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LIP 24 - Lens Frame Standard #52

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This proposals introduces a specification for Lens Frames, and proposes that it is adopted as a standard for Lens developers. Lens frames are an implementation of Open Frames, a standard set of tags and procedures for developers to integrate Lens authentication and functionality into frames. The specification also proposes a new text publication metadata field: preferredFrame, to embed Lens publications and open actions as frames.


Frames are an extension of the OpenGraph protocol that enable interactive elements to be embedded between web applications.

A frame is a session between a frontend and frame server. The frame server exposes visual elements and actions that are able to be interacted through a frontend that embeds the frame. Frames can represent a wide variety of applications including informational guides, games, Web3 transactions, image galleries, e-commerce, live data, and much more.

A frame session is also able to incorporate authentication protocols, allowing the frame server to verify the inputs and identity of a user. The Open Frames standard is a set of standard frame tags that enables a frame to share visual elements and specify support between different authentication protocols.

The motivation for creating this proposal is so that applications and frame developers can agree upon a set of frame tags, features, and procedures to verify frame requests by Lens Profiles. This reduces fragmentation of features between Lens applications and enhances the capabilities of Lens creators to expose new types of frontends for their Lens publications and modules.

Specification & Rationale

The Lens frame specification that is proposed to be adopted is here:

It is planned to be maintained at this location and updated according to semantic versioning. The full specification is also copied below.


Frames are an extension of the OpenGraph protocol that enable interactive elements to be embedded between web applications.

A frame is a session between a frontend and frame server. The frame server exposes visual elements and actions that are able to be interacted through a frontend that embeds the frame. Frames can represent a wide variety of applications including informational guides, games, Web3 transactions, image galleries, e-commerce, live data, and much more.

A frame session is also able to incorporate authentication protocols, allowing the frame server to verify the inputs and identity of a user. Open Frames is a set of standard frame tags that enables visual elements of frames to be shared between protocols.

The Lens Frames specification is an implementation of Open Frames that defines a standard to create interactive applications that integrate Lens Protocol authentication and functionality.

The highlights of the Lens Frames specification are:

  • Frame request types and authentication based on Lens primitives
  • Implement tags and request types from Open Frames standard
  • Lens API and Lens SDK methods to perform signing and verification of requests
  • Publication metadata field to enable Lens publications as frames
  • Interactions with open action modules
  • Describe how open actions can be executed through transaction frames, and enhance the verifiability for apps


A frame is a set of  tags returned within the  of an HTML page.

If a page contains all required frame properties, apps will render the page as a frame. The frame  tags extend the OpenGraph protocol.

A frame app begins with an initial frame which is cached by apps and shown to users. A frame must have an image. It may have buttons, which when clicked load other frames or redirect the user to external websites.


A frame property is a meta tag with a property and a content value.

Required Properties

In compliance with the Open Frames standard, use a meta tag in your frame's HTML to declare the client protocols your frame supports.

Property Description
of:version The version label of the Open Frames spec. Currently the only supported version is 1.0.0
of:accepts:lens The minimum client protocol version accepted for the given protocol identifier. Currently the only supported version is 1.0.0.
of:image An image which should have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 or 1:1.
og:image An image which should have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1. Fallback for clients that do not support frames.

Optional properties

Property Description
of:button:$idx 256 byte string containing the user-visible label for button at index $idx. Buttons are 1-indexed. Maximum 4 buttons per Frame. $idx values must be rendered in an unbroken sequence.
of:button:$idx:action Valid options are post, post_redirect, mint, link, and tx. Default: post
of:button:$idx:target The target of the action. For post , post_redirect, and link action types the target is expected to be a URL starting with http:// or https://. For the mint action type the target must be a CAIP-10 URL
of:button:$idx:post_url 256-byte string that defines a button-specific URL to send the POST payload to. If set, this overrides of:post_url
of:post_url The URL where the POST payload will be sent. Must be valid and start with http:// or https:// . Maximum 256 bytes.
of:input:text If this property is present, a text field should be added to the Frame. The contents of this field will be shown to the user as a label on the text field. Maximum 32 bytes.
of:image:aspect_ratio The aspect ratio of the image specified in the of:image field. Allowed values are 1.91:1 and 1:1. Default: 1.91:1
of:image:alt Alt text associated with the image for accessibility
of:state A state serialized to a string (for example via JSON.stringify()). Maximum 4096 bytes. Will be ignored if included on the initial frame
of:authenticated Boolean value specifying whether Frame server is requesting an authenticated response. Allowed values are true or false. Default: true


