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Merge branch 'dev' into aoe-fitting
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theHenks authored Oct 11, 2024
2 parents 4b85b36 + 02da7b0 commit f1dfedb
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Showing 4 changed files with 97 additions and 69 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,18 @@ ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
IntervalSets = "8197267c-284f-5f27-9208-e0e47529a953"
InverseFunctions = "3587e190-3f89-42d0-90ee-14403ec27112"
IrrationalConstants = "92d709cd-6900-40b7-9082-c6be49f344b6"
KernelDensity = "5ab0869b-81aa-558d-bb23-cbf5423bbe9b"
LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LinearRegression = "92481ed7-9fb7-40fd-80f2-46fd0f076581"
LsqFit = "2fda8390-95c7-5789-9bda-21331edee243"
Measurements = "eff96d63-e80a-5855-80a2-b1b0885c5ab7"
Measures = "442fdcdd-2543-5da2-b0f3-8c86c306513e"
Optim = "429524aa-4258-5aef-a3af-852621145aeb"
Optimization = "7f7a1694-90dd-40f0-9382-eb1efda571ba"
OptimizationBBO = "3e6eede4-6085-4f62-9a71-46d9bc1eb92b"
OptimizationNLopt = "4e6fcdb7-1186-4e1f-a706-475e75c168bb"
OptimizationOptimJL = "36348300-93cb-4f02-beb5-3c3902f8871e"
PropDicts = "4dc08600-4268-439e-8673-d706fafbb426"
RadiationSpectra = "4f207c7e-01da-51d7-a1a0-c8c06dd1d883"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,16 +62,19 @@ ForwardDiff = "0.10"
IntervalSets = "0.7"
InverseFunctions = "0.1"
IrrationalConstants = "0.1, 0.2"
KernelDensity = "0.5, 0.6"
LaTeXStrings = "1.3"
LinearAlgebra = "1"
LinearRegression = "0.2"
LsqFit = "0.14, 0.15"
Measurements = "2"
Measures = "0.3"
Optim = "1"
Optimization = "3, 4"
OptimizationBBO = "0.3"
OptimizationNLopt = "0.2"
Plots = "<0.0.1, 1"
OptimizationOptimJL = "0.3"
PropDicts = "0.2"
RadiationSpectra = "0.5.11"
Random = "1"
Expand Down
108 changes: 55 additions & 53 deletions ext/LegendSpecFitsRecipesBaseExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Plots
using Unitful, Format, Measurements, LaTeXStrings
using Measurements: value, uncertainty
using StatsBase, LinearAlgebra

using KernelDensity
function round_wo_units(x::Unitful.RealOrRealQuantity; digits::Integer=2)
if unit(x) == NoUnits
round(x, digits=digits)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,72 +462,74 @@ end

