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Kwadroke of "The Wired edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 21 revisions

Keyboard, Joystick & Mouse in game controls.
For editing maps, read more here


Key/Mouse/Joystick Action Configurable/Hard Coded
W Move Forward Configurable
S Move Backward Configurable
A Turn Legs Left Configurable
D Turn Legs Right Configurable
P Power toggle for repairs Configurable
L Loadout screen Configurable
R Toggle First Person & Third Person Views Configurable
U Use item (for Spawn Point) Configurable
Left-Control Fire Weapon Configurable
1 Select Torso Weapon Configurable
2 Select Left Arm Weapon Configurable
3 Select Right Arm Weapon Configurable
Enter Chat Hard Coded
Shift + Enter Team chat Hard Coded
Tab Show scoreboard Hard Coded
~ Toggle console Hard Coded
F12 Screenshot Hard Coded
Mouse Up Look Up Hard Coded
Mouse Down Look Down Hard Coded
Mouse Left Turn torso left Hard Coded
Mouse Right Turn torso right Hard Coded
Left mouse button Fire Weapon Hard Coded
Right mouse button Change View Point Hard Coded
Middle mouse button Use item (for Spawn Point) Hard Coded
Mouse Scroll Wheel Select Weapon Hard Coded

Future Keys

Work in Progress (Coming Soon)

Key Action
M Toggle Large Map
O Override Shutdown

In Planning

Key Action
?? Zoom
?? Eject
?? Turn Torso Left
?? Turn Torso Right
?? Turn Torso Up
?? Turn Torso Down

Joystick Controls

Work in Progress

Hard Coded

Joystick Action
Analog Axis 0 Look Up & Down
Analog Axis 1 Look Side to Side
Button 0 Fire
Button 1 ?
Button 2 Weapon Select Up
Button 3 Weapon Select Down
Button 4 ?
Button 5 ?
Button 6 ?
Button 7 ?
Button 8 ?
Button 9 Power Down
Button 10 ?
Button 11 Power Toggle
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