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Personal solutions and notes for LeetCode problems in C++

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Personal solutions and notes for LeetCode problems in C++. More problems will be updated.

Table of Content

0. Acknowledgement

1. Data Structure

1.1 Graph

  • Related Algorithm:

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    207 Course Schedule Medium O(V+E) O(V+E)

1.2 Hash Table

  • Time Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(1) O(n)
    Search O(1) O(n)
    Insert O(1) O(n)
    Delete O(1) O(n)
    Rehash O(n) O(n)

    Note: Rehashing cost is amortized to O(1) over individual inserts

  • Container in C++

    Container Header
    std::unordered_map <unordered_map>
    std::unordered_multimap <unordered_map>
    std::unordered_set <unordered_set>
    std::unordered_multiset <unordered_set>
  • Related Algorithm: Rabin–Karp String-searching Algorithm

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    1 Two sum Easy O(n) O(n)
    30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Hard O(m*n) O(m)
    36 Valid Sudoku Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
    49 Group Anagrams Medium O(nlogn) O(n)
    76 Minimum Window Substring Hard O(m+n) O(n)
    128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Medium O(n) O(n)
    139 Word Break Medium O(m*n) O(m+n)
    146 LRU Cache Medium O(n) O(n)
    187 Repeated DNA Sequences Medium O(n) O(2^n)
    207 Course Schedule Medium O(V+E) O(V+E)
    217 Contains Duplicate Easy O(n) O(n)
    290 Word Pattern Easy O(MIN(m,n)) O(m+n))
    347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium O(n) O(n)
    349 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy O(n) O(n)
    383 Ransom Note Easy O(m+n) O(n)
    451 Sort Characters By Frequency Medium O(nlogn) O(n)
    560 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium O(n) O(n)
    621 Task Scheduler Medium O(n) O(n)
    705 Design HashSet Easy O(1) O(n)
    763 Partition Labels Medium O(n) O(n)
    767 Reorganize String Medium O(n) O(n)
    819 Most Common Word Easy O(n) O(n)
    827 Making A Large Island Hard O(n^2) O(n^2)
    904 Fruit Into Baskets Medium O(n) O(n)

1.3 Heap

1.3.1 Binary Heap

  • Time Complexity

    Average Worst
    Create O(n) O(n)
    Push O(logn) O(logn)
    Pop O(logn) O(logn)
    Sort O(nlogn) O(nlogn)
  • Procedure

    Step Procedure
    Create 1 Put all the items into a complete binary tree.
    2 Starting at the rightmost array position that has a child, percolate down all nodes in reverse level-order.
    Push 1 Insert new item as the rightmost leaf of the tree.
    2 Percolate up newItem to an appropriate spot in the heap to restore the heap property.
    Pop 1 Save the root to be returned.
    2 Move the item in the rightmost leaf of the tree to the root.
    3 Percolate down the recently moved item at the root to its proper place to restore heap property.
    Sort 1 Initialize a min heap with all the elements to be sorted.
    2 Repeatedly call pop to extract elements out of the heap.
  • Conatiner in C++: std::priority_queue

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard O(nlogk) O(k)
    295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard O(logn) O(n)
    313 Super Ugly Number Medium O(nlogk) O(n)

1.4 Linked List

  • Time Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(n) O(n)
    Search O(n) O(n)
    Insert O(1) O(1)
    Delete O(1) O(1)
  • Related Methodology: 2.8 Slow & Fast Pointers

  • Container in C++

    Container Header
    std::list <list>
    std::forward_list <forward_list>
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard O(nlogk) O(k)
    24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium O(n) O(1)
    25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard O(n) O(1)
    86 Partition List Medium O(n) O(1)
    109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
    114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium O(n) O(1)
    142 Linked List Cycle II Medium O(n) O(1)
    148 Sort List Medium O(nlogn) O(logn)
    160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy O(m+n) O(1)
    234 Palindrome Linked List Easy O(n) O(1)
    328 Odd Even Linked List Medium O(n) O(1)
    382 Linked List Random Node Medium O(n) O(1)
    705 Design HashSet Easy O(1) O(n)

1.5 Queue

  • Time Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(n) O(n)
    Search O(n) O(n)
    Insert O(1) O(1)
    Delete O(1) O(1)
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    200 Number of Islands Medium O(m*n) O(m*n)
    207 Course Schedule Medium O(V+E) O(V+E)
    225 Implement Stack using Queues Easy O(n) O(n)
    297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard O(n) O(n)
    827 Making A Large Island Hard O(n^2) O(n^2)
    933 Number of Recent Calls Easy O(n) O(n)
    993 Cousins in Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)

1.6 Stack

  • Time Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(n) O(n)
    Search O(n) O(n)
    Insert O(1) O(1)
    Delete O(1) O(1)
  • Container in C++