There are a few rules for serving images in of:image tags:

  • The size of the image must be < 10 MB.
  • The type of image must be jpg, png or gif.
  • The image source must either be an external resource with content headers or a data URI.

Clients may resize larger images or crop those that do not fit in their aspect ratio. SVG images are not because they can contain scripts and extra work must be done by clients to sanitize them.

When a frame server receives a POST request:

  • It must respond within 5 seconds.
  • It must respond with a 200 OK and another frame, on a post button click.
  • It must respond with a 302 OK and a Location header, on a post_redirect button click.
  • Any Location header provided must contain a URL that starts with http:// or https://.

Frame servers can use cache headers to refresh images and offer more dynamic first frame experiences:

Frame servers can use the max-age directive in the HTTP Cache-Control header to ensure images in the initial frame refresh automatically. A lower max-age ensures images update regularly without user interactions. App developers should respect cache headers set by the original frame image, and their image proxy implementations should not interfere with durations.

It is recommended to add timestamps or UUIDs to image urls on subsequent frames to bust caches, and return a frame with a "refresh" button if it is expected that a frame response could take > 5 seconds.

Button actions


The post action sends a HTTP POST request to the frame or button post_url. This is the default button type.

The frame server receives a signed frame action payload in the POST body, which includes information about which button was clicked, text input, and the cast context. The frame server must respond with a 200 OK and another frame.


The post_redirect action sends an HTTP POST request to the frame or button post_url. You can use this action to redirect to a URL based on frame state or user input.

The frame server receives a signed frame action payload in the POST body. The frame server must respond with a 302 Found and Location header that starts with http:// or https://.


The link action redirects the user to an external URL. You can use this action to redirect to a URL without sending a POST request to the frame server.

Clients do not make a request to the frame server for link actions. Instead, they redirect the user to the target URL.


The mint action allows the user to mint an NFT. Clients that support relaying or initiating onchain transactions may enhance the mint button by relaying a transaction or interacting with the user's wallet. Clients that do not fall back to linking to an external URL.

The target property must be a valid CAIP-10 address, plus an optional token ID appended with a :.


The tx action allows a frame to send a transaction request to the user's connected wallet. Unlike other action types, tx actions have multiple steps.

First, the client makes a POST request to the target URL to fetch data about the transaction. The frame server receives a signed frame action payload in the POST body, which includes the profileId and optional signer field that can be verified using the authentication steps. The frame server must respond with a 200 OK and a JSON response describing the transaction which satisfies the following type:

type TransactionTargetResponse {
  chainId: string;
  method: "eth_sendTransaction";
  params: EthSendTransactionParams;

Ethereum Params

If the method is eth_sendTransaction and the chain is an Ethereum EVM chain, the param must be of type EthSendTransactionParams:

  • abi: JSON ABI which MUST include encoded function type and SHOULD include potential error types. Can be empty.
  • to: transaction recipient
  • value: value to send with the transaction in wei (optional)
  • data: transaction calldata (optional)
type EthSendTransactionParams {
  abi: Abi | [];
  to: `0x${string}`;
  value?: string;
  data?: `0x${string}`;


  "chainId": "eip155:1",                                // The chain ID of the transaction
  "method": "eth_sendTransaction",                      // The method to call on the wallet
  "params": {
    "abi": [...],                                       // JSON ABI of the function selector and any errors
    "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", // The recipient of the transaction
    "data": "0x00",                                     // Transaction calldata
    "value": "123456789",                               // Value to send with the transaction

The client then sends a transaction request to the user's connected wallet, or uses the calldata to generate a signed or dispatched action for Lens protocol actions following instructions here. The client should then send a POST request to the post_url with a signed frame action payload including the transaction hash in the actioNResponse field to which the frame server should respond with a 200 OK and another frame.

