A minimal, dark blue theme for Neovim and lightline.vim, ported from halcyon-vscode.
This theme works best under the halcyon-iterm iTerm2 theme, but without that it's still a decent Neovim theme by itself if you have a terminal with 256 colour support. Note that this theme does not support Vim. Works well with nvim-treesitter.
Using vim-plug. It's very important that you have set termguicolors
in the init file or the colours won't render properly.
Plug 'kwsp/halcyon-neovim'
colorscheme halcyon
set termguicolors
This theme requires a 256 colour or true colour terminal.
In addition to the vim theme, a minimal lightline.vim theme is provided. Add the following line to your .vimrc
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'halcyon',
\ }
If you are using Tmux, you may need to add the following line to your Tmux config file:
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
This theme supports transparent terminals out of the box (most of the background colours in this theme are empty) so it may not work well with a non-transparent terminal.
If you are using a terminal without opacity, setting the background colour to #1d2433
can make a big difference.