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Dependency Injection

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This library is header only. To use it just include di/di.hpp in your project.

Dependency injection is an implementation of Inversion of Control known from java frameworks such as Spring or Qi4j. Still C++ community lacks a dependency injection framework that would be portable and independent from libraries like Qt. This is an attempt to create a simple yet powerful DI library built on boost.


Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

Injection subject

A class that requires some objects to be injected into it upon instantiation or delegation has to be declared an injection subject. This is achieved by subclassing di::subject class (declared in di/subject.hpp) in the following manner:

struct MyClass: public di::subject<T,U,V,...> {};

Note | di::subject<…> contains virtual functions therefore inheriting from it causes MyClass to increase in size by the size of one pointer

For the sake of clarity, let us consider a simple example. Assuming that a Car class requires four wheels, one handbrake and two seats, its declaration would look like this:

struct Car: public di::subject<Wheel,Wheel,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Seat,Seat> {};

However the order of those parameters is not important. Only the quantity of each type matters. Therefore declaration below is equivalent to the one above.

struct Car: public di::subject<Seat,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Wheel,Seat,Wheel> {};

Declaring injections

A class which is an injection subject may declare attributes which will be placeholders for the injections. The types of injections have to match those defined in template parameters of di::subject, though as already mentioned there is no relation between their order. Extending previous example with injection placeholders results in:

struct Car: public di::subject<Seat,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Wheel,Seat,Seat,Wheel>
    di::required<Wheel> frontLeftWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> frontRightWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> rearLeftWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> rearRightWheel;
    di::required<Seat> leftSeat;
    di::required<Seat> rightSeat;
    di::optional<Seat> backSeat;
    di::required<HandBrake> handBrake;

        //injections are not yet available

di::required class is defined in di/required.hpp and di::optional class is defined in di/optional.hpp header. Both di::required and di::optional have pointer semantics and are convertible to pointer or reference of their template arguments. The injection process is performed right after leaving the constructor in case of build() method or on demmand in case of build(…) or build_part(…). Therefore using any of the required/optional class attributes inside constructor is equivalent to using an uninitialized pointer.

Types of injections

There are situtations when it is impossible to determine which part of a system is responsible for releasing some object. In such situations it is advised to use smart pointers. DI therefore provides means of handling pointers in different ways. Four distinct types of injections are available. All of them provide pointer semantics.

  • di::ordinary
  • di::shared
  • di::unique
  • di::service


Indicates that the injection is represented as a bare pointer and the user is responsible for deleting the object. ** Note ** | not providing injection type at all is equivalent to using di::ordinary

struct Car : public di::subject<Wheel>
    di::required< di::ordinary<Wheel> > wheel;

is the same as

struct Car : public di::subject<Wheel>
    di::required<Wheel> wheel;


Indicates that the injection is represented as a shared_ptr. The object will be released when there are no more associations to it. Due to its internal represantation di::shared injections can be converted to boost::shared_ptr.

struct Car : public di::subject<Wheel>
    di::optional< di::shared<Wheel> > wheel;


Indicates that the injection will be represented as unique_ptr if available, shared_ptr if DI_NO_AUTO_PTR is set or auto_ptr otherwise. Injection subject which requires an injection of type di::unique will become noncopyable.

// Car is noncopyable bacause wheel injection is of type di::unique
struct Car: public di::subject<Wheel>
    di::optional< di::unique<Wheel> > wheel;


Is a special kind of injection that is used in conjunction with di::module and di::application. It is represented by a boost::shared_ptr and can be converted to it.

struct Car : public di::subject<Wheel>
    di::optional< di::service<Logger> > logger;

Note | Injection size is equal to the size of its representation


The most basic form of building a dependency injection subject is by utilizing builder defined in di/builder.hpp. di::builder is a class with two template paramters from which only the first is obligatory as it names the real type builder is able to build.

Having a Car class which derives from subject and a builder<Car> an instance of Car may be created. However before that could happen, builder<Car> needs to know the objects it is supposed to inject to Car.

di::builder<Car> builder;

Wheel w1,w2,w3,w4;

Seat s1,s2;
HandBrake hb;

//if available returns unique_ptr otherwise auto_ptr or shared_ptr
unique_ptr<Car> car =;

assert(&w1 == car->frontLeftWheel);
assert(&w2 == car->frontRightWheel);
assert(&w3 == car->rearLeftWheel);
assert(&w4 == car->rearRightWheel);
assert(&s1 == car->leftSeat);
assert(&s1 == car->rightSeat);
assert( 0  == car->backSeat);
assert(&hb == car->handBrake);

In contradiction to subject’s template parameters, the order of use calls is strictly bound to the order in which requireds and optionals are declared. This is bound to the order of requireds and optionals of same types e.g. in the above example changing the order of use calls to builder.use(w4).use(w2).use(w3).use(w1) would result in car->frontLeftWheel == &w4 and car->rearRightWheel == &w1. Furthermore the injection process is greedy i.e. it injects objects objects to the first field that matches a type. For this reason changing the order in which optionals and requireds are declared would result in an error (assert, exception etc. depending on user’s choice), because the third second seat passed to builder would be injected into optional, thus leaving the last required<Seat> unsatisfied. By the rule of thumb always put optionals after requireds.