Frame Requests

When a user clicks a button on a frame, the frame receives a POST request with the payload format below. The payload contains untrustedData, containing details of the action taken, and trustedData, an EIP-712 signed message from a profile owner or delegated executor used to verify the authenticity of untrustedData.

  clientProtocol: "lens",               // string, authentication protocol that frame server will verify
  untrustedData: {
    profileId: "0x123",                 // string, Lens profile ID performing the action
    pubId: "0x123-0x1",                 // string, Lens publication ID being interacted with, poster profile ID + publication index
    url: "",         // string, the URL of the Frame that was clicked. May be different from the URL that the data was posted to.
    unixTimestamp: 123456789,           // number, Unix timestamp in milliseconds
    buttonIndex: 1,                     // number, the button that was clicked
    inputText?: "Hello, World!",        // string, optional, input text for the Frame's text input, if present. Undefined if no text input field is present
    deadling?: 123456789,               // number, optional, unix timestamp of signature expiration
    state?: "%7B%22counter%22%3A1%7D"   // string, optional, state that was passed from the frame, passed back to the frame, serialized to a string. Max 4kB.q
    actionResponse?: "0x"               // string, optional, transaction hash, if executed through tx button
  trustedData: {
    messageBytes: "",                   // string, EIP-712 signed message of request payload or blank string if action is not authenticated
    identityToken?: "",                 // string, optional, token issued by Lens API to verify profile identity and/or perform verification with Lens API from frame server
    signerType?: "",                    // string, optional, specifies type of signer used to sign typed data from messageBytes: "owner" or "delegatedExecutor"
    signer?: "",                        // string, optional, address used to sign type data from messageBytes


When a frame server receives a request, the server is able to verify that the contents of untrustedData are authorized by the associated Lens profileId using the steps described here.

A Lens Profile is an NFT with one owner address and any number of delegated executors, addresses with the ability to execute actions on a profile's behalf. Lens frame authentication is based on verifying EIP-712 signed typed data from a profile owner or delegated executor.

Frame Request EIP-712 Typed Data
// EIP-712 domain
const domain = {
    name: 'Lens Frames',
    version: '1.0.0',
    chainId: 137,
    verifyingContract": '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

// EIP-712 types
const types = {
    FrameData: [
        { name: 'specVersion', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'url', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'buttonIndex', type: 'uint256' },
        { name: 'profileId', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'pubId', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'inputText', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'state', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'actionResponse', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'deadline', type: 'uint256' },

// Data to sign, from frameDispatcherSignature endpoint request
const sampleData = {
    specVersion: '1.0.0',
    url: '',
    buttonIndex: 2,
    profileId: '0x2a6b',
    pubId: '0x2a6b-0x11-DA-bf2507ac',
    inputText: 'Hello, World!',
    state: '{"counter":1,"idempotency_key":"431b8b38-eb4d-455b"}',
    actionResponse: "0x4a2765ce77932feacfb2b06ee63161afe34781d6e00a6997af87cbe21d6b5b91",
    deadline: 123456789,

Any address that has signless interactions enabled has approved the Lens API as a delegated executor, this is recommended as the default form of authentication to enable frame interactions without manual signatures. The end-to-end process of authenticating a frame request is as follows:

1.) Lens application requests a frame signature from Lens API OR the currently connected address if profile does not have signless actions enabled on Lens API. Methods for constructing and signing typed data are detailed in integration section.

2.) Lens application sends POST request to frame server with trustedData fields populated based on (1).

3.) Frame server verifies signature by constructing typed from frame request and validating that message is signed by profile owner or delegated executor. Methods for constructing and verifying typed data are detailed in building section.

Build Lens Frames

A minimum viable frame consists of a web server serving tags from the Lens specification. When a frame server receives a request to the post_url or url (depending on which is specificed), it can: perform authentication, perform background actions, update frame state.

A frame can authenticate the Lens profile id that originated a request, the address that signed the request (profile owner or delegated executor), and that the content of the request matches what the profile signed. It can do so utilizing the trustedData fields as described in authentication.

