh37_chr1.fa.gz, GRCh37_chr2.fa.gz etc.
  • Target masks are given as fasta files, with "P" for passing and "N" for non-passing bases (one file per chromosome). These should always be specified when input is calculated from a BCF. The mask should indicate where the sample was callable, such that we know where the sample is homozygous REF.
  • If --chr is not specified, full file names are required (e.g., --target example.bcf), however these should only contain a single chromosome.
mut="example_fixed" #name of .mut files obtained from step 1 (or downloaded)
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate \
	--mode make_tmp \
	--mut ${mut} \
	--target_bcf example_target \ 
	--target_mask target_mask \
	--ref_genome GRCh37 \
        --chr chr.txt \
	-o example_out
#output is


  • bam should be sorted by chromosome name (same order as in chr.txt), and by position.
  • ref_genome should be separated by chromosome, i.e. GRCh37_chr1.fa.gz, GRCh37_chr2.fa.gz etc.
  • chr.txt: Chromosome names, one per line (can be any strings but consistent with file names)
mut="example_fixed" #name of .mut files obtained from step 1 (or downloaded)
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate \
	--mode make_tmp \
	--mut ${mut} \
	--target_bam example_target.bam \ 
	--ref_genome GRCh37 \
        --chr chr.txt \
	-o example_out
#output is

2. Compute coalescenece rates

  • Mask files are not necessary if already specified earlier, unless you want to specifically mask out further regions of the genome.
#--target_mask, --reference_mask, 
#--target_age, --reference_age (specified in years)
#--years_per_gen, --num_bootstrap
#--coal is used to specify arbitrary epoch boundaries and initial coalescence rates (file format .coal).

mut="example_fixed" #name of .mut files obtained from step 1 (or downloaded)
bins="3,7,0.2" #epochs in log10 years (format: start,end,stepsize)
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate \
	--mode mut \
	--mut ${mut} \
	--target_tmp \
	--reference_tmp \
        --bins ${bins} \
	--chr chr.txt \
	--num_bootstrap 20 \
	--target_age 1000 \
	--reference_age 0 \
	--years_per_gen 28 \
	-o example_out
#output is example_out.coal, see bottom of page for file format.

Run directly on bcfs or bams


  • If chromosome names are "1", "2", etc, then input files are *_chr1.bcf, *_chr2.bcf etc.
  • If --chr is not specified, full file names are required (e.g., --target example.bcf), however these should only contain a single chromosome.
  • chr.txt: Chromosome names, one per line (can be any strings)
  • Target and reference masks are given as fasta files, with "P" for passing and "N" for non-passing bases (one file per chromosome). These should always be specified when input is calculated from a BCF. The masks should indicate, where the sample was callable, such that we know where the sample is homozygous REF.
#--target_mask, --reference_mask, 
#--target_age, --reference_age (specified in years)
#--years_per_gen, --num_bootstrap are optional
#--coal is used to specify arbitrary epoch boundaries and initial coalescence rates (file format .coal).

#age is specified in years.
#Assumption is any site not in the bcf is homozygous reference (unless masked out by a mask file).

mut="example_fixed" #name of .mut files obtained from step 1 (or downloaded)
bins="3,7,0.2" #epochs in log10 years (format: start,end,stepsize)
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate \
	--mode mut \
	--mut ${mut} \
	--target_bcf example_target \
	--reference_bcf example_reference \
        --ref_genome GRCh37_chr${chr}.fa.gz \
	--target_mask target_mask \
	--reference_mask reference_mask \
	--bins ${bins} \
	--chr chr.txt \
	--num_bootstrap 20 \
	--target_age 1000 \
	--reference_age 0 \
	--years_per_gen 28 \
	-o example_out
#output is example_out.coal, see bottom of page for file format.


  • bams should be sorted by chromosome name (same order as in chr.txt), and by position.
  • ref_genome should be separated by chromosome, i.e. GRCh37_chr1.fa.gz, GRCh37_chr2.fa.gz etc.
  • chr.txt: Chromosome names, one per line (can be any strings)
#--target_age, --reference_age (specified in years)
#--years_per_gen, --num_bootstrap are optional
#--coal is used to specify arbitrary epoch boundaries and initial coalescence rates (file format .coal).

mut="example_fixed" #name of .mut files obtained from step 1 (or downloaded)
bins="3,7,0.2" #epochs in log10 years (format: start,end,stepsize)
${PATH_TO_BINARY}/Colate \
	--mode mut \
	--mut ${mut} \
	--target_bam example_target.bam \
	--reference_bam example_reference.bam \
        --ref_genome GRCh37 \
	--bins ${bins} \
	--chr chr.txt \
	--num_bootstrap 20 \
	--target_age 1000 \
	--reference_age 0 \
	--years_per_gen 28 \
	-o example_out
#output is example_out.coal, see bottom of page for file format.

Output format

*coal files (see Relate documentation for file format). These can be loaded using the relater R package.

coal <- read.coal("example_out.coal") #group2 indexes bootstrap iterations

Summarize bootstrap iterations:

coal %>% group_by(epoch.start) %>% 
         summarize(mean = mean(haploid.coalescence.rate), 
	           lower = quantile(haploid.coalescence.rate, prob = 0.025), 
		   upper = quantile(haploid.coalescence.rate, prob = 0.975)) -> coal


Software for inferring coalescence rates for unphased, low-coverage genomes







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