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Axinom test vectors for DASH playback and multi-DRM scenarios

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Axinom DASH test vectors

This document lists the test vectors that Axinom offers for customers, partners and the general public.

These test vectors make use of modern DASH features and conform to the latest industry standards, among these the DASH-IF Interoperability Points and the upcoming ISO/IEC CD 23000-19 "Common Media Application Format" (or its latest draft).

As such, the scope of features utilized intentionally exceeds that seen with more traditional conservative test vectors - the below data is designed to push the boundaries of implementations and to encourage uptake of modern features. Please use the conservative branch for a more widely-compatible (but less modern) version of the content.

Quick playback in common players

Most modern players include a demo application that enables you to easily play these test vectors:

Usage of Axinom DRM

All test vectors can be played back using both the PlayReady and Widevine DRM technologies for decryption. The W3C Clear Key mechanism is also supported for key delivery.

PlayReady license server URL:

Widevine license server URL:

Clear Key license server URL:

The license server will provide nonpersistent licenses for the relevant keys upon each license request. To receive a PlayReady or Widevine license, you must add the HTTP header X-AxDRM-Message to the license request, with the value being a constant unique to each test vector. This HTTP header is not required in order to receive Clear Key licenses.

Example of license request:

X-AxDRM-Message: eyJ0eX...

PlayReady compatibility

The rights management header version is, which is compatible with client applications implementing PlayReady version 2.0 or newer.

W3C Clear Key compatibility

Clear Key variants of encrypted test vectors are provided using separate manifests that do not signal any other DRM system. This is because DASH-IF Interoperability Points forbid the mixed use of DRM systems and the Clear Key mechanism.

Customization of DRM behavior

To customize the DRM parameters (e.g. license persistence/expiration or HDCP configuration) you must create your own license tokens instead of using the pre-generated ones provided below. Please refer to the Axinom DRM Quick Start repository for more information on how to achieve this.

Audio content description

The audio tracks of the "v7" test vectors contain the same content but at a different pitch.

  • "en" language is the original audio.
  • "en-AU" language is the same content at a higher pitch.
  • "et-ET" language is the same content at a lower pitch.

The audio tracks of the "v8" test vectors have more descriptive language codes (e.g. en-x-high for high-pitched English audio).

Content keys

The content keys for the v7 test vectors are listed below, individually for each test vector. You may also download a CPIX document that contains all v7 test vector content keys:

For v8 test vectors, the content keys are not listed in this document for brevity. They can be found in the following CPIX documents:


Single-period presentation using DASH live profile. All video and audio representations are encrypted using the same key. Text representations are not encrypted.

Different variants of the test vector are provided in the form of different manifests that reference the same media segments. The manifests contain the license server URL for Clear Key but not for PlayReady or Widevine.

PlayReady and Widevine W3C Clear Key
4K variant 4K variant
1080p variant 1080p variant
Audio-only variant Audio-only variant

Download as archive

Track Parameters
Video 7x H.264 High Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 6 Mbps
Video 7x H.265 Main 10 Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 4.5 Mbps
Audio 3x HE-AACv2 at 64 kbps, stereo
Text 5x WebVTT
Text 5x IMSC 1.0 Text Profile

Samples are encrypted using the cenc encryption scheme. All DRM system initialization and signaling data is in the manifest - the segments themselves only contain encryption-related data in a DRM-agnostic manner.

Adaptation set Key ID Content key
Video (all) 9eb4050d-e44b-4802-932e-27d75083e266 FmY0xnWCPCNaSpRG+tUuTQ==
Audio (all) 9eb4050d-e44b-4802-932e-27d75083e266 FmY0xnWCPCNaSpRG+tUuTQ==
Text (all) - -

Value to use for X-AxDRM-Message header: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxLCJjb21fa2V5X2lkIjoiYjMzNjRlYjUtNTFmNi00YWUzLThjOTgtMzNjZWQ1ZTMxYzc4IiwibWVzc2FnZSI6eyJ0eXBlIjoiZW50aXRsZW1lbnRfbWVzc2FnZSIsImtleXMiOlt7ImlkIjoiOWViNDA1MGQtZTQ0Yi00ODAyLTkzMmUtMjdkNzUwODNlMjY2IiwiZW5jcnlwdGVkX2tleSI6ImxLM09qSExZVzI0Y3Iya3RSNzRmbnc9PSJ9XX19.4lWwW46k-oWcah8oN18LPj5OLS5ZU-_AQv7fe0JhNjA


Single-period presentation using DASH live profile. Video and audio representations are encrypted using multiple keys. Text representations are not encrypted.

Different variants of the test vector are provided in the form of different manifests that reference the same media segments. The manifests contain the license server URL for Clear Key but not for PlayReady or Widevine.

PlayReady and Widevine W3C Clear Key
4K variant 4K variant
1080p variant 1080p variant
Audio-only variant Audio-only variant

Download as archive

Track Parameters
Video 7x H.264 High Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 6 Mbps
Video 7x H.265 Main 10 Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 4.5 Mbps
Audio 3x HE-AACv2 at 64 kbps, stereo
Text 5x WebVTT
Text 5x IMSC 1.0 Text Profile

Samples are encrypted using the cenc encryption scheme. All DRM system initialization and signaling data is in the manifest - the segments themselves only contain encryption-related data in a DRM-agnostic manner.

