This project aims to secure the insecure communication channels within the sensor network in an autonomous vehicle using low cost hardware such as the Beaglebone Black and the Cryptocape.
To set up a new board, follow the instructions in the file BEAGLEBONE_SETUP.
After setting up the boards, run Do take note of the directories and paths of the various libraries and make the necessary changes.
On the board acting as a CA, run the following
sudo ./cagen.exe
This will generate the root certificate
To create an intermediate certificate:
- Generate a certificate signing request:
sudo ./gencsr.exe
- Send the .csr over to the CA
- On the CA, sign the CSR:
sudo ./signcsr.exe
For communication, each board should have the root certificate and the intermediate certificate of the other board which it wants to communicate with.
##Running the Protocol
- On the receiving board (board connected to CPU), run
sudo ./b.exe
- On the sending board (board connected to sensors), run
sudo ./a.exe
Note: b.exe must be running for a.exe to work.