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oschulz committed Mar 5, 2023
1 parent 65deeb1 commit a338424
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Showing 7 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions examples/calfit_example.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

using LegendSpecFits, RadiationSpectra
using LegendHDF5IO
using StatsBase, Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using StructArrays
using ValueShapes, InverseFunctions, BAT, Optim
using Plots

# Some LH5-file with uncalibrated calibration data enery depositions:

detector_no = 40

lhd = LHDataStore(input_filename)
E_uncal = lhd[string(detector_no)][:]

h_uncal = fit(Histogram, E_uncal, nbins = 20000)

#th228_lines = [583.191, 727.330, 860.564, 1592.53, 1620.50, 2103.53, 2614.50]
th228_lines = [583.191, 727.330, 860.564, 2103.53, 2614.50]
h_cal, h_deconv, peakpos, threshold, c, c_precal = RadiationSpectra.calibrate_spectrum(
h_uncal, th228_lines,
σ = 2.0, threshold = 5.0

peakhists = RadiationSpectra.subhist.(Ref(h_cal), (x -> (x-25, x+25)).(th228_lines))
peakstats = StructArray(estimate_single_peak_stats.(peakhists))

plot(normalize(h_uncal, mode = :density), st = :stepbins, yscale = :log10);
plot.(normalize.(peakhists, mode = :density), st = :stepbins, yscale = :log10)...

# Peak-by-peak fit:

peak_fit_plots = Plots.Plot[]

for i in eachindex(peakhists)
h = peakhists[i]
ps = peakstats[i]

pseudo_prior = NamedTupleDist(
μ = Uniform(ps.peak_pos-10, ps.peak_pos+10),
σ = weibull_from_mx(ps.peak_sigma, 2*ps.peak_sigma),
n = weibull_from_mx(ps.peak_counts, 2*ps.peak_counts),
step_amplitude = weibull_from_mx(ps.mean_background, 2*ps.mean_background),
skew_fraction = Uniform(0.01, 0.25),
skew_width = LogUniform(0.001, 0.1),
background = weibull_from_mx(ps.mean_background, 2*ps.mean_background),

f_trafo = BAT.DistributionTransform(Normal, pseudo_prior)

v_init = mean(pseudo_prior)

f_fit(x, v) = gamma_peakshape(x, v.μ, v.σ, v.n, v.step_amplitude, v.skew_fraction, v.skew_width) + v.background

f_loglike = let f_fit=f_fit, h=h
v -> hist_loglike(Base.Fix2(f_fit, v), h)

opt_r = optimize((-) f_loglike inverse(f_trafo), f_trafo(v_init))
v_ml = inverse(f_trafo)(Optim.minimizer(opt_r))
plt = plot(normalize(h, mode = :density), st = :stepbins, yscale = :log10)
plot!(minimum(h.edges[1]):0.1:maximum(h.edges[1]), Base.Fix2(f_fit, v_ml))
push!(peak_fit_plots, plt)


# Global fit over all calibration gamma lines:

th228_lines = [583.191, 727.330, 860.564, 2614.50]
peakhists = RadiationSpectra.subhist.(Ref(h_cal), (x -> (x-25, x+25)).(th228_lines))
peakstats = StructArray(estimate_single_peak_stats.(peakhists))

function f_fit(x, v)
μ = v.cal_offs + v.cal_slope * v.expected_μ + v.cal_sqr * v.expected_μ^2
σ = sqrt(v.σ_enc^2 + (sqrt(μ) * v.σ_fano)^2)
x, μ, σ,
v.n, v.step_amplitude, v.skew_fraction, v.skew_width
) + v.background

function empirical_prior_from_peakstats(peakstats::StructArray{<:NamedTuple})
ps = peakstats
mean_rel_sigma = mean(peakstats.peak_sigma ./ sqrt.(peakstats.peak_pos))
expected_μ = ConstValueDist(th228_lines),
cal_offs = Exponential(5.0),
cal_slope = weibull_from_mx.(1.0, 1.01),
cal_sqr = Exponential(0.000001),
σ_fano = weibull_from_mx.(mean_rel_sigma, 2 .* mean_rel_sigma),
σ_enc = Exponential(0.5),
n = product_distribution(weibull_from_mx.(ps.peak_counts, 2 .* ps.peak_counts)),
step_amplitude = product_distribution(weibull_from_mx.(ps.mean_background, 2 .* ps.mean_background)),
skew_fraction = product_distribution(fill(Uniform(0.01, 0.25), length(peakstats))),
skew_width = product_distribution(fill(LogUniform(0.001, 0.1), length(peakstats))),
background = product_distribution(weibull_from_mx.(ps.mean_background, 2 .* ps.mean_background)),

pseudo_prior = empirical_prior_from_peakstats(peakstats)

f_trafo = BAT.DistributionTransform(Normal, pseudo_prior)

v_init = mean(pseudo_prior)

f_loglike = let f_fit=f_fit, peakhists=peakhists
v -> sum(hist_loglike.(Base.Fix2.(f_fit, expand_vars(v)), peakhists))

opt_r = optimize((-) f_loglike inverse(f_trafo), f_trafo(v_init))
v_ml = inverse(f_trafo)(Optim.minimizer(opt_r))

h = peakhists[i]
v = expand_vars(v_ml)[i]
plot(normalize(h, mode = :density), st = :stepbins, yscale = :log10)
plot!(minimum(h.edges[1]):0.1:maximum(h.edges[1]), Base.Fix2(f_fit, v))
end; for i in eachindex(peakhists)]...)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/LegendSpecFits.jl
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ using Tables
using Unitful
using ValueShapes


@static if !isdefined(Base, :get_extension)
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/likelihoods.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

hist_loglike(f_fit::Base.Callable, h::Histogram{<:Real,1})
Calculate the Poisson log-likelihood of a fit function `f_fit(x)` and a
histogram `h`. `f_fit` must accept all values `x` on the horizontal axis
of the histogram.
Currently uses a simple midpoint-rule integration of `f_fit` over the
bins of `h`.
function hist_loglike(f_fit::Base.Callable, h::Histogram{<:Real,1})
bin_edges = first(h.edges)
counts = h.weights
bin_centers = (bin_edges[begin:end-1] .+ bin_edges[begin+1:end]) ./ 2
bin_widths = bin_edges[begin+1:end] .- bin_edges[begin:end-1]
bin_ll(x, bw, k) = logpdf(Poisson(bw * f_fit(x)), k)
sum(Base.Broadcast.broadcasted(bin_ll, bin_centers, bin_widths, counts))
export hist_loglike
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/peakshapes.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

LegendSpecFits.gauss_pdf(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real)
Equivalent to `pdf(Normal(μ, σ), x)`
gauss_pdf(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real) = inv* sqrt2π) * exp(-((x - μ) / σ)^2 / 2)

ex_gauss_pdf(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real, θ::Real)
The PDF of an
[Exponentially modified Gaussian distribution](
with Gaussian parameters `μ`, `σ` and exponential scale `θ` at `x`.
It is the PDF of the distribution that descibes the random process
`rand(Normal(μ, σ)) + rand(Exponential(θ))`.
function ex_gauss_pdf(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real, θ::Real)
R = float(promote_type(typeof(x), typeof(σ), typeof(θ)))
x_μ = x - μ
gauss_pdf_value = inv* sqrt2π) * exp(-(x_μ/σ)^2 / 2)

y = if θ < σ * R(10^-6)
# Use asymptotic form for very small θ - necessary?
R(gauss_pdf_value / (1 + x_μ * θ / σ^2))
elseif σ/θ - x_μ/σ < 0
# Original:
R(inv(2*θ) * exp((σ/θ)^2/2 - x_μ/θ) * erfc(invsqrt2 */θ - x_μ/σ)))
# More stable, numerically, for small values of θ:
R(gauss_pdf_value * σ/θ * sqrthalfπ * erfcx(invsqrt2 */θ - x_μ/σ)))
@assert !isnan(y) && !isinf(y)
return y

step_gauss(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real)
Evaluates the convulution of a Heaviside step function and the
PDF of `Normal(μ, σ)` at `x`.
The result does not correspond to a PDF as it is not normalizable.
step_gauss(x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real) = erfc( (μ-x) / (sqrt2 * σ) ) / 2

x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real, n::Real,
step_amplitude::Real, skew_fraction::Real, skew_width::Real
Describes the shape of a typical gamma peak in a detector.
function gamma_peakshape(
x::Real, μ::Real, σ::Real, n::Real,
step_amplitude::Real, skew_fraction::Real, skew_width::Real
skew = skew_width * μ
return n * (
(1 - skew_fraction) * gauss_pdf(x, μ, σ) +
skew_fraction * ex_gauss_pdf(-x, -μ, σ, skew)
) + step_amplitude * step_gauss(-x, -μ, σ);
export gamma_peakshape
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/priors.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

weibull_from_mx(m::Real, x::Real, p_x::Real = 0.6827)::Weibull
Construct a Weibull distribution with a given median `m` and a given
`p_x`-quantile `x`.
Useful to construct priors for positive quantities.
function weibull_from_mx(m::Real, x::Real, p_x::Real = 0.6827)
α = log(-log(1-p_x) / log(2)) / log(x/m)
θ = m / log(2)^(1/α)
Weibull(α, θ)
export weibull_from_mx
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/specfit.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

Estimate statistics/parameters for a single peak in the given histogram `h`.
`h` must only contain a single peak. The peak should have a Gaussian-like
Returns a `NamedTuple` with the fields
* `peak_pos`: estimated position of the peak (in the middle of the peak)
* `peak_fwhm`: full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the peak
* `peak_sigma`: estimated standard deviation of the peak
* `peak_counts`: estimated number of counts in the peak
* `mean_background`: estimated mean background value
function estimate_single_peak_stats(h::Histogram)
W = h.weights
E = first(h.edges)
peak_amplitude, peak_idx = findmax(W)
fwhm_idx_left = findfirst(w -> w >= (first(W) + peak_amplitude) /2, W)
fwhm_idx_right = findlast(w -> w >= (last(W) + peak_amplitude) /2, W)
peak_max_pos = (E[peak_idx] + E[peak_idx+1]) / 2
peak_mid_pos = (E[fwhm_idx_right] + E[fwhm_idx_left]) / 2
peak_pos = (peak_max_pos + peak_mid_pos) / 2
peak_fwhm = E[fwhm_idx_right] - E[fwhm_idx_left]
peak_sigma = peak_fwhm * inv(2*√(2log(2)))
#peak_area = peak_amplitude * peak_sigma * sqrt(2*π)
mean_background = (first(W) + last(W)) / 2
peak_counts = inv(0.761) * (sum(view(W,fwhm_idx_left:fwhm_idx_right)) - mean_background * peak_fwhm)

peak_pos = peak_pos, peak_fwhm = peak_fwhm,
peak_sigma, peak_counts, mean_background
export estimate_single_peak_stats

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

Expand all fields in `v` (scalars or arrays) to same array size and return
a `StructArray`.
function expand_vars(v::NamedTuple)
sz = Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape((1,), map(size, values(v))...)
_expand(x::Real) = Fill(x, sz)
_expand(x::AbstractArray) = broadcast((a,b) -> b, Fill(nothing, sz), x)
StructArray(map(_expand, v))
export expand_vars

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