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Merge pull request #112 from legend-exp/patch_sipm-simple
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Bug Fix `SiPM` Simple Calibration + Optimization
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fhagemann authored Feb 3, 2025
2 parents 31ab269 + 2346c99 commit 74f700a
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Showing 6 changed files with 228 additions and 79 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Distributions = "0.25.87"
FillArrays = "1.4.1"
Format = "1.2, 1.3"
ForwardDiff = "0.10.26"
GaussianMixtures = "0.3.11"
GaussianMixtures = "0.3.12"
IntervalSets = "0.7"
InverseFunctions = "0.1.8"
IrrationalConstants = "0.1.1, 0.2"
Expand Down
36 changes: 33 additions & 3 deletions ext/LegendSpecFitsRecipesBaseExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,36 @@ end

@recipe function f(report:: NamedTuple{(:wl, :min_obj, :gain, :res_1pe, :pos_1pe, :threshold, :a_grid_wl_sg, :obj, :report_simple, :report_fit)})
xlabel := "Window Length ($(unit(first(report.a_grid_wl_sg))))"
ylabel := "Objective \n σ * √(threshold) \n ______________ \n gain * √(pos_1pe)"
grid := :true
gridcolor := :black
gridalpha := 0.2
gridlinewidth := 0.5
ylims := (0, 1.5 * maximum(Measurements.value.(report.obj)))
@series begin
seriestype := :scatter
label := "Obj"
ustrip.(report.a_grid_wl_sg), ustrip.(report.obj)
@series begin
seriestype := :hline
label := "Min. Obj $(report.min_obj) (WL: $(report.wl))"
color := :red
linewidth := 2.5
@series begin
seriestype := :hspan
label := ""
color := :red
alpha := 0.1
ustrip.([Measurements.value(report.min_obj)-Measurements.uncertainty(report.min_obj), Measurements.value(report.min_obj)+Measurements.uncertainty(report.min_obj)])

@recipe function f(report::NamedTuple{(:v, :h, :f_fit, :f_components, :gof)}; show_label=true, show_fit=true, show_components=true, show_residuals=true, f_fit_x_step_scaling=1/100, _subplot=1, x_label="Energy (keV)")
f_fit_x_step = ustrip(value(report.v.σ)) * f_fit_x_step_scaling
bin_centers = collect(report.h.edges[1])[1:end-1] .+ diff(collect(report.h.edges[1]))[1]/2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,14 +539,14 @@ end
pps = report.peakpos
xlims := (0, last(first(h.edges)))
min_y = minimum(h.weights) == 0.0 ? 1e-3*maximum(h.weights) : 0.8*minimum(h.weights)
min_y = minimum(h.weights) == 0.0 ? 1e1 : 0.8*minimum(h.weights)
ylims --> (min_y, maximum(h.weights)*1.1)
@series begin
seriestype := :stepbins
label := "amps"
y_vline = min_y:1:maximum(h.weights)*1.1
y_vline = [min_y, maximum(h.weights)*1.1]
for (i, p) in enumerate(pps)
@series begin
seriestype := :line
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,7 +574,7 @@ end
ylabel := "Counts / $(round_wo_units(report_sipm.bin_width * 1e3, digits=2))E-3 P.E."
xlims := (first(first(report_sipm.h_cal.edges)), last(first(report_sipm.h_cal.edges)))
xticks := (ceil(first(first(report_sipm.h_cal.edges)))-0.5:0.5:last(first(report_sipm.h_cal.edges)))
min_y = minimum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights) == 0.0 ? 1e-3*maximum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights) : 0.8*minimum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights)
min_y = minimum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights) == 0.0 ? 1e1 : 0.8*minimum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights)
ylims := (min_y, maximum(report_sipm.h_cal.weights)*1.1)
bin_centers = collect(report_sipm.h_cal.edges[1])[1:end-1] .+ diff(collect(report_sipm.h_cal.edges[1]))[1]/2
@series begin
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/LegendSpecFits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ include("specfit_functions.jl")
abstract type UncertTag end
ForwardDiff.:()(::Type{<:ForwardDiff.Tag}, ::Type{UncertTag}) = true
ForwardDiff.:()(::Type{UncertTag}, ::Type{<:ForwardDiff.Tag}) = false
Expand Down
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions src/sipm_filter_optimization.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@

