Containerized Linstor Storage easy to run in your Kubernetes cluster.
⚠️ This project currently unmaintainedI decided join forces over creation the union solution for running LINSTOR on Kubenretes, and contribute missing features of this chart to upstream project: piraeus-operator.
If you want to upgrade, you can easily switch between them, see #53 (comment) for more details.
Dockefiles continue maintaining in Deckhouse project.
Image | Latest Tag |
linstor-controller | |
linstor-satellite | |
linstor-csi | |
linstor-stork | |
linstor-ha-controller |
- Working Kubernetes cluster (
or higher). - DRBD9 kernel module installed on each satellite node.
- PostgeSQL database / etcd or any other backing store for redundancy.
- Snapshot Controller (optional)
Kube-Linstor consists of several components:
- Linstor-controller - Controller is the main control point for Linstor. It provides an API for clients and communicates with satellites for creating and monitoring DRBD-devices.
- Linstor-satellite - Satellites run on every node. They listen and perform controller tasks, and operate directly with LVM and ZFS subsystems.
- Linstor-csi - CSI driver provides compatibility level for adding Linstor support for Kubernetes.
- Linstor-stork - Stork is a scheduler extender plugin for Kubernetes which allows a storage driver to give the Kubernetes scheduler hints about where to place a new pod so that it is optimally located for storage performance.
NOTE: Commands below provided for Helm v3 but Helm v2 is also supported.
You can usehelm template
instead ofhelm install
, this is also working as well.
Create linstor
kubectl create ns linstor
Install Helm repository:
helm repo add kvaps
Install stolon chart:
# download example values curl -LO # install release helm install linstor-db kvaps/stolon \ --namespace linstor \ -f linstor-db.yaml
NOTE: The current example will deploy stolon cluster on your Kubernetes-master nodes
NOTE: In case of update your stolon add
--set job.autoCreateCluster=false
flag to not reinitialisate your cluster. -
Create Persistent Volumes:
helm install data-linstor-db-stolon-keeper-0 kvaps/pv-hostpath \ --namespace linstor \ --set path=/var/lib/linstor-db \ --set node=node1 helm install data-linstor-db-stolon-keeper-1 kvaps/pv-hostpath \ --namespace linstor \ --set path=/var/lib/linstor-db \ --set node=node2 helm install data-linstor-db-stolon-keeper-2 kvaps/pv-hostpath \ --namespace linstor \ --set path=/var/lib/linstor-db \ --set node=node3
must match the PVC's name and namespace of your database,node
should match exact node name.Check your PVC/PV list after creation, if everything right, they should obtain Bound status.
Connect to database:
kubectl exec -ti -n linstor sts/linstor-db-stolon-keeper -- bash PGPASSWORD=$(cat $STKEEPER_PG_SU_PASSWORDFILE) psql -h linstor-db-stolon-proxy -U stolon postgres
Create user and database for linstor:
Install kube-linstor chart:
# download example values curl -LO # install release helm install linstor kvaps/linstor --version 1.14.0 \ --namespace linstor \ -f linstor.yaml
NOTE: The current example will deploy linstor- and csi-controllers on your Kubernetes-master nodes and satellites on all nodes in the cluster.
The satellite nodes will register themselves on controller automatically by init-container.
You can get interactive linstor shell by simple exec into linstor-controller pod:
kubectl exec -ti -n linstor deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor interactive
Refer to official linstor documentation to define storage pools on them and configure resource groups.
This chart enables SSL encryption for control-plane by default. It does not affect the DRBD performance but makes your LINSTOR setup more secure.
If you want to have external access, you need to download certificates for linstor client:
kubectl get secrets --namespace linstor linstor-client-tls \
-o go-template='{{ range $k, $v := .data }}{{ $v | base64decode }}{{ end }}'
Then follow official linstor documentation to configure the client.
Piraeus Operator is the operator that powers Piraeus, LINBIT's official Software Defined Storage (SDS) solution for Kubernetes. The dependencies of Kube-Linstor and Piraeus Operator are mostly shared, as both projects aim to create and administer LINSTOR clusters, but there are some differences in methodology and features:
- Kube-Linstor aims to be simple to operate, with less built-in logic for more straight-forward administration. To achieve this goal Kube-Linstor installs via a simple Helm chart, and installs primarily Kubernetes-native resources (Deployments, DaemonSets, etc).
- Piraeus Operator relies heavily on a Custom Resource Definition-driven approach to bootstrapping pieces of infrastructure like the Linstor-Server (satellites, etc) itself. With Piraeus Operator you create CRDs that manage the creation of Kubernetes-native resources
- Kube-Linstor directly contains the Deployments, DaemonSets and other Kubernetes-native resources as necessary
- Both Piraeus Operator and Kube-Linstor offer offers automatic configuration of nodes, storage pools and other LINSTOR-related resources. Where Piraeus Operator accomplishes this with CRDs, Kube-Linstor uses simple shell script with template helpers integrated into the Helm chart
- Piraeus Operator offers automatic DRBD9 Kernel Module Injection Image. Kube-Linstor expects the DRBD9 kernel module to pre-installed on all nodes.
- This project under Apache License
- linstor-server, drbd and drbd-utils is GPL licensed by LINBIT
- linstor-csi under Apache License by LINBIT
- stork under Apache License