@recipe function f(report_ctc::NamedTuple{(:peak, :window, :fct, :bin_width, :bin_width_qdrift, :e_peak, :e_ctc, :qdrift_peak, :h_before, :h_after, :fwhm_before, :fwhm_after, :report_before, :report_after)})
layout := (1, 3)
thickness_scaling := 1.0
if !("StatsPlots" in string.(Base.loaded_modules_array()))
throw(ErrorException("StatsPlots not loaded. Please load StatsPlots before using this recipe."))
layout := (2, 1)
size := (1000, 1000)
framestyle := :semi
grid := false
left_margin --> (5, :mm)
right_margin --> (5, :mm)
bottom_margin := (-4, :mm)
margins --> (0, :mm)
link --> :x
foreground_color_legend := :silver
background_color_legend := :white
xtickfontsize := 12
xlabelfontsize := 14
ylabelfontsize := 14
ytickfontsize := 12
legendfontsize := 10
size := (1000, 300)
margin := (8, :mm)
legendfontsize := 12
xl = (first(report_ctc.h_before.edges[1]), last(report_ctc.h_before.edges[1]))
@series begin
seriestype := :histogram2d
bins := (ustrip.(unit(first(report_ctc.e_peak)), minimum(report_ctc.e_peak):report_ctc.bin_width:maximum(report_ctc.e_peak)), quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.01):report_ctc.bin_width_qdrift:quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.99))
color := :inferno
xlabel := "Energy"
ylabel := "QDrift"
title := "Before Correction"
titlelocation := (0.5, 1.1)
xlims := (2600, 2630)
ylims := (0, quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.99))
yformatter := :plain
legend := :none
colorbar_scale := :log10
seriestype := :stepbins
fill := true
color := :darkgrey
label := "Before correction"
legend := :topleft
subplot := 1
report_ctc.e_peak, report_ctc.qdrift_peak
ylims := (0, :auto)
@series begin
seriestype := :histogram2d
bins := (ustrip.(unit(first(report_ctc.e_peak)), minimum(report_ctc.e_peak):report_ctc.bin_width:maximum(report_ctc.e_peak)), quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.01):report_ctc.bin_width_qdrift:quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.99))
color := :magma
xlabel := "Energy"
ylabel := "QDrift"
title := "After Correction"
xlims := (2600, 2630)
titlelocation := (0.5, 1.1)
xlims := (2600, 2630)
ylims := (0, quantile(report_ctc.qdrift_peak, 0.99))
yformatter := :plain
legend := :none
colorbar_scale := :log10
subplot := 3
report_ctc.e_ctc, report_ctc.qdrift_peak
seriestype := :stepbins
fill := true
alpha := 0.5
color := :purple
label := "After correction"
legend := :topleft
subplot := 1
ylims := (0, :auto)
xlims := xl
xlabel := ""
xticks := ([], [])
ylabel := "Counts / $(round_wo_units(report_ctc.bin_width, digits=2))"
@series begin
seriestype := :stepbins
color := :red
label := "Before CTC"
xlabel := "Energy (keV)"
ylabel := "Counts"
yscale := :log10
seriestype := :line
subplot := 2
c := :binary
colorbar := :none
fill := true
label := "Before correction"
kde((ustrip(report_ctc.e_peak), report_ctc.qdrift_peak ./ maximum(report_ctc.qdrift_peak)))
@series begin
seriestype := :stepbins
color := :green
label := "After CTC"
xlabel := "Energy (keV)"
ylabel := "Counts"
title := "FWHM $(round(u"keV", report_ctc.fwhm_after, digits=2))"
titlelocation := (0.5, 1.1)
xlims := (2600, 2630)
xticks := (2600:10:2630)
legend := :bottomright
yscale := :log10
seriestype := :line
subplot := 2
c := :plasma
colorbar := :none
fill := false
label := "After correction"
xlims := xl
ylims := (0, 1)
yticks := 0.1:0.1:0.9
yformatter := :plain
xlabel := "Energy ($(unit(report_ctc.peak)))"
ylabel := "Eff. Drift time (a.u.)"
kde((ustrip(report_ctc.e_ctc), report_ctc.qdrift_peak ./ maximum(report_ctc.qdrift_peak)))

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/LegendSpecFits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ using LsqFit
using Measurements
using Measurements: value as mvalue
using Measurements: uncertainty as muncert
using Optim
using Optimization
using OptimizationBBO
using OptimizationNLopt
using OptimizationOptimJL
using PropDicts
using RadiationSpectra
using Roots
Expand Down
50 changes: 34 additions & 16 deletions src/aoefit_combined.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ function fit_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ(h::Histogram, μ::Number,

# This function calculates the same thing as fit_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ, but just returns the value of the negative log-likelihood
function neg_log_likelihood_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ(h::Histogram, μ::Number, σ::Number, ps::NamedTuple; fit_func::Symbol = :f_fit, background_center::Union{Real,Nothing} = μ)
function neg_log_likelihood_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ(h::Histogram, μ::Real, σ::Real, ps::NamedTuple; fit_func::Symbol = :f_fit, background_center::Union{Real,Nothing} = μ, optimize::Bool=true)

