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Connectivity Service K8s Operator

Release to Kyma

  1. Release Operator image
    1. Bump the version in cfg/xmake.cfg
    2. Trigger the Jenkins release job
    3. Wait until the image is created in SAP artifactory. As that could take some time, execute docker pull to check if the image is available
  2. Make the image available in external repository
    1. Contact Tsvetan in order to upload the newly released image to an external image repository: ""
  3. Make a change in Kyma module manifests project
    1. Checkout the module manifest repository and create a branch for the change
    2. Choose a channel from the directory for Connectivity Proxy module on which the change should be made. For newly introduced changes, preferably make changes only on the experimental channel. Note that dev channel isn't supposed to be enabled by users, so changes shouldn't really be made there
    3. Bump the "version" property in module-config.yaml
    4. Adjust main container image of the Operator Deployment manifest, located in the connectivity-proxy.yaml file. For example in the experimental channel it's here
    5. If needed, adjust the Connectivity Proxy CRD, which is located in the same file as the Operator Deployment
    6. If needed, adjust the Connectivity Proxy default CR located in the connectivity-proxy-default-cr.yaml file. For example in the experimental channel it's here


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