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Getting started: Frontend

benjaoming edited this page Jan 13, 2015 · 1 revision

Guide to front end development

Our stack

The current stack uses bootstrap as a front end framework, LESS for the stylesheets (compiled to CSS with grunt.js). Don't worry, we'll explain everything down here.


Bootstrap is a front end framework that has a grid system and multiple CSS elements(buttons, forms...) and advanced components. We'll try to reuse these elements as much as possible. They have already been optimized to run on all the browsers.


We're currently using LESS as a CSS preprocessor. LESS is a stylesheet languages that allows us to use variables, mixins (functions that process variables) and operations. The documentation is short and gives really great examples on these different concepts.

The structure of the code is the following:

  • style.less includes:
    • fonts.less: Font dependencies and declarations.
    • mixins.less: Functions in less to simplify the development (button generator...)
    • variables.less: Colors of the layout and other variables
    • style_with_bootstrap.less: Stylesheet of the whole design (except landing page). It contains a lot of reusable parts like buttons, lists and tables.
    • landing_page.less: Stylesheet of the landing page

style_with_bootstrap.less is the page where you put your changes. mixins.less and variables.less are helpers to make the code cleaner and create reusable part(Don't Repeat Yourself).



Now that you understand all the individual components of the stack let's dive into the workflow.

  1. The first things to do is to put the in debug mode (DEBUG=True). In this mode, the browser (client-side with less.js) will compile the LESS files into CSS.

  2. Edit the the HTML/LESS files. You can directly edit the less files. Indeed, I have added; in the base.html, the browser will reload the page each time you save your less files(Oh yeah!).

  3. When you're happy with your changes, don't forget to check if existing colors (check the variable.less file) or parts (buttons, lists, tables...) exit. If you're using a method/variable more than 2 times, please add a variable or a mixin.


@pink: #ff69b4;

.content-tree-background (@url) {
  margin-top: 2px;
  background: url(@url) no-repeat;

When you're using borders, transparency and gradients, look at less/bootstrap/mixins.less file. This is already coded to work with all the browsers.



Production with Grunt.js

Grunt.js is a tool to run tasks on the terminal. The current default task includes compiling the less files to css and compressing them.

How to install

First, install the Node.js package manager (npm).

Then, you have to run these commands in the directory where package.json is.

npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli

Compile with grunt

grunt #Compiles everything
grunt less:compile #Compiles style.less
grunt less:bootstrap #Compiles bootstrap.less+responsive.less

The CSS is compiled in the static/css folder. If you want to make those changes available to production, you need to commit them.

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