# create pseudo priors
pseudo_prior = get_aoe_pseudo_prior(h, ps, fit_func;
Expand All @@ -126,14 +126,18 @@ function neg_log_likelihood_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ(h::Histogram

optf = OptimizationFunction((u, p) -> ((-) f_loglike inverse(f_trafo))(u), AutoForwardDiff())
optpro = OptimizationProblem(optf, v_init, [])
res = solve(optpro, Optimization.LBFGS(), maxiters = 3000, maxtime=optim_time_limit)
if optimize
optf = OptimizationFunction((u, p) -> ((-) f_loglike inverse(f_trafo))(u), AutoForwardDiff())
optpro = OptimizationProblem(optf, v_init, [])
res = solve(optpro, Optimization.LBFGS(), maxiters = 3000, maxtime=optim_time_limit)

converged = (res.retcode == ReturnCode.Success)
if !converged @warn "Fit did not converge" end
converged = (res.retcode == ReturnCode.Success)
if !converged @warn "Fit did not converge" end

return res.objective
return res.objective
return f_loglike(merge((μ = μ, σ = σ), ps))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,6 +240,19 @@ function fit_aoe_compton_combined(peakhists::Vector{<:Histogram}, peakstats::Str

if uncertainty && converged

# create loglikehood function for single hist
function _get_neg_log_likehood(e::Real, h::Histogram, vi::NamedTuple)
# get fit function with background center
fit_function = get_aoe_fit_functions(; background_center = f_aoe_mu(e, (v_ml.μA, v_ml.μB)))[fit_func]

# create loglikehood function
f_loglike = let f_fit=fit_function, h=h
v -> hist_loglike(x -> x in Interval(extrema(h.edges[1])...) ? f_fit(x, v) : 0, h)
- f_loglike(vi)

# create full loglikehood function
f_loglike_array = array -> begin
pars = array_to_tuple(array, v_ml)

Expand All @@ -246,18 +263,19 @@ function fit_aoe_compton_combined(peakhists::Vector{<:Histogram}, peakstats::Str

# get histogram and peakstats
h = peakhists[i]
ps = peakstats[i]
vi = v_results[i]
e = ustrip(compton_bands[i])
μ = f_aoe_mu(e, (pars.μA, pars.μB))
σ = f_aoe_sigma(e, (pars.σA, pars.σB))

neg_log_likelihoods[i] = _get_neg_log_likehood(e, h, merge(mvalue(vi), (μ = μ, σ = σ)))

# fit peak
neg_log_likelihoods[i] = neg_log_likelihood_single_aoe_compton_with_fixed_μ_and_σ(h, μ, σ, ps; fit_func=fit_func)
catch e
@warn "Error fitting band $(compton_bands[i]): $e"
# try
# catch e
# @warn "Error fitting band $(compton_bands[i]): $e"
# continue
# end
return sum(neg_log_likelihoods)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +312,7 @@ function fit_aoe_compton_combined(peakhists::Vector{<:Histogram}, peakstats::Str
@debug "σB: $(v_ml.σB) ± $(v_ml_err.σB)"

result = merge(NamedTuple{keys(v_ml)}([measurement(v_ml[k], v_ml_err[k]) for k in keys(v_ml)]...),
(gof = (pvalue = pval, chi2 = chi2, dof = dof, covmat = param_covariance,
(gof = (converged = converged, pvalue = pval, chi2 = chi2, dof = dof, covmat = param_covariance,
residuals = residuals, residuals_norm = residuals_norm),) #, bin_centers = bin_centers),)
Expand All @@ -304,7 +322,7 @@ function fit_aoe_compton_combined(peakhists::Vector{<:Histogram}, peakstats::Str
@debug "σA: $(v_ml.σA)"
@debug "σB: $(v_ml.σB)"

result = merge(v_ml, )
result = merge(v_ml, (gof = (converged = converged, ), ))

# Add same fields to result as fit_aoe_corrections
Expand Down

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