This repository contains documents related to the Design Workshop Event following the UN ID 2020 Summit on identity
The DesignShop event, to be held in the New York on May 21rd & 22th 2015.The event focuses on creating the next generation of decentralized web-of-trust based identity systems. The goal of this initial DesignShop is to generate 5 technical white papers and/or proposals on topics decided by the group that will have the greatest impact on the future.
In advance of the ID 2020 Design DesignShop, all participants were requested to submit a 1 or 2 page topics paper to be shared with other attendees on either:
- A specific decentralized identity use case related to the topic of the UN ID 2020 Summit
- A specific problem that you'd like to solve with a decentralized or web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (pgp or ca-based pki) can't address the problem
- A specific solution related to the decentralized identity or web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to
- A Double Edge Sword of Having an Identity — by Marta Piekarska <[email protected]>*
- A Self Soveregin Identity Architecture - by Manu Sporny @msporny and David Longley
- Blockstack: Design and Implementation of a Global Naming System with Blockchains - by Muneeb Ali @muneeb <[email protected]> and Jude Nelson @judecnelson <[email protected]> and Ryan Shea @ryaneshea <[email protected]>
- From Identity to Refugee Status Determination — by Susan R. Ramonat <[email protected]>
- Sovereign Identity Namespaces — by Drummond Reed @DrummondReed <[email protected]>
- Identity System Essentials — by Samuel Smith and Dmitry Khovratovich
- “Immutable Me” - A Discussion Paper Exploring Data Provenance To Enable New Value Chains - by George Samman @sammantic <[email protected]> and Katryna Dow @katrynadow <[email protected]>
- No Secure Protocol = No Sovereign Identity - by Greg Slepak @taoeffect <[email protected]>
- Questions around key management for digital ID systems - by Christian Lundkvist @chrislundkvist <[email protected]> and Rouven Heck @rh7 <[email protected]>
- The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity — by Christopher Allen @ChristopherA <[email protected]>
- Advanced Web-of-Trust Concepts
- Attempts at common terminology for digital identity systems
- Authorities vs. Peers: Pain Points in Security
- Avoiding Confused Deputy Attack Using Capabilities
- Binding Identity in a Decentralized System
- Blockchain-based Trust for Software Components
- Blockchain Tech Opportunities in the Web-of-Trust
- Building a Web of Trust for E-commerce
- Cool hack with XDI graphs, blockstore, link contracts, and cryptographic identifiers
- Dealing with key loss in digital identity systems
- Decentralized Authentication with Blockchain Auth
- Decentralized Cooperation Needs Decentralized Reputation
- Different Models for Trust
- Distributed multi-ledger model for financial industry
- Distributed Receptor-Based Computing
- Distributed Trust Systems and the Kenyesian Beauty Contest
- First Encounters with PGP
- Hierarchical Deterministic Keys: BIP32 & Beyond
- Identity, Guidance and Situational Awareness
- Identity, Property and Simulation
- Key revocation of lost and stolen keys
- Key Transparency for End Users
- Knowing When Your Digital Identity Has Been Compromised
- Lightning Network and Web of Trust
- Linked Local Names
- Multiplexed: a 'slightly radical' framing of identity
- Modern PKI: Identity Assertions Forming Trust Networks
- PGP Paradigm
- PKI Tools in EVM-based blockchains
- Progressive Trust
- Real life application of WoT: Refugee Use Case
- Reputation and the Real World
- Schnorr Signatures: An Overview
- Secret Handshake: Key Exchange as a Capability System
- Secure Naming on the Blockchain
- Selective Disclosure of Identity with Hierarchical Deterministic Keys and JSON Web Tokens
- Tensions related to identity and community regulation
- The Naming of Things
- Thin Clients
- Trust Exchange: An Architecture for a Permanent Open Trust Network
- Web of Trust with Blockchain IDs
- White Papers, Specifications & Proofs of Concept
- XDI Link Contracts: An Overview
- RLPx: Network for Decentralized Applications