fit_sipm_wl(trig_max_grid::VectorOfVectors{<:Real}, e_grid_wl::StepRangeLen)
Fit the SiPM spectrum for different window lengths and return the optimal window length.
# Arguments
- `trig_max_grid`: grid of trigger maxima for different window lengths
- `e_grid_wl`: range of window lengths to sweep through
# Returns
- `result`: optimal window length and corresponding gain, resolution and position of 1pe peak
- `report`: report with all window lengths and corresponding gains, resolutions and positions of 1pe peaks
function fit_sipm_wl(trig_max_grid::VectorOfVectors{<:Real}, e_grid_wl::StepRangeLen, thresholds::Vector{<:Real}=zeros(length(e_grid_wl));
min_pe_peak::Int=1, max_pe_peak::Int=5, n_fwhm_noise_cut::Real=2.0, peakfinder_threshold::Real=5.0, initial_max_amp::Real = 50.0, initial_max_bin_width_quantile::Real=0.9999,
peakfinder_rtol::Real=0.1, peakfinder_α::Real=0.1, peakfinder_σ::Real=-1.0,
min_pe_fit::Real=0.6, max_pe_fit::Real=3.5, Δpe_peak_assignment::Real=0.3)

gain_wl = Vector{Measurement{Float64}}(undef, length(e_grid_wl))
res_1pe_wl = Vector{Measurement{Float64}}(undef, length(e_grid_wl))
pos_1pe_wl = Vector{Measurement{Float64}}(undef, length(e_grid_wl))
success = falses(length(e_grid_wl))
reports_simple = Vector{NamedTuple}(undef, length(e_grid_wl))
reports_fit = Vector{NamedTuple}(undef, length(e_grid_wl))

# for each window lenght, calculate gain, resolution and position of 1pe peak
Threads.@threads for w in eachindex(e_grid_wl)
wl = e_grid_wl[w]
trig_max = filter(isfinite, collect(trig_max_grid[w]))
threshold = thresholds[w]
result_simple, report_simple = sipm_simple_calibration(trig_max; initial_min_amp=threshold, initial_max_amp=initial_max_amp, initial_max_bin_width_quantile=initial_max_bin_width_quantile,
min_pe_peak=min_pe_peak, max_pe_peak=max_pe_peak, n_fwhm_noise_cut=n_fwhm_noise_cut, peakfinder_threshold=peakfinder_threshold,
peakfinder_rtol=peakfinder_rtol, peakfinder_α=peakfinder_α, peakfinder_σ=peakfinder_σ)

result_fit, report_fit = fit_sipm_spectrum(result_simple.pe_simple_cal, min_pe_fit, max_pe_fit; f_uncal=result_simple.f_simple_uncal, Δpe_peak_assignment=Δpe_peak_assignment)

# gain_wl[w] = minimum(result_simple.peakpos) - ifelse(threshold == 0.0, result_simple.noisepeakpos, threshold)
gain_wl[w] = minimum(result_simple.peakpos) - result_simple.noisepeakpos
res_1pe_wl[w] = first(result_fit.resolutions)
pos_1pe_wl[w] = first(result_fit.positions)
reports_simple[w] = report_simple
reports_fit[w] = report_fit
success[w] = true
catch e
@warn "Failed to process wl: $wl: $e"

thrs = if all(thresholds .== 0.0) ones(length(e_grid_wl)) else thresholds end
obj = sqrt.(res_1pe_wl[success]) .* sqrt.(thrs[success]) ./ gain_wl[success]
wls = collect(e_grid_wl)[success]

if isempty(obj)
@error "No valid gain found"
throw(ErrorException("No valid gain found, could not determine optimal window length"))
min_obj, min_obj_idx = findmin(obj)
wl_min_obj = wls[min_obj_idx]
min_res1pe = res_1pe_wl[success][min_obj_idx]
min_gain = gain_wl[success][min_obj_idx]
min_pos1pe = pos_1pe_wl[success][min_obj_idx]
min_threshold = thresholds[success][min_obj_idx]
min_report_simple = reports_simple[success][min_obj_idx]
min_report_fit = reports_fit[success][min_obj_idx]