struct Car: public di::subject<Seat,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Wheel,Seat,Wheel>
    di::required<Wheel> frontLeftWheel;  //<-- first use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> frontRightWheel; //<-- second use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> rearLeftWheel;   //<-- third use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> rearRightWheel;  //<-- fourth use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Seat> leftSeat;         //<-- first use<Seat>(...) call
    di::required<Seat> rightSeat;        //<-- second use<Seat>(...) call
    di::optional<Seat> backSeat;         //<-- third use<Seat>(...) call
    di::required<HandBrake> handBrake;   //<-- first use<HandBrake>(...) call
struct Car: public di::subject<Seat,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Wheel,Seat,Wheel>
    di::required<Wheel> frontLeftWheel;  //<-- first use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> frontRightWheel; //<-- second use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> rearLeftWheel;   //<-- third use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Wheel> rearRightWheel;  //<-- fourth use<Wheel>(...) call
    di::required<Seat> leftSeat;         //<-- first use<Seat>(...) call
    di::optional<Seat> backSeat;         //<-- second use<Seat>(...) call
    di::required<Seat> rightSeat;        //<-- third use<Seat>(...) call
    //builder knows only about two seats, third seat will cause an error
    di::required<HandBrake> handBrake;   //<-- first use<HandBrake>(...) call

Note | All builders are injection type aware i.e. builder.use(di::shared<Wheel>(w1)) will be injected to di::required< di::shared<Wheel> > and not to di::required<Wheel>.

Abstract builder

In many cases it may be impractical to use raw builder due to higher coupling and decreased testability. Prefferably one might want to be able to build an object of class Car while passing a handle to class Vehicle (base of Car). Furthermore it is reasonable to expect to have the possibility of mocking builder::build(T&) method to build/inject mocks/stubs instead of real objects. Considering:

struct Vehicle : public di::subject<Seat,Wheel,Wheel,HandBrake,Wheel,Seat,Wheel>
    virtual void move(...) = 0;

struct Car: public Vehicle
    di::required<Wheel> frontLeftWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> frontRightWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> rearLeftWheel;
    di::required<Wheel> rearRightWheel;
    di::required<Seat> leftSeat;
    di::required<Seat> rightSeat;
    di::required<HandBrake> handBrake;
    virtual void move(...) {...};

one might write

di:abstract_builder<Vehicle>* vehicle_builder = new di::builder<Car,Vehicle>();
Vehicle* porshe = new Porshe();

Note | The class which is the template parameter of di::abstract_builder is the one that needs to derive (publicly) from di::subject. This is a necessary limitation.

Building families of objects

Aforementioned di::abstract_builder::build(T&) method allows building families of objects. In the provided example all classes which are subclasses of Construct are considered to be members of one family and can be build using the same builder. Additionaly this example has been enriched with a code showing a two phased building (trucks are built once for theirs Construct-subjects and once for theirs Vehicle-subjects).

class Construct : public di::subject<Logger,Database,ConversionTools> {};

class ConstructImp : public Construct
    di::required<Logger> log;
    di::required<Database> db;
    di::required<ConversionTools> conversion;

class Truck : public Car, public ConstructImp {};

class Road : public ConstructImp {};

class Garage : public ConstructImp {};

Truck scania;
Truck mercedes;
Road highway;
Garage garage1,garage2;


di:abstract_builder<Vehicle>* vehicle_builder = new di::builder<Car,Vehicle>()
di:abstract_builder<Construct>* construct_builder = new di::builder<Construct,ConstructImp>()

//setup both builders





Generic builder

It would be inconvienient to setup many abstract builders for a set of subject types which are interested in the same injections. To overcome this inconvience the approach proposed in previous chapter could be used. It has a major drawback though, it requires specific class hierarchy, here generic builder comed to the rescue. Generic builder is a kind of builder that has been designed to inject dependencies into any type of subject. Its flexiblity however, comes for a price. Because it has been achieved by replacing virtual build(…) method with its template counterpart, generic_builder<…>::build cannot be mocked. Example of generic_builder usage.

class Truck : public di::subject<Logger>
    di::required<Logger> log;

class Road : public di::subject<Logger,Database,ConversionTools>
    di::required<Logger> log;
    di::required<Database> db;
    di::required<ConversionTools> conversion;

class Garage : public di::subject<Logger,Database,ConversionTools>
    di::required<Logger> log;
    di::required<Database> db;
    di::required<ConversionTools> conversion;

Truck scania;
Truck mercedes;
Road highway;
Garage garage1,garage2;


di::generic_builder< di::subject<Logger> > gbuilder;
//inject rest of required dependencies to highway, garage1, garage2 using
//abstract_builder or another generic_builder

The difference between di::generic_builder<…>::build_part and di::generic_builder<…>::build is that the former does not check whether all requirements have been met. This way issuing is perfectly fine because Logger is the only dependency required by Truck whereas issuing would result in an error (assertion, exception or custom defined), while di::generic_builder< di::subject<Logger> > does not provide Database and ConversionTools required by Road class. Additionally in contradiction to di::generic_builder<…>::build di::generic_builder<…>::build_part does not invoke subject’s constructed method.


