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Transgene.ace dumper
Located on tazendra: /home/postgres/work/citace_upload/transgene/use_package.pl
creates :
transgene.ace (which is overwritten every time)
cron job runs Thursdays 6am and gets the file gets picked up by spica at 8am into\\ /home/citace/Data_for_citace/Data_from_Karen (changed from Data_from_Wen)
Log into [email protected] Change write access of CitaceMinus in passwrd.wrm of wpsec Launch CitaceMinus to read in transgene.ace $ ssh -X [email protected] #access to citpub in X windows enviroment $ cd CitaceMirror/CitaceMinuc/wspec #go to wspec dir on CitaceMinus $ vi passwd.wrm # opens access file for CitaceMinus, change citace to citpub to gain edit authorization $ cd /home/citpub/CitaceMirror/citace $ cminus #launches CitaceMinus Click Edit, if you do not see the edit button, you did not fix passwrd.wrm correctly Look at all gene objects, look for weird names, make sure you correct them both in postgres as well as in the transgene.ace.
Changes to dumper
- to capture Historical Gene information, to delineate and fix genes that have been merged, split, or killed. The transgene.ace dumper now perform the following:
- read postgres table gin_dead
- Dead -> labels as dead
- merged_into WBGene -> labeled as merged
- split_into -> labels as split
when printing the .ace tags for these tables : trp_gene , trp_threeutr , trp_driven_by_gene
- merged -> moves gene to historical_gene + prints remark AND gene <gene></gene> Inferred_automatically
- dead -> moves gene to historical_gene + prints remark
- split -> moves gene to historical_gene + prints remark AND adds error message, does not dump line
- normal ones -> just tag + value
many changes to the script to add WBTransgeneID and a merge function to invalidate duplicate objects
1. add WBTransgeneID -8 digits
- needed to create IDs to deal with Expr_Ex constructs being created by the expression pattern curator\\
- changed model to incorporate Public_name tag to store all real names or transgene curator created names. This table needs to be dumped with the tag 'Public_name'
- Expr_Ex names need to be moved to/appended to Synonym
- all Expr_Ex objects from the expression_pattern OA will be transferred to the transgene OA as a new transgene object with its own WBTransgeneID
this function is needed to deal with duplicate transgene objects, in some cases, the expression pattern curator is unaware of the presence or name of an associated transgene object before one is created. During the course of transgene curation, the transgene curator may find that an Expr_Ex object already exists under known public name, in which case this function will allow for the invalidation of the duplicate object.
- All relevant information will be merged manually
- All curators that annotate their data type with transgenes will need to run a validation script before the citace dump to make sure any merging did not delete an object in their OA
- the dump script should not dump objects that have been merged into other objects.
- Move all current transgene names to Public_name tables (trp_name)
create new public name field / table : /home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/transgene/20120826_publicname_mergedinto/create_datatype_tables.pl backup trp_name and copy to new trp_publicname psql testdb COPY trp_name TO '/home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/transgene/20120826_publicname_mergedinto/trp_name.pg COPY trp_name_hst TO '/home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/transgene/20120826_publicname_mergedinto/trp_name_hst.pg COPY trp_publicname FROM '/home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/transgene/20120826_publicname_mergedinto/trp_name.pg COPY trp_publicname_hst FROM '/home/postgres/work/pgpopulation/transgene/20120826_publicname_mergedinto/trp_name_hst.pg
- Generate transgene IDs for trp_name :
- Transfer other OA data from names to IDs :
- Transfer the dumper package to :
- Transfer to tazendra, from mangolassi sandbox, the new version of
Cron job dumps tables every Wednesday at 4am to,br/>
/home/acedb/public_html/karen/ which is symlinked to original folders on tazendra :
transgene.ace -> /home/acedb/karen/transgene/transgene.ace
new path for making transgene.ace: /home/postgres/work/citace_upload/transgene/use_package.pl
One cronjob on spica:
0 8 * * thu /home/citace/cronjobs/getPhenoteTransgene.pl
puts 6 files at /home/citace/Data_for_citace/Data_from_Karen
- change dump cron job to Wed morning, spica still calls it at 8am on Thursday
- fix source of allele codes for obo_laboratory, URL for the lab-allele designations
on tazendra /home/acedb/wen/phenote_transgene/transgene_dump_ace.pl
changing cron job for dump to Wednesday morning. Pick up by spica still on Thursday at 8.