# generate result and report
result = (
wl = measurement(wl_min_obj, step(e_grid_wl)),
obj = min_obj,
res_1pe = min_res1pe,
gain = min_gain,
pos_1pe = min_pos1pe,
threshold = min_threshold
report = (
wl = result.wl,
min_obj = result.obj,
gain = gain_wl,
res_1pe = res_1pe_wl,
pos_1pe = pos_1pe_wl,
threshold = thresholds[success],
a_grid_wl_sg = wls,
obj = obj,
report_simple = min_report_simple,
report_fit = min_report_fit,
return result, report
export fit_sipm_wl

fit_sipm_threshold(thresholds::Vector{<:Real}, min_cut::Real=minimum(thresholds), max_cut::Real=maximum(thresholds); n_bins::Int=-1, relative_cut::Real=0.2, fit_thresholds::Bool=true, uncertainty::Bool=true)
Fit the SiPM threshold spectrum and return the optimal threshold.
# Arguments
- `thresholds`: vector of thresholds
- `min_cut`: minimum threshold
- `max_cut`: maximum threshold
- `n_bins`: number of bins for histogram
- `relative_cut`: relative cut for threshold
- `fit_thresholds`: fit thresholds
- `uncertainty`: calculate uncertainty
# Returns
- `result`: optimal threshold and corresponding gain, resolution and position of 1pe peak
- `report`: report with all thresholds and corresponding gains, resolutions and positions of 1pe peaks
function fit_sipm_threshold(thresholds::Vector{<:Real}, min_cut::Real=minimum(thresholds), max_cut::Real=maximum(thresholds); n_bins::Int=-1, relative_cut::Real=0.2, fit_thresholds::Bool=true, uncertainty::Bool=true)
# cut out thresholds
filter!(in(min_cut .. max_cut), thresholds)

# get bin_width
h = if n_bins < 1
fit(Histogram, thresholds, min_cut:get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(thresholds):max_cut)
fit(Histogram, thresholds, n_bins)
# get simple thresholds
result_simple = (μ_simple = mean(thresholds), σ_simple = std(thresholds))

# fit histogram
result_trig, report_trig = if fit_thresholds
# generate cuts for thresholds
cuts_thres = cut_single_peak(thresholds, min_cut, max_cut; n_bins=n_bins, relative_cut=relative_cut)
# fit histogram
fit_binned_trunc_gauss(h, cuts_thres; uncertainty=uncertainty)
= result_simple.μ_simple, σ = result_simple.σ_simple), h
# get simple std and mu values
result = merge(result_trig, result_simple)
return result, report_trig
export fit_sipm_threshold
123 changes: 51 additions & 72 deletions src/sipm_simple_calibration.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,34 +27,75 @@ function sipm_simple_calibration end
export sipm_simple_calibration

function sipm_simple_calibration(pe_uncal::Vector{<:Real};
min_pe_peak::Int=1, max_pe_peak::Int=5, relative_cut_noise_cut::Real=0.5, n_fwhm_noise_cut::Real=5.0,
initial_min_amp::Real=0.0, initial_max_amp::Real=50.0, initial_max_bin_width_quantile::Real=0.9,
peakfinder_σ::Real=-1.0, peakfinder_threshold::Real=10.0, peakfinder_rtol::Real=0.1, peakfinder_α::Real=0.05

