A Simple ROS package for JunBot. This package is used for collecting data and mapping the environment.
Main features:
- Mapping with T265 and 2D Lidar (Sick Tim751)
- Navigation
- Relocalization (Using T265 and AMCL/Odometry fusion/junbot_relocalization)
- Planner's costmap_2d parameter custom (Using junbot_adaptive_planner/planner_reconfigure)
- User interface (Using junbot_gui and junbot_mobile_app)
- Object mapping (Using junbot_adaptive_planner/object_mapping - very simple implementation)
- Object map layer (Using junbot_adaptive_planner/costmap_objects_layer)
- Semantic Planner (Using junbot_adaptive_planner/Semantic Planner)
- SemanticMapping
- Custom platform
- Sick Tim751
- Jetson AGX Orin (32GB RAM)
- Realsense T265
- Realsense D455 (x2)
- ZED 2 (Option for object mapping package)
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Jetpack 5.1
- CUDA 11.4
- Realsense SDK (2.43.0)
- Realsense ROS (2.2.23)
- ROS Noetic
- OpenCV 4.5.0
- Qt 5
Follow this link
# Build map
roslaunch junbot_slam junbot_slam.launch
roslaunch cartographer_junbot t265_camera.launch
roslaunch junbot_bringup sick_tim_781.launch
# Navigation
roslaunch junbot_bringup junbot_core.launch
roslaunch junbot_navigation junbot_navigation.launch
# User interface
rosrun junbot_gui junbot_gui
# Relocalization by using T265 and AMCL
rosrun amcl_relocalization amcl_relocalization
# Planner's costmap_2d parameter custom
rosrun planner_reconfigure planner_reconfigure_node
Pending for demo