In this example we are going to start form a simple login application and add multilanguage support.
Scenarios that we are going to cover:
- Translate markup text.
- Translate text generated by javascript.
- User interpolation.
- Split language resources in json files.
- Create namespaces to group translations like validation messages.
More samples coming soon:
- Use namespaces.
In the future we will incorporate more samples.
About folder structure:
00_start: Starting point (no multilanguage).
01_basic_translastion: application supporting mulilanguage (english / spanish).
02_change_language: added tu buttons to change the preffered language on the fly.
03_split_json: split local translation into separate json files and load them on demand.
04_namespaces: create namespaces to group translations like validation messages.
Each project (except 00 start) includes in its subfolder a file with an step by step guide to reproduce it.
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For the LATAM/Spanish audience we are running an Online Front End Master degree, more info: