A Kimai 2 plugin, to use a custom built form for timesheet entries.
This Plugin overwrites the default Routes for the timesheet-(admin-)form.
The Begin
is splitted into begindate
and begintime
and the end
is only displayed as a time field (the enddate
is automatically) selected by the startdate and increased by +1day
when the endtime is before the starttime - so no
entries with a duration longer than 23:59 are possible. This is also used to prevent wrong date-selections of the endtime.
Note: JS-Actions with information on this feature is not yet working properly in the timesheet-form.
This Plugin is designed to improve the use of Kimai2 for users with small screens (smartphones) which results in the following additional ** Contents:**
- Detecting the device-width (screen-with) by using JS to check which bootstrap-
is visible. See Resources/public/js/visible-media-query.js - Add a Timepicker to help selecting the right time. On narrow (mobile) screens, this is currently disabled, because I haven't found a suitable JS-Timepicker but at least the native timepicker on android is not that bad.
- Disabling Select2 Boxes on small screens. Most of the mobile browsers shows a better list and while filling the search field, the select-list is modified, browsers are doing weird stuff (jumping up and down, no display of select-list, you need to hide the keyboard to see the list again, only 3-4 entries displayed, you need to scroll up/down )
First clone it to your Kimai installation plugins
cd /kimai/var/plugins/
git clone https://gitlab.com/lduer/CustomTimesheetFormBundle.git
Install the assets (a JS file is loaded via src
cd /kimai/
$ bin/console assets:install --symlink
And then rebuild the cache:
bin/console cache:clear
bin/console cache:warmup