# Initial peak search
cuts_1pe = cut_single_peak(pe_uncal, initial_min_amp, initial_max_amp, relative_cut=relative_cut_noise_cut)

h_uncal, peakpos = find_peaks(pe_uncal; kwargs...)
bin_width_cut_min = cuts_1pe.max+n_fwhm_noise_cut*(cuts_1pe.high - cuts_1pe.max)
bin_width_cut = get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(filter(in(bin_width_cut_min..quantile(pe_uncal, initial_max_bin_width_quantile)), pe_uncal))
peakpos = []
for bin_width_scale in exp10.(range(0, stop=-3, length=50))
@debug "Using bin width: $(bin_width_cut)"

bin_width_cut_scaled = bin_width_cut * bin_width_scale
h_uncal_cut = fit(Histogram, pe_uncal, bin_width_cut_min:bin_width_cut_scaled:initial_max_amp)
if peakfinder_σ <= 0.0
peakfinder_σ = round(Int, 2*(cuts_1pe.high - cuts_1pe.max) / bin_width_cut_scaled / 2.355)
@debug "Peakfinder σ: $(peakfinder_σ)"
c, h_deconv, peakpos, threshold = RadiationSpectra.determine_calibration_constant_through_peak_ratios(h_uncal_cut, collect(range(min_pe_peak, max_pe_peak, step=1)),
min_n_peaks = 2, max_n_peaks = max_pe_peak, threshold=peakfinder_threshold, rtol=peakfinder_rtol, α=peakfinder_α, σ=peakfinder_σ)
catch e
@warn "Failed to find peaks with bin width scale $(bin_width_scale): $(e)"
@debug "Found peaks with bin width scale $(bin_width_scale)"
if !isempty(peakpos)

if isempty(peakpos) || length(peakpos) < 2
throw(ErrorException("Failed to find peaks"))

# simple calibration
@debug "Found $(min_pe_peak) PE Peak positions: $(peakpos[1])"
@debug "Found $(min_pe_peak+1) PE Peak positions: $(peakpos[2])"
gain = peakpos[2] - peakpos[1]
@debug "Calculated gain: $(round(gain, digits=2))"
c = 1/gain
offset = - (peakpos[1] * c - 1)
offset = - (peakpos[1] * c - min_pe_peak)
@debug "Calculated offset: $(round(offset, digits=2))"

f_simple_calib = x -> x .* c .+ offset
f_simple_uncal = x -> (x .- offset) ./ c
pe_simple_cal = pe_uncal .* c .+ offset
peakpos_cal = peakpos .* c .+ offset

bin_width_cal = get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(filter(in(0.5..1.5), pe_simple_cal))
bin_width_uncal = get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(filter(in( (0.5 - offset) / c .. (1.5 - offset) / c), pe_simple_cal))
pe_simple_cal = f_simple_calib.(pe_uncal)
peakpos_cal = f_simple_calib.(peakpos)

bin_width_cal = get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(filter(in(0.5..min_pe_peak), pe_simple_cal))
bin_width_uncal = f_simple_uncal(bin_width_cal) - f_simple_uncal(0.0)

h_calsimple = fit(Histogram, pe_simple_cal, 0.0:bin_width_cal:6.0)
h_uncal = fit(Histogram, pe_uncal, 0.0:bin_width_uncal:(6.0 - offset) / c)
h_calsimple = fit(Histogram, pe_simple_cal, 0.0:bin_width_cal:max_pe_peak + 1)
h_uncal = fit(Histogram, pe_uncal, 0.0:bin_width_uncal:f_simple_uncal(max_pe_peak + 1))

result = (
pe_simple_cal = pe_simple_cal,
peakpos = peakpos,
f_simple_calib = f_simple_calib,
f_simple_uncal = f_simple_uncal,
c = c,
offset = offset
offset = offset,
noisepeakpos = cuts_1pe.max,
noisepeakwidth = cuts_1pe.high - cuts_1pe.low
report = (
peakpos = peakpos,
Expand All @@ -63,66 +104,4 @@ function sipm_simple_calibration(pe_uncal::Vector{<:Real};
h_calsimple = h_calsimple
return result, report

function find_peaks(
amps::Vector{<:Real}; initial_min_amp::Real=1.0, initial_max_quantile::Real=0.99,
peakfinder_σ::Real=2.0, peakfinder_threshold::Real=10.0
# Start with a big window where the noise peak is included
min_amp = initial_min_amp
max_quantile = initial_max_quantile
max_amp = quantile(amps, max_quantile)
bin_width = get_friedman_diaconis_bin_width(filter(in(quantile(amps, 0.01)..quantile(amps, 0.9)), amps))

