Release 1.0.0
Release Note
This is the first official release of Python4Capella.
This first release allows to perform some exports from a Capella model to excel and also some import from excel to Capella.
Several examples are provided in the Python4Capella project (in “sample_scripts” sub-folder) which can be imported in Capella – see installation documentation:
However, not everything has been implemented yet:
- Regarding exports from a Capella model
- The simplified metamodel have not been 100% implemented. Please have a look at the file Python4Capella.Simplified.Metamodel.docx provided with the release to see the current implementation status
- Regarding import to a Capella model a lot of functionalities are not yet implemented:
- Implementation of specific methods to easily create new elements : #45
- Implementation of a specific method to easily move an element to a different place in the model hierarchy : #49
- Implementation of a specific method to delete Capella elements: #50
- Implementation of a specific method to launch a diff / merge when importing data to check the modifications that will be performed on a Capella model: #48
- A lot of relations from the simplified metamodel cannot be modified even if the information can be exported: #46
- Regarding other functionalities
- It was foreseen to implement the capability to display elements in a dedicated view in order to then navigate to them in the Project Explorer, Semantic Browser and Diagrams. This would support the need to “query” the Capella model and directly navigate in the query result: #35