Apart from class level dependencies DI introduces also a way to handle dependecies in a more coarse-grained level. This is achieved by logicaly dividing an application into modules. Each module defines a list of services it provides and a list of services it needs in the following manner:

struct Controller
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,Database> needed;
struct Infrastructure
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,Database> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<> needed;
struct UI
    typedef di::service_list<> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> needed;

The implementer of each module is responsible for providing pointers to those services.

// Controller module code
di::module<Controller>& controllerModule;
controllerModule.use(di::service<ActionHandler>(new ActionHandler));
//Infrastructure module code
di::module<Infrastructure>& infrastructureModule;
infrastructureModule.use(di::service<Logger>(new Logger));
infrastructureModule.use(di::service<Database>(new Database));

Modules are connected to each other. Therefore all Modules should firstly provide their services by calling the di::module<Module>::use method before any of them could obtain any of the needed services.

Modules work in terms of services. Only one instance per service type is supported. That is neither one module nor two different modules can provide two services of the same type. Although if required user might use BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF to create multiple distinct types for the same service type to indicate which "provider" should be connected to which "needer".


Application is a construct that binds modules with each other. For example to bind previously defined Controller, Infrastructure and UI modules an application object should be created

di::application<Controller,Infrastructure,UI> application;

obtaining di::module s from application instance is pretty simple

di::module<Controller>& controllerModule = application;
di::module<Infrastructure>& infrastructureModule = application;
di::module<UI>& uiModule = application;

This way controllerModule, infrastructureModule and uiModule can be fed seperately.

// Controller module code
boost::shared_ptr<ActionHandler> actionHandler(new ActionHandler);
//Infrastructure module code
infrastructureModule.use(di::service<Logger>(new Logger));
infrastructureModule.use(di::service<Database>(new Database));

Modules are connected and filled with services. It is now possible to create a preconfigured builder from it.

//Infrastructure module code
class Command : public di::subject<ActionHandler, Database, Logger> {
    di::required<ActionHandler> handler;
    di::required<Database> db;
    di::required<Logger> logger;

unique_ptr< di::builder<Command> > builder = controllerModule.builder<Command>();
builder.use(actionHandler);  // action handler needs to be passed seperately see warning note below
unique_ptr<Command> c =;  // we can build - module has passed Database and Logger to the builder

Warning | di::module and di::application have been designed solely for the purpose of exchanging services between modules. Therefore mentioning the same service on both provided and needed service lists of the same module will not work as expected. This is a concious limitation introduced to ensure di::modules will not be used for intra module depedency exchanging.

Restricting Access

In addition to the dependency exchange mechanism di::modules also provides means of defining service access policy. It is possible to declare a service to be read only for some modules. Like the Controller from previous example may only be allowed to access Database without a possiblity to alter it. "const" before service type on needed service list enforces that.

struct Controller
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,const Database> needed;

Moreover it is also possible to restrict access from the provider side, so that no other module has write access to a specific service.

struct Controller
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,const Database> needed;
struct Infrastructure
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,const Database> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<> needed;

Module Traits

Instead of composing Application object from a set of module types, starting from version 1.3 it is possible to use module traits. Module traits define the features of each distinct module type in separation from the type itself.

struct Controller;
struct ControllerTraits
    typedef Controller module_type;
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,Database> needed;

struct Controller : di::module<ControllerTraits>
    void build() {}
    void start() {}

di::application<ControllerTraits,InfrastructureTraits,UITraits> application;

Note | module_type typedef defines which type will be used by di::application

Runtime application control

To gain some degree of control over modules through di::application object one may choose from several methods i.e. build, start, stop, suspend and resume. All of these methods are executed in the same way, they are simply forwarded to each of the modules the application consists of. It is of course optional to make use of them, however it is always a good practice to at least separate construction from execution.

struct Controller;
struct ControllerTraits
    typedef Controller module_type;
    typedef di::service_list<ActionHandler> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,Database> needed;
struct Controller : di::module<ControllerTraits>
    void build()
    void start()
        //do control...

struct Infrastructure;
struct InfrastructureTraits
    typedef Infrastructure module_type
    typedef di::service_list<Logger,const Database> provided;
    typedef di::service_list<> needed;
struct Infrastructure : di::module<InfrastructureTraits>
    void build()

di::application<ControllerTraits,InfrastructureTraits> application;;   //will execute build in Infrastructure and Controller
application.start();   //will execute only start in Controller
application.suspend(); //does nothing because neither Infrastructure nor Controller provides an implementation
application.resume();  //does nothing because neither Infrastructure nor Controller provides an implementation

Copyright © 2016 Adam Lach

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


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