Dcache is a simple library to implement application caching in dart
inspired by gcache
- Supports expirable Cache, LFU, LRU.
- Support eviction
- Automatically load cache if it doesn't exists. (Optional)
- Async loading of expirate value
- Callback for evicted items to perform cleanup (Optional)
import 'package:dcache/dcache.dart';
void main() {
Cache c = new SimpleCache(storage: new SimpleStorage(20));
c.set("key", 42);
print(c.get("key")); // 42
print(c.containsKey("unknown_key")); // false
print(c.get("unknown_key")); // nil
import 'package:dcache/dcache.dart';
void main() {
Cache c = new SimpleCache(storage: new SimpleStorage(20), onEvict: (key, value) {value.dispose();});
c.set("key", 42);
print(c.get("key")); // 42
print(c.containsKey("unknown_key")); // false
print(c.get("unknown_key")); // nil
import 'package:dcache/dcache.dart';
void main() {
Cache c = new SimpleCache<int, int>(storage: new SimpleStorage(20))
..loader = (key, oldValue) => key*10
print(c.get(4)); // 40
print(c.get(5)); // 50
print(c.containsKey(6)); // false
- mail : [email protected]
- github : http://github.com/platelk
- twitter : https://twitter.com/kevinplatel