# Initial peak search
h_uncal = fit(Histogram, amps, min_amp:bin_width:max_amp)
h_decon, peakpos = peakfinder(h_uncal, σ=peakfinder_σ, backgroundRemove=true, threshold=peakfinder_threshold)

# Ensure at least 2 peaks
num_peaks = length(peakpos)
if num_peaks == 0
error("No peaks found.")

# Determine the 1 p.e. peak position based on the assumption that it is the highest
peakpos_idxs = StatsBase.binindex.(Ref(h_decon), peakpos)
cts_peakpos = h_decon.weights[peakpos_idxs]
first_pe_peak_pos = peakpos[argmax(cts_peakpos)]

# Remove all peaks with x vals < x pos of 1p.e. peak
filter!(x -> x >= first_pe_peak_pos, peakpos)
num_peaks = length(peakpos)

# while less than two peaks found, or second peakpos smaller than 1 pe peakpos, or gain smaller than 1 (peaks too close)
while num_peaks < 2 || peakpos[2] <= first_pe_peak_pos || (peakpos[2] - peakpos[1]) <= 1.0
# Adjust σ and recheck peaks
if peakfinder_σ < 10.0
println("Increasing peakfinder_σ: ", peakfinder_σ)
peakfinder_σ += 0.5
# If σ can't increase further, reduce threshold
println("Adjusting peakfinder_threshold: ", peakfinder_threshold)
peakfinder_threshold -= 1.0
peakfinder_σ = 2.0 # Reset σ for new threshold

# Safety check to avoid lowering threshold too much
if peakfinder_threshold < 2.0
error("Unable to find two distinct peaks within reasonable quantile range.")

# Find peaks with updated parameters
h_decon, peakpos = peakfinder(h_uncal, σ=peakfinder_σ, backgroundRemove=true, threshold=peakfinder_threshold)
filter!(x -> x >= first_pe_peak_pos, peakpos)
num_peaks = length(peakpos)

# Safety check to avoid infinite loops
if peakfinder_σ >= 10.0 && peakfinder_threshold < 2.0
error("Unable to find two peaks within reasonable quantile range.")

return h_decon, peakpos
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/sipmfit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Fit a Gaussian Mixture Model to the given pe calibration data and return the fit
- `report`: a tuple with the fit report which can be plotted via a recipe
function fit_sipm_spectrum(pe_cal::Vector{<:Real}, min_pe::Real=0.5, max_pe::Real=3.5;
n_mixtures::Int=ceil(Int, (max_pe - min_pe) * 4), nIter::Int=50, nInit::Int=50,
n_mixtures::Int=ceil(Int, (max_pe - min_pe) * 4), nIter::Int=25, nInit::Int=50,
method::Symbol=:kmeans, kind=:diag, Δpe_peak_assignment::Real=0.3, f_uncal::Function=identity, uncertainty::Bool=true)

# first filter peak positions out of amplitude vector
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ function fit_sipm_spectrum(pe_cal::Vector{<:Real}, min_pe::Real=0.5, max_pe::Rea

# get pe_pos
get_pe_pos = pe -> let sel = in.(μ, (-Δpe_peak_assignment..Δpe_peak_assignment) .+ pe)
dot(view(μ,sel), view(w,sel)) / sum(view(w,sel))
dot(view(μ, sel), view(w, sel)) / sum(view(w, sel))
get_pe_res = pe -> let sel = in.(μ, (-Δpe_peak_assignment..Δpe_peak_assignment) .+ pe)
dot(view(σ,sel), view(w,sel)) / sum(view(w,sel))
sqrt(dot(view(σ, sel).^2, view(w, sel).^2))
n_pos_mixtures = [count(in.(μ, (-Δpe_peak_assignment..Δpe_peak_assignment) .+ pe)) for pe in pes]

Expand Down

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