SignalR based application that allows website users to light fireworks and display on all the connected site users. You can light single or multi shot using the app. There is also a button that can stimulate a crash /home/admin. Pressing the button again will make the application run again.
Source: Github
- 80
Images on Docker Hub:
- Green: kunalbabre/fireworks:green
- Blue: kunalbabre/fireworks:blue
- Red: kunalbabre/fireworks:red
- Yellow: kunalbabre/fireworks:yellow
- Trigger Single -
- Trigger Multishot -
: (optional) if you wish to scale-out you can provide connection string for Redis or Azure SignalRAPP_COLOR
: (works with latest tag): you can specify theme color for the app (red,green, blue, yellow)
Liveness -
- returns HTTP 200 if the application is alive
- returns HTTP 400 if the application has crashed
Readiness -
- returns HTTP 200 if the application is alive
- returns HTTP 400 if the application has crashed