Transactron is a library for Amaranth HDL which makes designing complex digital designs easier. It is inspired by Bluespec and its concept of guarded atomic actions. A Transactron circuit consists of a number of atomic transactions, which represent single cycle state changes in a circuit. A transaction might depend on different circuit submodules via methods, which represent actions which can be performed by a circuit. Transactron ensures that transactions are only performed when the used methods are ready for execution and are not simultaneously used by a different, higher priority transaction. This mechanism allows constructing circuits which are easily composable and insensitive of latencies.
The library is in alpha stage of development, but is already well tested because it serves a foundation for the Coreblocks out-of-order RISC-V CPU.
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Copyright © 2022-2024, University of Wrocław.
This project is three-clause BSD licensed.