Simple Installation of OpenBLAS instruction and Test Code
To Install OpenBLAS
Define Your installation location.
mkdir ~/openblas_installation cd ~/openblas_installation
Clone openblas repo
git clone git:// cd OpenBLAS
Build OpenBLAS
make FC=gfortran make install PREFIX=~/openblas_installation/OpenBLAS/
Add configuration to your .bashrc file
vim .bashrc
add the following lines to the end:
export BLAS_HOME="~/openblas_installation/OpenBLAS" export BLAS_INC=${BLAS_HOME}/include/ export BLAS_LIB=${BLAS_HOME}/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${BLAS_HOME}/lib/
Verify you have g++ installed with
whereis g++
chmod +x && ./