To get started, make sure you have Terraform and AWS CLI installed. If you don't, please navigate to to get Terraform installed and to to get AWS CLI installed.
The first thing to do is to ensure that you are logged into your account. Run:
aws configure
to get started. Enter your Access Key ID, Secret Key and us-west-2 for the default region.
Then, run the command
to create the backend store bucket for the Terraform scripts in S3 in your AWS Account. You only need to run this command the very first time you run Terraform - if the bucket already exists (this Terraform script has run once), then you can skip this step.
Next, you just run the Terraform commands:
cd ec2_instances/infrastructure && terraform init
to initialize the Terraform scripts. Once that finishes, you can run
terraform plan
to plan out the deployment and finally
terraform apply -auto-approve
to apply the deployment plan.
Once you've deployed your resources, you can navigate to the console (specifically EC2 in this case) to check on them. If the apply worked, you should see the resources in the Management Console.
Finally, to log in to your EC2 instance, make sure that you have the private key and public key for the EC2 instance saved somewhere. Make sure that the private key NEVER leaves your computer. Once you have the keys, you can run
ssh -i "Allix5EvaluationKey.pem" [email protected]
to log into the EC2 instance.
Please reach out to [email protected] for help.