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feat: denpendency injection
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labbbirder committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent 191b012 commit dec731f
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Showing 6 changed files with 316 additions and 86 deletions.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions Runtime/ClassicalUsages/ServiceContainer.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.bbbirder.injection
using static ServiceScopeMode;
public enum ServiceScopeMode

// public interface IServiceContainer
// {
// public void AddTransient<TContract, TResult>();
// public void AddSingle<TContract, TResult>();
// public ServiceScopeMode GetScopeMode<TContract>();
// public T Get<T>();
// }

public static class ServiceContainer //: IServiceContainer
static ServiceScopeMode DefaultScopeMode => Single;
static Dictionary<Type, object> singletons = new();
static Dictionary<Type, Info> lutInfos = new();
public static void ClearInstances(){
public static object Get(Type type)
if (!lutInfos.TryGetValue(type, out var info))
var subtypes = Retriever.GetAllSubtypes(type)
.Where(t => !t.IsInterface)
.Where(t => !t.IsAbstract)
if (subtypes.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"type {type} doesn't has an implement");
if (subtypes.Length > 1)
Debug.LogWarning($"type {type} exists more than one implements");
lutInfos[type] = info = new Info()
resultType = subtypes[0],
scopeMode = DefaultScopeMode,
if (info.scopeMode == Single && singletons.TryGetValue(type, out var existing))
return existing;
var inst = Activator.CreateInstance(info.resultType);
if (info.scopeMode == Single && inst != null)
singletons[type] = inst;
return inst;

public static T Get<T>()
return (T)Get(typeof(T));

public static void AddTransient<TContract, TResult>()
lutInfos[typeof(TContract)] = new()
resultType = typeof(TResult),
scopeMode = Transient,

public static void AddSingle<TContract, TResult>(bool noLazy = false)
lutInfos[typeof(TContract)] = new()
resultType = typeof(TResult),
scopeMode = Single,
if(noLazy) Get<TContract>();

public static ServiceScopeMode GetScopeMode<TContract>()
if (lutInfos.TryGetValue(typeof(TContract), out var info))
return info.scopeMode;
return DefaultScopeMode;

struct Info
public Type resultType;
public ServiceScopeMode scopeMode;

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83 changes: 0 additions & 83 deletions Runtime/ClassicalUsages/SimpleDI.cs

This file was deleted.

196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions Runtime/ClassicalUsages/SimpleDIAttribute.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using com.bbbirder.injection;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;

namespace com.bbbirder.injection
using static System.Reflection.BindingFlags;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class SimpleDIAttribute : InjectionAttribute
static MethodInfo s_MetaMethodInfo;
static MethodInfo s_StaticMetaMethodInfo;
static MethodInfo s_miMetaConstructor;
public SimpleDIAttribute()

bool IsStatic(MemberInfo memberInfo)
if (memberInfo is FieldInfo fieldInfo) return fieldInfo.IsStatic;
if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
if (!propertyInfo.CanRead)
return propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true).IsStatic;
return propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true).IsStatic;
return false;

static TFunc MetaConstructor<TFunc>(Action<object> action, Type instType, bool isStatic)
where TFunc : Delegate
var argtypes = typeof(TFunc).GetGenericArguments();
var act = Expression.Constant(action);
var args = new List<ParameterExpression>(argtypes.Length + 1);
// if (!isStatic) args.Add(Expression.Parameter(instType, "inst"));
for (int i = 0; i < argtypes.Length; i++)
args.Add(Expression.Parameter(argtypes[i], "arg" + i));
var ivk = Expression.Call(act,
isStatic ? Expression.Constant(null) : args[0]);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<TFunc>(ivk, args);
return lambda.Compile();

ConstructorInfo[] Get_Ctors(Type type)
return type.GetConstructors(Public | NonPublic | Instance);

ConstructorInfo[] Get_CCtor(Type type)
return type.GetConstructors(Public | NonPublic | Static);

bool CanWrite(MemberInfo memberInfo)
if (memberInfo is FieldInfo) return true;
if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo propertyInfo) return propertyInfo.CanWrite;
return false;
void SetMemberValue(MemberInfo memberInfo, object inst, object value)
if (memberInfo is FieldInfo fi)
fi.SetValue(inst, value);
if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo pi)
pi.SetValue(inst, value);
Type GetMemberType(MemberInfo memberInfo)
if (memberInfo is FieldInfo fi) return fi.FieldType;
if (memberInfo is PropertyInfo pi) return pi.PropertyType;
return default;
public override IEnumerable<InjectionInfo> ProvideInjections()
s_MetaMethodInfo ??= typeof(SimpleDIAttribute).GetMethod(nameof(MetaGet), Static | NonPublic);
s_StaticMetaMethodInfo ??= typeof(SimpleDIAttribute).GetMethod(nameof(StaticMetaGet), Static | NonPublic);
s_miMetaConstructor ??= typeof(SimpleDIAttribute).GetMethod(nameof(MetaConstructor), Static | NonPublic);
if (targetMember is not PropertyInfo and not FieldInfo)
throw new Exception($"cannot inject {targetMember} on type {targetType}, only fields and properties allowed");
var memberType = GetMemberType(targetMember);
var isStatic = IsStatic(targetMember);
var canWrite = CanWrite(targetMember);
if (!Retriever.IsTypeRetrievable(memberType))
throw new Exception($"cannot inject {targetMember} on type {targetType}, type {memberType} is not retrievable");
if (isStatic)
if (canWrite)
// set on fix instantly
yield return InjectionInfo.Create(()=>{
SetMemberValue(targetMember, null, GetContainerInst(memberType));
// inject get method
var propertyInfo = targetMember as PropertyInfo;
var fixingMethod = s_StaticMetaMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(propertyInfo.PropertyType);
yield return InjectionInfo.Create(
propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true),
if (canWrite)
// inject constructor
var constructors = Get_Ctors(targetType);
var argtypes = new List<Type>();
foreach (var constructor in constructors)
Delegate rawAction = default;
foreach (var p in constructor.GetParameters())
var miInstAction = default(Type);
if (argtypes.Count == 0)
miInstAction = typeof(System.Action);
var miGenericAction = Type.GetType("System.Action`" + argtypes.Count);
miInstAction = miGenericAction.MakeGenericType(argtypes.ToArray());
var miCtorInst = s_miMetaConstructor.MakeGenericMethod(miInstAction);
var fixingFunc = miCtorInst.Invoke(null, new object[]{
}) as Delegate;
yield return InjectionInfo.Create(
f => rawAction = f
void fixedContructor(object inst)
SetMemberValue(targetMember, inst, GetContainerInst(memberType));
rawAction.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke").Invoke(rawAction, new[] { inst });
// inject get method
var propertyInfo = targetMember as PropertyInfo;
var fixingMethod = s_MetaMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(targetType, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
yield return InjectionInfo.Create(
propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true),

static TRet MetaGet<T, TRet>(T _) where T : class where TRet : class
return GetContainerInst(typeof(TRet)) as TRet;

static TRet StaticMetaGet<TRet>() where TRet : class
return GetContainerInst(typeof(TRet)) as TRet;

static object GetContainerInst(Type type)
return ServiceContainer.Get(type);

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