A simple Ballot dApp using jQuery, Semantic and web3.js.
Install geth, create an account:
geth --testnet account new
Copy the new account address, paste it in the ZeroGox faucet, click "Gimme Wei":
Run an Ethereum testnet geth node:
geth --testnet --unlock "0" --shh --rpc --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,shh" --rpcaddr="" --rpccorsdomain="*"
Open the dApp.html in Chrome
Create a Ballot with a Number of Proposals
Give Right to Vote/Delegate or Vote on Proposals
Check The Winning Proposal
Note the directory you start your server in, is the directory is will serve the files at. So you will want to "cd ballot" over to the Ballot dApp folder.
Open Terminal
Start a Simple Python Server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Open "http://localhost:8000/dApp.html" in Chrome