(Work In Progress)
DWS Common Data Model is based on Common Data Model () published by Microsoft.
The Common Data Model standard defines a common language for business entities covering, over time, the full range of business processes across sales, services, marketing, operations, finance, talent, and commerce and for the Customer, People, and Product entities at the core of a company's business processes. The goal of CDM is to enable data and application interoperability spanning multiple channels, service implementations, and vendors. CDM provides self-describing data (structurally and semantically), enabling applications to easily read and understand the data.
The CDM is undergoing a specification effort driven by Microsoft and the documents published are continuously being iterated upon.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
DWS Common Data Model DWS Common Data Model defines a meta data system that defines shape, schema andn traits of data (Entities, Attributes, Relations, and Traits); So that Applications and systems with DWS have common data schema.
- Enables data standardization among application and offerings that are built using Microsoft Power Platform
Common Data Model (CDM) Schema
The Common Data Model is a declarative specification, and definition of standard entities that represent commonly used concepts and activities across business and productivity applications, and is being extended to observational and analytical data as well. CDM provides well-defined, modular, and extensible business entities such as Account, Business Unit, Case, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Product, as well as interactions with vendors, workers, and customers, such as activities and service level agreements. Anyone can build on and extend CDM definitions to capture additional business-specific ideas.
There are two ways to consume the information in this repository:
- DWS CDM Schema Explorer
- DWS CDM Visual Entity Navigator for interactively exploring entities, entity extensions/inheritance, attributes, and relationships
Note1: Using Entity Navigator from Private/Internal Repository If hosted on public repos, the Entity Navigator can fetch the manifest directly. When it is hosted on internal/private repository, follow below step to navigate Entities.
Step 1 : clone githib repo. for ex. below clones testpilot repo from 'kyndryl-dws-oc' Org.
From the clonned folder, Find the the directories /schemaDocuments/DigitalWorkplaceServices
Step 2 : Select Manifest When you Open the Entity Navigator ( abover #2 link), click "Load from Files"
select DigitalWorkplaceServices; and select the manifest of your interest( defalut for ex.)
Please refer to Microsoft CDM(Referred Below) for details.
Refer Microsoft Common Data Model Git hub Repository for more details.
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