My boilerplate for admin console
- install volta
# if your unix user
curl | bash
- install pnpm
volta install pnpm
- install direnv
# if you use mac
brew install direnv
- allow direnv
cp .sample.env .env \
direnv allow .
npx playwright install
pnpm install
if you use vscode, you can install extensions below.
- ESlint
- Prettier
dev server
- run
pnpm dev
- dev server is running by turbopack
- run
docker compose
- run
pnpm run
- container is build and run by docker compose
- WARNING: is not run hot reload
- can check build available
- WARNING: is not run hot reload
- container is build and run by docker compose
- run
- graphql-codegen create typescript code by graphql schema.
- to generate, run
pnpm codegen
- to generate, run
pnpm test:unit
- use vitest for unit test
- vitest read src/*.test.ts, and run unit test.
- use vitest for unit test
pnpm test:e2e
- use playwright for e2e test
- playwright read e2e/*.spec.ts, and run e2e test.
- use playwright for e2e test
- Chakra UI
- see:
- Chakra UI is not support RSC(Rect Server Component)
- so, when render Chakra UI component, you need to RCC(React Client Component)
- Chakra UI Template help you