High Resolution spectral analysis, for the estimation and pursuit of modulated sinusoids, for python 3.
- install soundfile python module (pip install soundfile)
- run python demo.py Note: you can change the filename variable in demo.py to process some other file (default is glockenspielShort.wav), in the audio folder. The outputs are stored in the output folder.
Note : in demo.py, for technical reasons, the variable L must be odd.
ELB - [email protected] - 01/2019
It is a translation of a part of the Desam toolbox, which is in Matlab and can be downloaded at http://www.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/aao/2010/03/29/desam-toolbox/.
The python code corresponds in the Desam toolbox to "sinusoidalModels/shortTerm/highResolution_telecomParisTech".
Bibliography :
- "The DESAM Toolbox: spectral analysis of musical audio", Mathieu Lagrange, Roland Badeau, Bertrand David, Nancy Bertin, José Echeveste, Olivier Derrien, Sylvain Marchand et Laurent Daudet, 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-10, Graz, Austriche, 6-10 septembre 2010.
- "Méthodes à haute résolution pour l'estimation et le suivi de sinusoïdes modulées." Application aux signaux de musique, Roland Badeau, Signal and Image processing. Télécom ParisTech, 2005. in French.