The following sections detail how frame servers can utilize various methods to authenticate a Frame request:

Lens Client SDK

NodeJS script to create and verify typed data from Lens Client SDK based on untrustedData and trustedData inputs from frame request. Install library with preferred package manager:

yarn install @lens-protocol/client@alpha
const { LensClient, production } = require("@lens-protocol/client");

const lensClientConfig = {
  environment: production,

const lensClient = new LensClient(lensClientConfig);

    ...req.body.untrustedData // Frame server request, untrustedData
  .then((response) => {
        identityToken: req.body.trustedData.identityToken, // Frame server request, trustedData.identityToken
        signature: req.body.trustedData.messageBytes, // Frame server request, trustedData.messageBytes,
        signedTypedData: response,
      .then((verification) => {
        if(verification === FrameVerifySignatureResult.Verified){
          console.log("Frame request verified")
        } else {
          console.log(`Frame request unverified: ${verification}`)
Lens API

Production endpoint:

NodeJS script to create and verify typed data from Lens API based on untrustedData and trustedData inputs from frame request. No libraries required, example uses built-in fetch method.

const createTypedDataQuery = `
  query CreateFrameTypedData($request: FrameEIP712Request!) {
    result: createFrameTypedData(request: $request) {
        types {
            FrameData {
        domain {
        value {

const createTypedDataVariables = req.body.untrustedData; // Frame server request, untrustedData

const createTypedDataOptions = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    query: createTypedDataQuery,
    variables: createTypedDataVariables,

fetch("", createTypedDataOptions)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((typedData) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
    const verifyQuery = `
    query VerifyFrameSignature($request: FrameVerifySignature!) {
      result: verifyFrameSignature(request: $request)

    const verifyVariables = {
      request: {
         req.body.trustedData.identityToken, // Frame server request, trustedData.identityToken
          req.bodt.trustedData.messageBytes, // Frame server request, trustedData.messageBytes

    const verifyOptions = {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        query: verifyQuery,
        variables: verifyVariables,

    fetch("", verifyOptions)
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((data) => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))
      .catch((error) => console.error("verifyFrameSignature Error:", error));
  .catch((error) => console.error("createTypedData Error:", error));

Authentication may be abstracted by utilizing a frame library that supports Lens frame authentication. Instructions will be linked here once support is added for popular libraries: frames.js (in progress), onchainkit, and frog.

Integrate Lens Frames

A client Application is where Frames are rendered. A publication containing Frame tags has elements rendered based on the Frame specification and individual tags/values of the Frame instance.

When a user clicks a button on a frame, the app makes a POST request to the frame server. The server must respond with a new frame that is sent back to the user.

The Frame lifecycle begins when a user creates a publications containing a frame URL. The client application should:

  • Check all embedded publication URLs for valid frames (based on meta tag versions).
  • If the frame is valid, render the frame when the cast is viewed.
  • If the frame is malformed, fall back to treating it as an OpenGraph embed.
  • Follow the frame security model.
  • Proxy image requests to prevent frame servers from tracking users.
  • Sanitize redirect URLs to ensure they start with http:// or https://.
  • Only accept data URIs if they are images.
  • Avoid rendering SVGs as they may contain executable code.

Rendering Frames

Apps may render frames any time they are showing a Lens Publication to a viewer. The following rules apply to the rendering of frames:

  1. Buttons must be displayed in ascending index order below the image.
  2. Buttons may be displayed in multiple rows if space is a constraint.
  3. Text inputs must be displayed above the buttons and below the image.
  4. Text input labels must be shown above or inside the text input.
  5. Apps must respect the aspect ratio set in the of:image:aspect_ratio property.

If the button is a post_redirect or link action:

  1. It must be visually marked with a redirect symbol.
  2. Users should be warned when leaving the app for untrusted sites.

If the button is a mint action, the following rules also apply:

  1. Must validate that a CAIP-10 URL is present in the target property.
  2. Must display the item as an NFT, if all the properties are valid.

