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LisaSchlueter committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent f4fef01 commit 4203bde
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Showing 3 changed files with 71 additions and 13 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
FillArrays = "1a297f60-69ca-5386-bcde-b61e274b549b"
Formatting = "59287772-0a20-5a39-b81b-1366585eb4c0"
ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
Interpolations = "a98d9a8b-a2ab-59e6-89dd-64a1c18fca59"
IntervalSets = "8197267c-284f-5f27-9208-e0e47529a953"
InverseFunctions = "3587e190-3f89-42d0-90ee-14403ec27112"
IrrationalConstants = "92d709cd-6900-40b7-9082-c6be49f344b6"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ Distributions = "0.24, 0.25"
FillArrays = "0.7,0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 1"
Formatting = "0.4"
ForwardDiff = "0.10"
Interpolations = "v0.15.1"
IntervalSets = "0.7"
InverseFunctions = "0.1"
IrrationalConstants = "0.1, 0.2"
Expand Down
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/specfit_testdata.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
Sample Legend200 calibration data based on "Inverse Transform Sampling" method:
- pdf of th228 calibration calibration peak is estimated from fit model function f_fit from LegendSpecFits
- calculate the cumulative distribution function F(x)
- generate a random number u from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1.
- find the value x such that F(x) = u by solving for x . --> done by interpolation of the inverse cdf
- repeat for many u --> energy samples
function generate_mc_spectrum(n_tot::Int=200000,; f_fit::Base.Callable=th228_fit_functions.f_fit)

th228_lines = [583.191, 727.330, 860.564, 1592.53, 1620.50, 2103.53, 2614.51]
v = [
= 2103.53, σ = 2.11501, n = 385.123, step_amplitude = 1e-242, skew_fraction = 0.005, skew_width = 0.1, background = 55),
= 860.564, σ = 0.817838, n = 355.84, step_amplitude = 1.2, skew_fraction = 0.005, skew_width = 0.099, background = 35),
= 727.33, σ = 0.721594, n = 452.914, step_amplitude = 5.4, skew_fraction = 0.005, skew_width = 0.1, background = 28),
= 1620.5, σ = 1.24034, n = 130.256, step_amplitude = 1e-20, skew_fraction = 0.005, skew_width = 0.1, background = 16),
= 583.191, σ = 0.701544, n = 1865.52, step_amplitude = 17.9, skew_fraction = 0.1, skew_width = 0.1, background = 16),
= 1592.53, σ = 2.09123, n = 206.827, step_amplitude = 1e-21, skew_fraction = 0.005, skew_width = 0.1, background = 17),
= 2614.51, σ = 1.51289, n = 3130.43, step_amplitude = 1e-101, skew_fraction = 0.1, skew_width = 0.003, background = 1)

# calculate pdf and cdf functions
bin_centers_all = Array{StepRangeLen,1}(undef, length(th228_lines))
model_counts_all = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef, length(th228_lines))
model_cdf_all = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef, length(th228_lines))
energy_mc_all = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef, length(th228_lines))
PeakMax = zeros(length(th228_lines))

for i=1:length(th228_lines) # get fine binned model function to estimate pdf
n_step = 5000 # fine binning
bin_centers_all[i] = range(v[i].µ-30, stop=v[i].µ+30, length=n_step)
bw = bin_centers_all[i][2]-bin_centers_all[i][1]
bin_widths = range(bw,bw, length=n_step)

# save as intermediate result
model_counts_all[i] = get_model_counts(f_fit, v[i], bin_centers_all[i], bin_widths)
PeakMax[i] = maximum(model_counts_all[i])

# create CDF
model_cdf_all[i] = cumsum(model_counts_all[i])
model_cdf_all[i] = model_cdf_all[i]./maximum(model_cdf_all[i])

# weights each peak with amplitude
PeakMaxRel = PeakMax./sum(PeakMax)
n_i = round.(Int,PeakMaxRel.*n_tot)

# do the sampling: drawn from uniform distribution
for i=1:length(th228_lines)
bandwidth = maximum(model_cdf_all[i])-minimum(model_cdf_all[i])
rand_i = minimum(model_cdf_all[i]).+bandwidth.*rand(n_i[i]); # make sure sample is within model range
interp_cdf_inv = LinearInterpolation(model_cdf_all[i],bin_centers_all[i]) # inverse cdf
energy_mc_all[i] = interp_cdf_inv.(rand_i)

energy_mc = fast_flatten(energy_mc_all)
return energy_mc, th228_lines
export generate_mc_spectrum
21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions test/test_specfit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
# This file is a part of LegendSpecFits.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

using LegendSpecFits
using Test
using LegendHDF5IO, HDF5
using LegendDataTypes: readdata

@testset "specfit" begin
# load data, simple calibration
filename = "/remote/ceph/group/legendex/data/l200/julia/current/generated/tier/jlhitch/cal/p03/r000/l200-p03-r000-cal-ch1080005-tier_jlhit.lh5"
data = h5open(x -> readdata(x, "ch1080005/dataQC"), filename)
th228_lines = [583.191, 727.330, 860.564, 1592.53, 1620.50, 2103.53, 2614.51]
window_sizes = vcat([(25.0,25.0) for _ in 1:6], (30.0,30.0))
result_simple, report_simple = simple_calibration(data.e_cusp, th228_lines, window_sizes, n_bins=10000,; calib_type=:th228, quantile_perc=0.995)

# fit a th228 peak
Idx = 5
result_fit, report_fit = fit_single_peak_th228(result_simple.peakhists[Idx], result_simple.peakstats[Idx] ; uncertainty=true);

energy_test, th228_lines = generate_mc_spectrum(200000)

# simple calibration fit
window_sizes = vcat([(25.0,25.0) for _ in 1:6], (30.0,30.0))
result_simple, report_simple = simple_calibration(energy_test, th228_lines, window_sizes, n_bins=10000,; calib_type=:th228, quantile_perc=0.995)

# fit
result, report = fit_peaks(result_simple.peakhists, result_simple.peakstats, th228_lines,; uncertainty=true);

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