Project developed during the course Programming in FEUP in collaboration with Sílvia Rocha (@silviavrocha).
Part 1
Description: The objective of this practical work is to develop two text processing programs and to create a data file that can be used as the basis for the development of several word games, such as scrabble, hidden words, crosswords, or others. The development of the programs must be made in a modular way, so that some of the functions can be reused in other programs to be developed in the future. The purpose of the first program is to "isolate" the entries (headwords) in a dictionary, in order to produce a list of valid words. The dictionary is stored in a text file, as illustrated in appendix A. The list of resulting words must also be stored in a text file, as illustrated in appendix B. The purpose of the second program is to implement and test some functions, that can be used in the future development of some word games, for doing common operations like: verify if a given word exists in a word list; verify if a given word can be made using a given set of letters or show all the words that can be made using a given set of letters.
Grade: Not evaluated.
Part 2
Description: The objective of this practical work is to develop two programs, one to create a crosswords puzzle and save it, in a text file, the other to load a puzzle and let the user solve it. Both programs need a synonyms dictionary file that is provided. All the following specifications should be read before starting the development.
Grade: 18.9