If the button is a tx action, validation should be performed at the discretion of the app with recommendations described here

Handling Clicks

If the button clicked is a post or post_redirect, apps must:

  1. Construct a Lens Frame Request.
  2. POST the packet to of:button:$idx:target if present
  3. POST the packet to of:post_url if target was not present.
  4. POST the packet to or the frame's embed URL if neither target nor action were present.
  5. Wait at least 5 seconds for a response from the frame server.

If the button clicked is a mint, apps should:

  1. Allow the user to mint the NFT or open an external page that allows this functionality.
  2. Must display the item as an NFT, if all the properties are valid.

If the button is a tx action:

Must visually indicate that a tx button will request a wallet transaction.
Must display the button label provided by the frame.

Handling Responses

Applications will receive responses from frame servers after a POST request is submitted. The following rules apply to the handling of these responses:

  1. If the button action was post, treat all non-200 responses as errors.
  2. If the button action was post_redirect, treat all non-30X responses as errors.
  3. If handling a 30X response, apps must redirect the user to the url location value.
  4. If handling a 30X response, apps must ensure the url starts with http:// or https://.
  5. If handling a 30X response, warn the user before directing them to an untrusted site.

Signing Frame Requests

A frame can authenticate the Lens profile id that originated a request, the address that signed the request (profile owner or delegated executor), and that the content of the request matches what the profile signed. It can do so utilizing the trustedData fields as described in authentication.

The following sections detail how frame servers can utilize various methods to authenticate a Frame request:

Lens Client SDK

The process for signing frame requests depends on whether the profile has Lens API signless interactions enabled. To check if signless is enabled:

Signless Enabled

NodeJs script using Lens Client SDK to query whether profile has Lens API signless interactions enabled.

const { LensClient, production } = require("@lens-protocol/client");

const lensClientConfig = {
  environment: production,

const lensClient = new LensClient(lensClientConfig);

  .fetch({ forProfileId: "0x2a6b" }) // insert profileId here
  .then((response) => console.log(response.signless));

If signless is enabled, then the Lens API can sign frame requests on behalf of a user. The SDK method documented below can be used to generated a frame request signature.

Sign Frame Request

NodeJs script using Lens Client SDK to generate frame request signature. Note: requires profile to be logged into API session, login details.

const { LensClient, production } = require("@lens-protocol/client");

const lensClientConfig = {
  environment: production,

const lensClient = new LensClient(lensClientConfig);

// parameters populated based on frame request
    buttonIndex: 1,
    inputText: "Some input text",
    profileId: "0x2a6b",
    pubId: "0x2a6b-0x27-DA-0587635a",
    specVersion: "1.0.0",
    state: "Some state",
    url: "",
  .then((response) => console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)));

If signless is not enabled for a profile then a frame request must be manually signed by the profile owner or a delegated manager. An application can either choose to disable frame interactions if this is the case, or generate and request that a user sign each frame using signTypedData wallet method. The following method can be used to generate typed to sign based on the frame request.

Create Typed Data

NodeJs script using Lens Client SDK to generate typed data to sign for frame request.

const { LensClient, production } = require("@lens-protocol/client");

const lensClientConfig = {
  environment: production,

const lensClient = new LensClient(lensClientConfig);

// parameters populated based on frame request
    buttonIndex: 1,
    deadline: Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600,
    inputText: "Some input text",
    profileId: "0x2a6b",
    pubId: "0x2a6b-0x27-DA-0587635a",
    specVersion: "1.0.0",
    state: "Some state",
    url: "",
  .then((response) => console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)));

Lens API

Production endpoint:

The process for signing frame requests depends on whether the profile has Lens API signless interactions enabled. To check if signless is enabled:

Signless Enabled

NodeJs script using Lens API to query whether profile has Lens API signless interactions enabled.

const createTypedDataQuery = `
  query Profile($request: ProfileRequest!) {
    result: profile(request: $request) {

const createTypedDataVariables = {
  request: {
    forProfileId: "0x2a6b", // insert profileId here

const createTypedDataOptions = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    query: createTypedDataQuery,
    variables: createTypedDataVariables,

fetch("", createTypedDataOptions)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Error:", error));

If signless is enabled, then the Lens API can sign frame requests on behalf of a user using the endpoint documented below.