    Container Header
    std::stack <stack>
  • Related Methodology: Monotonic Stack

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    20 Valid Parentheses Easy O(n) O(n)
    32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard O(n) O(n)
    71 Simplify Path Medium O(n) O(n)
    84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Hard O(n) O(n)
    173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium O(n) O(n)
    200 Number of Islands Medium O(m*n) O(m*n)
    224 Basic Calculator Hard O(n) O(n)
    385 Mini Parser Medium O(n) O(n)
    402 Remove K Digits Medium O(n) O(n)
    682 Baseball Game Easy O(n) O(n)
    726 Number of Atoms Hard O(n) O(n)
    739 Daily Temperatures Medium O(n) O(n)
    907 Sum of Subarray Minimums Medium O(n) O(n)
    946 Validate Stack Sequences Medium O(n) O(n)
    1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Easy O(n) O(n)
    1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Medium O(n) O(n)
    2104 Sum of Subnumsay Ranges Medium O(n) O(n)

1.7 String

1.8 Binary Tree

  • Related Methodology

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    99 Recover Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    100 Same Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
    102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
    105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
    113 Path Sum II Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
    114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium O(n) O(1)
    124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard O(n) O(n)
    173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium O(n) O(n)
    226 Invert Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
    230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium O(n) O(n)
    235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard O(n) O(n)
    572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
    993 Cousins in Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)

1.8.1 AVL Tree

  • Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(logn) O(logn)
    Search O(logn) O(logn)
    Insert O(logn) O(logn)
    Delete O(logn) O(logn)

1.8.2 Binary Search Tree (BST)

  • Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(logn) O(n)
    Search O(logn) O(n)
    Insert O(logn) O(n)
    Delete O(logn) O(n)
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    99 Recover Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
    173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium O(n) O(n)
    230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium O(n) O(n)
    235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)

1.8.3 K-D Tree

  • Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(logn) O(n)
    Search O(logn) O(n)
    Insert O(logn) O(n)
    Delete O(logn) O(n)

1.8.4 Red-black Tree

  • Container in C++

    Container Header
    std::map <map>
    std::multimap <map>
    std::set <set>
    std::multiset <set>
  • Complexity

    Average Worst
    Access O(logn) O(logn)
    Search O(logn) O(logn)
    Insert O(logn) O(logn)
    Delete O(logn) O(logn)

1.9 Union-Find Disjoint Set (UFDS)

Title Difficulty Time Space
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Medium O(n) O(n)

2. Methodology

2.1 Backtracking

Title Difficulty Time Space
46 Permutations Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
47 Permutations II Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
78 Subsets Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)
113 Path Sum II Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
491 Increasing Subsequences Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)

2.2 Divide and Conquer

Title Difficulty Time Space
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Medium O(nklogk) O(logk)
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
100 Same Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
113 Path Sum II Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium O(n) O(n)
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard O(n) O(n)
148 Sort List Medium O(nlogn) O(logn)
226 Invert Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard O(n) O(n)
572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy O(n) O(n)

2.3 Dynamic Programming

Title Difficulty Time Space
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
28 Implement strStr() Easy O(m+n) O(m)
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard O(n) O(n)
62 Unique Paths Medium O(m*n) O(1)
139 Word Break Medium O(m*n) O(m+n)
313 Super Ugly Number Medium O(nlogk) O(n)
322 Coin Change Medium O(m*n) O(m)
718 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Medium O(m*n) O(MAX(m,n))
1444 Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza Hard O(m*n*MAX(m,n)*k) O(m*n*k)

2.4 Greedy

Title Difficulty Time Space
45 Jump Game II Medium O(n) O(1)
402 Remove K Digits Medium O(n) O(n)
621 Task Scheduler Medium O(n) O(n)
763 Partition Labels Medium O(n) O(n)

2.5 Mathematical Optimization

Title Difficulty Time Space
62 Unique Paths Medium O(MIN(m,n)) O(1)
169 Majority Element Easy O(n) O(1)
187 Repeated DNA Sequences Medium O(n) O(2^n)
229 Majority Element II Medium O(n) O(1)
268 Missing Number Easy O(n) O(1)
382 Linked List Random Node Medium O(n) O(1)

2.5.1 Bit Manipulation

  • Related Methodology

    • Bit Encoding (optimize space)
    • Double XOR (cancel out)
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    187 Repeated DNA Sequences Medium O(n) O(2^n)
    268 Missing Number Easy O(n) O(1)

2.5.2 Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm

  • Goal: Given an array of size $n$, find all majority elements that appear more than $\lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor$ times.

  • Procedure

    • At most $k-1$ majority element in ${A_1, A_2,..., A_n}$ can appear more than $\lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor$ times:
      • Initialize $k-1$ candidates ${C_1, C_2,..., C_{k-1}}$
      • Initialize $k-1$ vote count ${V_1, V_2,..., V_{k-1}}$
    • For $A_i$ in ${A_1, A_2,..., A_n}$, do:
      • if any $C_j$ equals $A_i$, increase $V_j$ by 1
      • else if any $V_j$ equals $0$: update $C_j$ to $A_i$ and set $V_j$ to 1
      • else if no candidate equals $A_i$, decrease every vote by 1
    • For $C_i$ in ${C_1, C_2,..., C_{k-1}}$, do:
      • Count occurrence of $C_i$ in ${A_1, A_2,..., A_n}$
      • if occur more than $\lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor$ times, add to output
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    169 Majority Element Easy O(n) O(1)
    229 Majority Element II Medium O(n) O(1)

2.5.3 Reservoir Sampling

  • Goal: Select $k$ entries from $n$ options ${X_1, X_2,...,X_n}$. For any $n\ge k$, each entry is selected with same probability $P(X_i)=\frac{k}{n}$.

