apiVersion: vaultproject.io/v1
kind: SecretClaim
name: test
namespace: default
path: kv2/sandbox/consent
kv: v2
will create secret with same name
create vault policy file policy.hcl:
path "kv1/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
path "kv2/data/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
create policy from file:
vault write sys/policy/kube-vault-controller [email protected]
create periodic renewable token for this policy:
vault token create -policy=kube-vault-controller -display-name=kube-vault-controller -period=720h -renewable
then install kube-vault-controller
helm upgrade --install \
kube-vault-controller oci://ghcr.io/kupnu4x/helm/kube-vault-controller:1.2.0 -n kube-system \
--set vaultAddr=https://vault.addr:port/ \
--set vaultToken=<token>
(token will be auto renewed via kube-vault-controller)
Usually, CustomResourceDefinitions are installed by helm chart and you don't need to install them manually.
If anyway for some reason you want install them manually:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kupnu4x/kube-vault-controller/1.2.0/helm/crd/crd.yaml
then install helm with createCRD: false