Participate remotely in events via a three-paneled approach: live video, chat, and crowdsourced ranked questions. You can see the audiencias running in the following link
Run the following command and all the necessary dependences will be installed and the project will start to run automatically:
docker-compose up
Depending on how Docker/Docker Compose was installed in your machine you may need to run this command as a super user.
How to run tests.
- run the following command when the Docker container is already up:
sudo docker-compose exec -T web sh -c "pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=apps"
First of all, you need to install pipenv and npm.
After install these dependencies enter inside the directory where you download this repository, and run the following commands in the root: (P.S: You may need to run some of the following commands as super user)
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
apt install redis-server
npm install node-sass
After install redis check if it is running in your computer using:
systemctl status redis
If it is not, start it using:
systemctl enable redis
In case you need to restart it, it can be done with:
systemctl restart redis
You just need to run the following commands if you are using it inside the e-Democracia. Otherwise you can skip then and go to the next section (Running the Audiencias).
Go to templates/components/edem-navigation directory
cd templates/components/edem-navigation
Run the following gits to get the git submodule of the edem navigation bar:
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
This Edem Navigation will allow you to login into the audiencias with the e-Democracia login. In case you just want to run it see how it looks, you can login into the audiencias using an admin account. An admin user can be created using django admin commands.
If you are inside and pipenv environment you can run it with:
pipenv run src/ migrate
pipenv run src/ runserver
Otherwise in case you are running it direct in your machine, inside the root of your directory, the following commands:
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
Fell free to create any issue on this repository and contact the team responsible to maintain this project here on GitHub (@erivanio) or via email: [email protected].
- Fork of this repository
- Write your code
- Create a Pull Request
- Our team will review your PR and merge as soon as possible!
This project is under GPLv3 License