  • Procedure

    • Choose ${X_1, X_2,..., X_k}$ first and put them into the reservoir
    • For $i\in [1,n-k]$, do:
      1. Pick $X_{k+i}$ with probability $P(X_{k+i})=\frac{k}{k+i}$
      2. If $X_{k+i}$ is picked, randomly replace an entry in the reservoir with same probability

    Note: See Section 3: Proof of Reservoir Sampling in resources page for detailed proof

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    382 Linked List Random Node Medium O(n) O(1)

2.6 Prefix Sum/Product

Title Difficulty Time Space
152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium O(n) O(1)
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium O(n) O(n)
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium O(n) O(n)

2.7 Search

Title Difficulty Time Space
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium O(logn) O(1)
35 Search Insert Position Easy O(logn) O(1)
46 Permutations Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
47 Permutations II Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
78 Subsets Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)
99 Recover Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
113 Path Sum II Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium O(n) O(1)
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium O(logn) O(1)
200 Number of Islands Medium O(m*n) O(m*n)
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium O(n) O(n)
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard O(n) O(n)
491 Increasing Subsequences Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)
704 Binary Search Easy O(logn) O(1)
827 Making A Large Island Hard O(n^2) O(n^2)
993 Cousins in Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)

2.7.1 Binary Search

  • Complexity

    Time Space
    Iterative O(logn) O(logn)
    Recursive O(1) O(logn)
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium O(logn) O(1)
    35 Search Insert Position Easy O(logn) O(1)
    153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium O(logn) O(1)
    704 Binary Search Easy O(logn) O(1)

2.7.2 Breadth First Search (BFS)

  • Related Data Structure

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium O(n) O(n)
    200 Number of Islands Medium O(m*n) O(m*n)
    993 Cousins in Binary Tree Easy O(n) O(n)

2.7.3 Depth First Search (DFS)

  • Related Data Structure

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    46 Permutations Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
    47 Permutations II Medium O(n*n!) O(n*n!)
    78 Subsets Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)
    99 Recover Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(logn)
    113 Path Sum II Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
    114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium O(n) O(1)
    230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium O(n) O(n)
    235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Medium O(n) O(n)
    297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard O(n) O(n)
    491 Increasing Subsequences Medium O(n*2^n) O(n*2^n)
    827 Making A Large Island Hard O(n^2) O(n^2)

2.8 Slow & Fast Pointers

Title Difficulty Time Space
142 Linked List Cycle II Medium O(n) O(1)
148 Sort List Medium O(nlogn) O(logn)
234 Palindrome Linked List Easy O(n) O(1)

2.9 Sorting

  • Complexity: See Section 1.3: Sorting Algorithm in resources page for more details

  • Algorithm in C++

    Algorithm Header
    std::nth_element <algorithm>
    std::sort <algorithm>
  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard O(nk*logk) O(logk)
    49 Group Anagrams Medium O(nlogn) O(n)
    56 Merge Intervals Medium O(nlogn) O(n)
    88 Merge Sorted Array Easy O(m+n) O(m+n)
    148 Sort List Medium O(nlogn) O(logn)
    207 Course Schedule Medium O(V+E) O(V+E)
    347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium O(n) O(n)
    451 Sort Characters By Frequency Medium O(nlogn) O(n)
    726 Number of Atoms Hard O(n) O(n)
    767 Reorganize String Medium O(n) O(n)
    1846 Maximum Element After Decreasing and Rearranging Medium O(nlogn) O(1)

2.10 Two Pointers

  • Related Algorithm

  • LeetCode Problem

    Title Difficulty Time Space
    3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium O(n) O(n)
    11 Container With Most Water Medium O(n) O(1)
    15 3Sum Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
    16 3Sum Closest Medium O(n^2) O(n^2)
    28 Implement strStr() Easy O(m+n) O(m)
    30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Hard O(m*n) O(m)
    75 Sort Colors Medium O(n) O(1)
    76 Minimum Window Substring Hard O(m+n) O(n)
    88 Merge Sorted Array Easy O(m+n) O(m+n)
    152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium O(n) O(1)
    167 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Medium O(n) O(1)
    475 Heaters Medium O(m+n) O(1)
    763 Partition Labels Medium O(n) O(n)
    904 Fruit Into Baskets Medium O(n) O(n)
    917 Reverse Only Letters Easy O(n) O(1)
    977 Squares of a Sorted Array Easy O(n) O(n)


Personal solutions and notes for LeetCode problems in C++







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