Sign Frame Request

NodeJs script using Lens API to generate signature for frame request. Note: requires profile to be logged into API session using ACCESS_TOKEN, login details.

const signQuery = `
  mutation SignFrameAction($request: FrameLensManagerEIP712Request!) {
    result: signFrameAction(request: $request) {
            types {
                FrameData {
            domain {
            value {

// populated based on frame interaction
const signVariables = {
  request: {
    buttonIndex: 1,
    inputText: "Some input text",
    profileId: "0x02c747",
    pubId: "0x2a6b-0x27-DA-0587635a",
    specVersion: "1.0.0",
    state: "Some state",
    url: "",

const signOptions = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    query: signQuery,
    variables: signVariables,

fetch("", signOptions)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Error:", error));

If signless is not enabled for a profile then a frame request must be manually signed by the profile owner or a delegated manager. An application can either choose to disable frame interactions if this is the case, or generate and request that a user sign each frame using signTypedData wallet method. The following API endpoint can be used to generate typed to sign based on the frame request.

Create Typed Data

NodeJs script using Lens API to generate typed data to sign for frame request.

const createTypedDataQuery = `
  query CreateFrameTypedData($request: FrameEIP712Request!) {
    result: createFrameTypedData(request: $request) {
        types {
            FrameData {
        domain {
        value {

// populated based on frame request
const createTypedDataVariables = {
  request: {
    buttonIndex: 1,
    deadline: Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600,
    inputText: "Some input text",
    profileId: "0x2a6b",
    pubId: "0x2a6b-0x27-DA-0587635a",
    specVersion: "1.0.0",
    state: "Some state",
    url: "",

const createTypedDataOptions = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    query: createTypedDataQuery,
    variables: createTypedDataVariables,

fetch("", createTypedDataOptions)
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)))
  .catch((error) => console.error("Error:", error));

Transaction / Open Action

Applications should perform validation to ensure that users are not exposed to harmful actions, and display a detailed prompts (and potentially simulation) to inform users of the action being taken.

The recommended form of validation for Lens Applications is only allowing transactions that interact with Lens Protocol contracts, and if the action is a custom module such as an open action: verifying that the transaction originated from within a Lens publication, and the transaction data matches an open action address embedded in the publication.

An open action is a smart contract module embedded in a Lens publication. When a Lens application receives a transaction response, the app can check whether the destination address (and potentially parameters from initialize calldata as well) matches one of the open action modules attached to the publication. This is the recommended form of validating transactions because it is able to verify the intent of the user creating the publication, and also allows applications to maintain a list of recognized open action contract addresses that are able to be embedded.

Application can also validate using an allowlist of URLs for the transaction request, or a combination of open action and URL validation.

Publications as Frames / Lens Protocol Actions

The LIP (Lens Improvement Proposal) to introduce Lens Frames also proposes to add a publication metadata field: preferredFrame. The field enables Lens publication to appear in a feed, and automatically have the modules it contains (reference modules and open actions) rendered as transaction frames within a Lens application feed.

The preferredFrame metadata field enables application developers to build a new open action, or a frontend for an existing action, and have it automatically embedded when a publication with the module appears in a Lens application feed.

The Lens API and SDK infrastructure provide methods to sponsor transactions of core protocol actions and modules that are verified. Lens applications can use this infrastructure to allow transaction frames to be executed as gasless or signless interactions. For now, the process of decoding transactions parameters and encoding them into methods for gasless/signless transactions within Lens infrastructure would need to be done manually using ABI returned with transaction. In the future, they may be helper methods to more easily convert a transaction frame response to a sponsored equivalent.


Version Date Change
1.0.0 2024-04-04 Initial specification

Future Developments

  • Helper methods to expand validation of open actions to verify initialize data such as type of collect module, accepted currency, etc.
  • Extend SDK to abstract generating and parsing frame requests
  • Add resources section for libraries and examples
  • Standard link formatting for publications with preferredFrame metadata


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

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height bot commented Apr 9, 2024

Link Height tasks by mentioning a task ID in the pull request title or commit messages, or description and comments with the keyword link (e.g. "Link T-123").

