Shows joining a C* table to a CSV file. What could be more fun than that? Lots of things, actually, but stop complaining. This is still kind of sick if you think about it.
Do these things in cqlsh
and live:
SOURCE 'schema.cql'
COPY movies from 'movies.csv'
COPY movie-genres from 'movie-genres.csv'
Do actual Spark things now:
// Read the movies as a Pair RDD keyed by movie_id
val movies = sc.cassandraTable("killr_video","movies").as( (i:String,y:Int,t:String) => (java.util.UUID.fromString(i),(t,y)) )
// Get the CSV into an RDD as text
val ratings = sc.textFile("file:///Users/tlberglund/workshops/spark/movie-ratings.csv")
// Parse the CSV, making a Pair RDD keyed by movie ID
val ratingsByID ={ line =>
val fields = line.split(',')
(java.util.UUID.fromString(fields(0)),fields(1).toFloat) }
val movies = sc.cassandraTable("killr_video","movies").as( (i:String,y:Int,t:String) => (java.util.UUID.fromString(i),t))
val ratingCount = ratingsByID.mapValues(v => 1).reduceByKey(_+_)
val ratingSums = ratingsByID.reduceByKey(_ + _)
val averageRatings = ratingCount.join(ratingSums).mapValues(r => r._2 / r._1)
val ratedMovies = movies.join(averageRatings)