PHP Commons is a set of utility libraries for various types of PHP projects. Project is focused to deliver basic PHP components optimized for performance and use in highly loaded applications. Requires PHP 5.3+
- Commons/Application - Abstract application (Web, CLI)
- Commons/Autoloader - Simple SPL/PSR autoloader
- Commons/Buffer - Output buffer wrapper
- Commons/Callback - Callback wrapper with support for closures
- Commons/Config - Configuration library (PHP Array, XML)
- Commons/Container - Generic container classes
- Commons/Entity - Generic entity classes
- Commons/Event - Event abstraction and dispatcher
- Commons/FileSystem - File system utilities
- Commons/Filter - Filters
- Commons/Http - HTTP library
- Commons/Json - JSON library
- Commons/KeyStore - Key store connectors (Session, APC, Memcache, Redis)
- Commons/Light - Simple MVC framework (constoller, dispatcher, routing, views)
- Commons/Log - Logging library compatible with PSR-3 Logger (stream, syslog)
- Commons/Migration - Migration library (downgrade, upgrade, fixtures)
- Commons/Moo - Ultra light and fast MOO microframework inspiried by Ruby Sinatra
- Commons/NoSql - NoSQL bindings for entitiy repositories (Apache Cassandra, MongoDB)
- Commons/Plugin - Abstract plugin implementation
- Commons/Process - Utility for executing external processes
- Commons/Service - Lightweight dependency injection implementation
- Commons/Sql - SQL library based on entities with query builder
- Commons/Timer - Timer utility
- Commons/Utils - Miscellaneous utilities
- Commons/Validator - Validators
- Commons/Xml - XML library
You can find a few fully working example scripts in the examples/
To run tests without 3rdparty dependencies: