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Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm

Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm for hypergraph partitioning.

Task for VLSI CAD cource at MIPT.

Algorithm overview

The task is partition hypergraph: spread vertices into disjoint sets (partitions) such that amount of hyperegdes which spans over more than one partitions is minimized (cut size).

Finding optimal solution is NP-full task.

This code implements Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm - heuristic for finding solution for hypergraph partitioning problem.

Building and running

Built with make command for linux.

Running program:

./FMpart FILE [--dump DUMP_FILE] [-m] [--disbalance DISBALANCE] [--initial (static|random)]

Input file is in hMetis format of unweighted hypergraph. Same stands for output file: name is the name of input file appended with .part.2 and contains partition key for every vertex.

Dump file can be used for representation of partitionment in .dot format (not recommended for large graphs).

-m turns on modified mode of partitioning: use LIFO for gain container buckets.

--disbalance defines possible disbalance in partitioning.

--initial defines way to initialize partitionment:

  • static takes first half of cells and moves them into separate partition.
  • random moves each cell into random partition with equal probability. Can defy the disbalance restriction but this is fixed after first pass.


Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm for hypergraph partitioning






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