💡Tip: You can also use "Close T-X" to automatically close a task when the pull request is merged.

@defispartan defispartan changed the title feat: lens frames standard LIP LIP 24 - Lens Frame Standard Apr 9, 2024
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This makes total sense to me and well thought out with native support now on lens SDK and APIs this looks good to go! it can only benefit and bring innovation onto lens more

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Looks solid at first sight. No support for audio or video? Via audio and video tags, to reduce any security issues. Might add some new options.

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neekolas commented Apr 9, 2024

@mvanhalen we've been thinking about video and audio in the Open Frames spec as well. The first version of the OF spec draft had a media field that could handle video/audio using MIME types.

We didn't ship it in V1 because we were really prioritizing Farcaster compatibility. But it might be time to re-open that conversation and see if it makes sense to add (in addition to the existing required image field)

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this is really exciting and I am a huge fan of bringing frames to Lens using an open standard. I have immediate use for this standard !

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@mvanhalen we've been thinking about video and audio in the Open Frames spec as well. The first version of the OF spec draft had a media field that could handle video/audio using MIME types.

We didn't ship it in V1 because we were really prioritizing Farcaster compatibility. But it might be time to re-open that conversation and see if it makes sense to add (in addition to the existing required image field)

That would be a great feature to v2

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neekolas commented Apr 9, 2024

I had a couple of questions about the specifics of the implementation

of:authenticated | Boolean value specifying whether Frame server is requesting an authenticated response. Allowed values are true or false. Default: true

Curious what this will be used for and when an unauthenticated response is desirable. If there's a strong reason, maybe it's something that could be PR'd to the Open Frames spec

trustedData: {
   messageBytes: "",                   // string, EIP-712 signed message of request payload or blank string if action is not authenticated
   identityToken?: "",                 // string, optional, token issued by Lens API to verify profile identity and/or perform verification with Lens API from frame server
   signerType?: "",                    // string, optional, specifies type of signer used to sign typed data from messageBytes: "owner" or "delegatedExecutor"
   signer?: "",                        // string, optional, address used to sign type data from messageBytes

In XMTP's implementation of Open Frames we put everything into a serialized proto to keep the messageBytes as a string. This was mostly to avoid needing extensibility in the shape of the trustedData to support different implementations. And it makes the types align with Farcaster POSTs.

We could make the trustedData extensible just like we have the untrustedData, but given that trusted data is a black box that is going to need to be passed to some sort of authentication library I don't see a huge advantage of that from a developer experience perspective. I wonder if you could do the same thing and keep it as a single string field. That way all implementations of OF could have the same shape of trustedData.

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Frames has unleashed a massive wave of creativity in the Farcaster ecosystem, and it'll be great to see what this open standard will do in the Lens ecosystem and beyond. We are all building and gesturing towards a future state of decentralized social that looks and feels different than a simple Twitter clone. Having more designers and builders play and experiment with this open standard is a positive step in the right direction.

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Curious what this will be used for and when an unauthenticated response is desirable. If there's a strong reason, maybe it's something that could be PR'd to the Open Frames spec

The reason this is included is in case a frame does not require an authenticated response (such as informational frames or linking to an external site) then removing the sign/verify steps allows apps to know that they should show or hide certain frames depending on if a user is logged in, and also it can reduce the latency of interactions. I was actually thinking that this could be a good addition to the Open Frames standard as well so I'll open a PR for this tomorrow.

On the trustedData point, I agree that I think it would be best if trustedData had the same format for all Open Frames. I think the best way to handle it is just to move these 3 fields (identityToken, signer, and signerType) to untrustedData. There isn't a good reason I can think of that they would need to be separated. I'll also open a PR for this on the spec repo.

Thanks for the feedback @neekolas !

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This is an exciting proposal and continued progress forward toward open standards, creative innovation, and permissionless building. Frames really pushes the boundaries of what's possible in the space and to see them come to life on Lens is something to behold.

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