dumps transgene postgres table on a weekly cron job, every Thursday morning at 6:00 am and deposits file on citace
switched from dumping from phenote to dumping from the OA table starting WS219
constraints = lines will not be dumped if there is no Summary or Remark data
# dump phenote transgene .ace data. # set cronjob for 6 am fridays for spica to pick it up 2008 10 14 # # a lot of fields are now multiontology / multidropdown, and need to be split on "," # while others still need to be split on | because they're just text with pipes # manually entered. # added restriction that it must have summary OR remark (for Karen) 2010 08 26 # # dump Gene tags as multiontology. 2010 09 27 # # changed trp_location to trp_laboratory trp_reference to trp_paper # trp_integrated_by to trp_integration_method . # removed trp_movie and trp_picture . # added trp_rescues to dump. # added trp_reporter_type . # added extra single-tag lines for some name and reporter_type. 2011 05 17 # # 0 6 * * fri /home/acedb/wen/phenote_transgene/transgene_dump_ace.pl use strict; use diagnostics; use Jex; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect ( "dbi:Pg:dbname=testdb", "", "") or die "Cannot connect to database!\n"; my $directory = '/home/acedb/wen/phenote_transgene'; chdir($directory) or die "Cannot go to $directory ($!)"; my $date = &getSimpleDate(); my $outfile = 'transgene.ace.' . $date; open (OUT, ">$outfile") or die "Cannot open $outfile : $!"; my $outfile2 = 'transgene.ace'; open (OU2, ">$outfile2") or die "Cannot open $outfile2 : $!"; my @tables = qw( name summary driven_by_gene reporter_product other_reporter gene integration_method particle_bombardment strain map map_paper map_person marker_for marker_for_paper paper person reporter_type rescues remark species synonym driven_by_construct laboratory objpap_falsepos ); my %allele_to_lab; # get mapping of allele codes to lab codes from obo table my $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM obo_data_laboratory WHERE obo_data_laboratory ~ 'allele_code';" ); $result->execute() or die "Cannot prepare statement: $DBI::errstr\n"; while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { my ($allele_code) = $row[1] =~ m/allele_code: (\w+)/; $allele_to_lab{$allele_code} = $row[0]; } my %hash; foreach my $table (@tables) { my $result = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM trp_$table ORDER BY trp_timestamp;" ); $result->execute() or die "Cannot prepare statement: $DBI::errstr\n"; while (my @row = $result->fetchrow) { if ($row[0]) { $hash{$table}{$row[0]} = $row[1]; } } } # foreach my $table (@tables) foreach my $joinkey (sort keys %{ $hash{name} }) { next if ($hash{objpap_falsepos}{$joinkey}); # skip fail entries 2010 08 26 next unless ($hash{name}{$joinkey}); # skip deleted ones without name 2008 10 30 next unless ( ($hash{summary}{$joinkey}) || ($hash{remark}{$joinkey}) ); # skip unless it has either summary or remark (for Karen) 2010 08 26 print OUT "Transgene : $hash{name}{$joinkey}\n"; print OU2 "Transgene : $hash{name}{$joinkey}\n"; if ( ($hash{name}{$joinkey} =~ m/[a-z]+Ex\d+/) || ($hash{name}{$joinkey} =~ m/WBPaper\d+_Ex\d+/) ) { &printTag('Extrachromosomal'); } if ($hash{summary}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Summary', $hash{summary}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{driven_by_gene}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Driven_by_gene', $hash{driven_by_gene}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{reporter_product}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Reporter_product', $hash{reporter_product}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{other_reporter}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Reporter_product', $hash{other_reporter}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{gene}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Gene', $hash{gene}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{integration_method}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Integration_method', $hash{integration_method} {$joinkey}); &printTag('Integrated'); } if ($hash{particle_bombardment}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Particle_bombardment', $hash{particle_bombardment} {$joinkey}); } if ($hash{strain}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Strain', $hash{strain}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{map}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Map', $hash{map}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{map_person}{$joinkey}) { &printTag("Map_evidence\tPerson_evidence", $hash{map_person}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{map_paper}{$joinkey}) { &printTag("Map_evidence\tPaper_evidence", $hash{map_paper}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{marker_for}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Marker_for', $hash{marker_for}{$joinkey}, $joinkey); } if ($hash{paper}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Reference', $hash{paper}{$joinkey}); } # if ($hash{person}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Person', $hash{person}{$joinkey}); } # tag not in model yet if ($hash{reporter_type}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Reporter_type', $hash{reporter_type}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{rescues}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Rescue', $hash{rescues}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{remark}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Remark', $hash{remark}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{species}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Species', $hash{species}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{synonym}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Synonym', $hash{synonym}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{driven_by_construct}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Driven_by_construct', $hash{driven_by_construct} {$joinkey}); } # if ($hash{movie}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Movie', $hash{movie}{$joinkey}); } # if ($hash{picture}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Picture', $hash{picture}{$joinkey}); } if ($hash{laboratory}{$joinkey}) { &printTag('Laboratory', $hash{laboratory}{$joinkey}); } # normal case else { if ($hash{name}{$joinkey} =~ m/^([a-z]+)[A-Z]/) { my $allele_name = $1; # get allele code from transgene name if ($allele_to_lab{$allele_name}) { &printTag('Laboratory', $allele_to_lab{$allele_name}); } # get laboratory from mapping if exists else { print "$hash{name}{$joinkey} has neither laboratory nor allele to lab mapping\n"; } } } # warn if there's no laboratory print OUT "\n"; print OU2 "\n"; } # foreach my $joinkey (sort keys %{ $hash{name} }) close (OUT) or die "Cannot close $outfile : $!"; close (OU2) or die "Cannot close $outfile2 : $!"; sub printTag { my ($tag, $data, $joinkey) = @_; my @data = (); if ($data) { if ( ($tag eq 'Gene') || ($tag eq 'Driven_by_gene') || ($tag eq 'Reporter_product') || ($tag eq 'Map') || ($tag eq "Map_evidence\tPerson_evidence") || ($tag eq "Map_evidence\tPaper_evidence") || ($tag eq 'Laboratory') || ($tag eq 'Reference') || ($tag eq 'Person') ) { $data =~ s/^"//; $data =~ s/"$//; (@data) = split/\",\"/, $data; } else { (@data) = split/ \| /, $data; } foreach my $data (@data) { $data =~ s/\"//g; $data =~ s/\n/ /g; # replace all newlines with spaces 2010 10 29 $data =~ s/ / /g; # replace all double spaces with single spaces 2010 10 29 print OUT "$tag\t\"$data\"\n"; print OU2 "$tag\t\"$data\"\n"; if ($tag eq 'Marker_for') { if ($hash{marker_for_paper}{$joinkey}) { &printTag( "Marker_for\t\"$data \"\tPaper_evidence\t", $hash{marker_for_paper}{$joinkey}) ; } } } } else { print OUT "$tag\n"; print OU2 "$tag\n"; } } # sub printTag