Adaptation set Key ID Content key
Video (288p...480p) 80399bf5-8a21-4014-8053-e27e748e98c0 3aHppzZ2g3Y3wK1uNnUXmg==
Video (720p...1080p) 90953e09-6cb2-49a3-a260-7a5fefead499 zsmKW7Mq9Unz5R7oUGeF8w==
Video (1440p...2160p) 0e4da92b-d0e8-4a66-8c3f-c25a97eb6532 UmYYfGb7znuoFAQM79ayHw==
Audio (en) 585f233f-3072-46f1-9fa4-6dc22c66a014 jayKpC3tmPq4YKXkapa8FA==
Audio (en-AU) 4222bd78-bc45-41bf-b63e-6f814dc391df GAMi9v92b9ca5yBwaptN+Q==
Audio (et-ET) - -
Text (all) - -

Value to use for X-AxDRM-Message header: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.uF6YlKAREOmbniAeYiH070HSJhV0YS7zSKjlCtiDR5Y


Multi-period presentation using DASH live profile. Video and audio representations are encrypted using multiple keys, some of which change between periods. Text representations are not encrypted.

The two periods contain the same content encrypted with different keys.

Different variants of the test vector are provided in the form of different manifests that reference the same media segments. The manifests contain the license server URL for Clear Key but not for PlayReady or Widevine.

PlayReady and Widevine W3C Clear Key
4K variant 4K variant
1080p variant 1080p variant
Audio-only variant Audio-only variant

Download as archive

Track Parameters
Video 7x H.264 High Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 6 Mbps
Video 7x H.265 Main 10 Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 4.5 Mbps
Audio 3x HE-AACv2 at 64 kbps, stereo
Text 5x WebVTT
Text 5x IMSC 1.0 Text Profile

Samples are encrypted using the cenc encryption scheme. All DRM system initialization and signaling data is in the manifest - the segments themselves only contain encryption-related data in a DRM-agnostic manner.

Period 1

Adaptation set Key ID Content key
Video (288p...480p) 0872786e-f9e7-465f-a3a2-4e5b0ef8fa45 wyYRebq2Hu7JedLUBpURzw==
Video (720p...1080p) c14f0709-f2b9-4427-916b-61b52586506a 7fsXeXJHs8enQ0SEfkhTBQ==
Video (1440p...2160p) 8b029e51-d56a-44bd-910f-d4b5fd90fba2 yInMol6zCzsSjrg06k2k+g==
Audio (en) 2d6e9387-60ca-4145-aec2-c40837b4b026 QtC/8bYPe+SfF9YDSE0MuQ==
Audio (en-AU) de02f07f-a098-4ee0-b556-907c0d17fbbc GQnGyyKBez4x8aNTD6cNzw==
Audio (et-ET) - -
Text (all) - -

Period 2

Adaptation set Key ID Content key
Video (288p...480p) 0872786e-f9e7-465f-a3a2-4e5b0ef8fa45 wyYRebq2Hu7JedLUBpURzw==
Video (720p...1080p) 914e69f4-0ab3-4534-9e9f-9853615e26f6 0DBllUYESc5WdSJMebqlBA==
Video (1440p...2160p) da4445c2-db5e-48ef-b096-3ef347b16c7f 0aUpR1ASGSQ1UGxWxY7ozA==
Audio (en) 29f05e8f-a1ae-46e4-80e9-22dcd44cd7a1 BxGxfISpDLtBCXJkyQG3Mg==
Audio (en-AU) - -
Audio (et-ET) 69fe7077-dadd-4b55-96cd-c3edb3991853 7TqCUJKmSlCbdIeJ0xbAgQ==
Text (all) - -

Value to use for X-AxDRM-Message header: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.BXr93Et1krYMVs-CUnf7F3ywJWFRtxYdkR7Qn4w3-to


This is a clear (no encryption) variant of the above, to provide some comparison capability for diagnostics and debugging. The media samples inside are (binary) equal to the encrypted variants.

Single-period 4K variant

Single-period 1080p variant

Single-period audio-only variant

Multi-period 4K variant

Multi-period 1080p variant

Multi-period audio-only variant

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Track Parameters
Video 7x H.264 High Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 6 Mbps
Video 7x H.265 Main 10 Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 4.5 Mbps
Audio 3x HE-AACv2 at 64 kbps, stereo
Text 5x WebVTT
Text 5x IMSC 1.0 Text Profile


This is a multi-period presentation using DASH live profile. The content in each period is markedly different from preceding and following periods, with changes occurring in the available set of audio and text languages, content keys, quality levels and video aspect ratio.

This test vector is intended to simulate a recorded live stream that delivers different types of content in sequence (e.g. movies with different aspect ratios and language availability, interspersed with advertisements).

Each period is encrypted with up to 4 different keys: an audio key, an SD video key, an HD video key and an UHD video key. PlayReady and Widevine DRM signaling is present. A clear variant with no encryption is also available.

Encrypted Clear
Manifest Manifest
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For diagnostic purposes, you can also play each period individually by constructing relative URLs matching the pattern Period01/Manifest.mpd.

In each period, tracks matching the below parameters are present:

Track Parameters
Video 1..7 x H.264 High Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 6 Mbps
Video 1..7 x H.265 Main 10 Profile, 288p...2160p @ max 4.5 Mbps
Audio 1..N x HE-AACv2 at 64 kbps, stereo
Text 0..M x WebVTT
Text 0..M x IMSC 1.0 Text Profile

Samples are encrypted using the cenc encryption scheme. All DRM system initialization and signaling data is in the manifest - the segments themselves only contain encryption-related data in a DRM-agnostic manner.



Original content:


Axinom does not guarantee the continued availability of the test vectors or the license server nor the accuracy of any descriptive metadata.


Axinom test vectors for DASH playback and multi-DRM scenarios






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